气象观测,meteorological observation
1)meteorological observation气象观测
1.This paper first analyzed change about the meteorological observation environment of Xinning county;and it then com- pared the up-to-date datum with historical datum and other stations datum around.本文以新宁县气象观测环境变化为典例,采用历史资料对比和与周围台站对比等方法,详细分析了城镇化发展建设对气象观测资料的影响,从影响的要素、影响的程度等几个方面得出了多条结论。
2.The basic principle and the composition of the automatic weather station were introduced,the importance of automatic weather station in the meteorological observation was described,the status of the automatic weather station at home and abroad was analyzed,future development trend of automatic weather station and weather sensor were studied.文章简要介绍了自动气象站的基本原理和结构组成,阐述了自动气象站在气象观测中的重要性,分析了国内外自动气象站的现状,研究了自动气象站和气象传感器未来的发展趋势,认为自动气象站的结构应该由集中式向分布式发展,必须改进气象传感器生产工艺,根据观测项目的需求增加传感器种类,提高气象传感器的国产化水平,尽快研制通用数据采集器以提高自动气象站的扩展性和系统开放性。
3.Firstly,the air-cooling technical status quo and the reason of developing air-cooling meteorological observation are introduced in the paper.阐述了空冷技术发展现状和开展空冷气象观测的原因,介绍了空冷气象观测站的组成、要求和观测内容,以及空冷气象参数对比分析研究的思路和方法,并对风、温度对空冷电厂的影响进行了初步分析。

1.automatic meteorological observation station自动气象观测站气象自动观测站
2.MAMOS (Marine Automatic MeteorologicalObserving Station)海洋自动气象观测
3.The meteorological observation station stands apart from the town.气象观测站在城外。
4.marine automatic meteorological observing statio海上自动气象观测台海上自动气象观测
5.Impact of Meteorological Observation Field Environment on Meteorological Elements in Jingxi County靖西县气象观测场环境变化对气象要素的影响
6.an oceangoing vessel equipped to make meteorological observations.装备来进行气象观测的远洋航行的船。
7.Analysis of the lighting accident and rectification measure in weather observation site气象观测场雷击事故分析与整改措施
8.Design of Automatic Meteorological Observing System Based on CAN基于CAN总线的自动气象观测系统设计
9.Meteorology Observation and Principle Introduction of Air-cooling Design in Air-cooling Power Plant电厂空冷设计中气象观测和分析原理
10.Analysis of Automatic Weather Observation System Temperature Pressure Standard Measurement Uncertainty浅析自动气象观测系统温度、气压标准测量不确定度的评定
11.Remote Real-Time Supervising Platform for Automatic Weather Station Networks气象观测站网远程实时监控平台的研发
12.a meteorological oBservation.一项气象学的观测结果
13.manned and automatic weather station有观测员兼自动气象站
14.parachute weather buoy伞降的海洋气象自动观测浮标
15.navy oceanographic and meteorological automatic device海军海洋气象自动观测发报浮筒
16.one of a networks of observation posts where meteorological data is recorded.用于记录气象数据的观测网点之一。
17.Phenological Observations on Schisandra chinensis and Impact of Meteorological Factors on Its Phenological Characteristics北五味子物候的观测及气象要素影响
18.The Relative analysis Methods of Air-cooling Meteorology contrastively observation空冷气象对比观测相关分析方法探讨

make weather observations观测气象
3)Weather observation instrument气象观测仪
4)meteorological observatory气象观测所
6)car for meteorological observation气象观测车
