河床,river bed
1)river bed河床
1.Observation and analysis of the river bed scour behind the third dam of Gutianxi;古田溪三级大坝下游河床冲刷原型观测与分析
2.This paper studied the formation of recent three strata underlying the river bed in the reaches from Taiqian of Henan to Weishan of Shandong according to the stratigraphic analysis and soil tests.通过地层分析和室内土工试验等方法,研究了黄河下游河南台前至山东位山河段近代河床下伏的三层地层的成因,研究结果表明:上部黄色砂壤土层系1855a黄河铜瓦厢发生大改道后黄河新近冲洪积沉积物;中部黑色粘土层为湖积沉积物;下部黄色壤土层系古黄河冲洪积沉积物。
3.Based on analysis about the situation of exploiting sand in recent ten years and the field data of river topography in recent thirty years in Fuyang reach of Fuchun River,the authors find that massive and irregular exploiting sand from the river bed has caused new problems.根据钱塘江富春江富阳河段近 1 0年的采砂情况和近 30年的河道实测资料分析 ,发现大规模和无序采砂使得河床严重变形 ,纵剖面形成过度下凹型形态 ,影响到河势稳定。

1.dredge a channel [harbor#疏浚河床 [港口]
2.Analysis on Vicissitude of River Bed at Section of YiLi River Super Major Bridge at Sandaohezhi Sub;三道河子伊犁河特大桥桥渡河段河床演变分析
3.A streambed filled with water only in the rainy season.只在雨季有水的河床
4.We're dredging (up) mud (from the river bed).我们正在(从河床)挖淤泥.
5.Experiment study on flood river shape and bed deformation of building large narrowing project from Yiluohe River to Jingguang railway bridge伊洛河至京广铁桥河段修建大型河道缩窄工程洪水期河势和河床河床变形试验研究
6.The Effects of the Floods on the Typical Region Evolution in the Changjiang Estuary;长江洪水对河口典型河段河床演变的影响
7.They' re drilling a new tunnel under the Thames.在泰晤士河河床下钻凿一条新隧道.
8.As the sampler is dragged along the bed, it collects a sample from the top layer of bed material.取样器沿河底拖动,收取表层河床质。
9.Analysis of River Bed Stability in Jing Jiang Reach of Yangtze River and Conditions for Port Construction靖江河段河床稳定性与建港条件分析
10.A river rolls the stones along its bed.河水把河床里的石头冲得翻滚而下。
11.Study on fluvial process of Wuhua river in Meijiang recent 30 years梅江五华河近30年河床演变的研究
12.Adjustment mechanism on the erosion and accretion of riverbed in the Jiaojiang Estuary in Zhejiang Province,China近70a来椒江河口河床冲淤调整机理
13.A deposit of gold ore in an old riverbed.富金砂矿古河床里的金砂矿床
14.Rivers are drying up: the Yellow river now flows to the sea for only a few weeks a year.河床渐渐干枯:黄河每年只有几周时间不断流。
15.Sometimes the water spread like a sheen over the pebbly bed.有时河水泛流在圆石子的河床上,晶莹发光。
16.(2) Building structures within river channel or on river beaches without approval;(二)未经批准在河床、河滩内修建建筑物的;
17.The Research and Application of the Ring Width of Downinfiltration of the River Water of the Infiltration Well on the River Bed河床渗井河水下渗环形宽度的研究与应用
18.Bed Evolution Analysis for Shiping-Yumenkou Section Waterw ay of Yellow River North Main Stream黄河北干流石坪至禹门口段航道河床演变分析

1.Research and Implementation of Dynamic Updating and Spatial Analysis of Yangtze River Riverbed;长江河床动态更新及空间分析的研究与实现
2.Author especially mentions the application of soundless breaking agent to break rock in riverbed to ensure the safety and reliability of construction.对玉门沟油库穿越河床段输油管道从施工准备到施工方法上进行了详细论述 ,并对施工的整个过程由修筑临时道路到管道沟槽开挖。
3.According to the calculation results of general erosion of riverbed of bridge,this paper analyzes the impact of the main parameters in the formula to general erosion,gives the scope of application and defects of that formula,and proposes a suggestion on determination of general erosion depth.根据桥位河床的一般冲刷计算成果,分析计算公式中主要参数对一般冲刷的影响,指出公式的适用范围和不足,提出确定一般冲刷深度的建议。
1.Measurement in situ of streambed hydraulic conductivities in the Platte River, Nebraska;美国内布拉斯加州普拉特河河床沉积物渗透系数的现场测定
2.Measurement of streambed hydraulic conductivity and anisotropy analysis;河床水力传导度及其各向异性的测定
4)canal bed运河河床
5)The bed of a stream or river.河床,河槽
6)river bed河床床面
1.Influence on infiltration ditch water intake from the change of river bed condition;河床床面冲淤变化对渗渠产水量的影响
