1.Effect of Wenshen Yangxue decoction on nitric oxide and endothelin in ovariectomized rat model;温肾养血汤对去势雌性大鼠ET和NO的影响
2.Objective:To investigate the effects of eye acupuncture on learning disorder and dysmnesia,blood serum calcitonin gene-related peptide and endothelin in the rats with vascular dementia.目的:探讨眼针对血管性痴呆(VD)大鼠学习记忆障碍及血清中降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)及内皮素(ET)的影响。
3.The levels of Gastrin(Gas) and Endothelin(ET) in rat s blood were measured by radioimmunoassay.方法:建立脾虚、肝郁和湿热证CAG证病结合模型,并以中药干预,采用放射免疫法观察不同证型CAG模型鼠血胃肠激素胃泌素(Gas)和内皮素(ET)的水平。

1.Method for 2-tuple linguistic group decision making based on the ET-WG and ET-OWG operators基于ET-WG和ET-OWG算子的二元语义群决策法
2.Evaluation of IVF-ET outcome by measuring the level of NO,VEGF and ET-1 in follicular fluid卵泡液NO、VEGF、ET-1水平与IVF-ET妊娠结局关系探讨
3.Correlative Factors on Multiple Gestation in In-vitro Fertilization and Embyo Transfer;IVF-ET中多胎妊娠发生的相关因素分析
4.Relationship between Infections of CT or UU and Treatment Outcome of IVF-ET;CT、UU与IVF-ET治疗结局的相关性研究
5.The Effect of Phototherapy on Blood ET、NO in Preterm Infants and Clinical Significance;光疗对早产儿血ET、NO影响及临床意义
6.The Mechanisms of no and ET in Acute Lung Injury PUP RAT Model;NO和ET在幼鼠急性肺损伤中的机制研究
7.Modulation of Hypoxia on Endothelin-1 Expression;低氧对内皮素1(Endothelin-1,ET-1)的调节
8.Research for the ET-LOTOS-Based Embedded Software Component Composition;基于ET-LOTOS的嵌入软构件组装研究
9.Study of the Ecological Water Demand in Haihe Basin Based on the Evapotranspiration;基于遥感ET的海河流域生态需水研究
10.Effect of Exercise on Plasma vWF,ET Concentration in Rat;运动对大鼠血浆vWF和ET的影响
11.Correlation factors of the preterm delivery after IVF-ETIVF-ET后妊娠早产的相关因素分析
12.Study of MEMS ET OFDM PA of high efficiency基于MEMS开关的ET OFDM高效率PA设计
13.The application of 71 cases natural cycle in vitro fertilization and embryo transfe71例自然周期IVF-ET技术临床应用分析
14.Influence of Different Starting Time of Ovulation Induction on IVF-ET不同促排卵启动时机对IVF-ET的影响
15.The changes of endothelin-1 and nitric oxide levels in varicose veins in the lower extremities下肢曲张静脉组织ET-1和NO含量的变化
16.Implementation of ET-12864AV1 LCD Module Based on D89C52X2基于P89C52X2实现ET-12864AV1液晶显示
17.The relationship of the number of embryo transferred and IVF-ET outcome胚胎移植的数量和IVF-ET结局的关系
18.Influence of Ovarian Response to Pregnancy Outcome in IVF-ET卵巢反应性对IVF-ET妊娠结局的影响

IVF embryo transferIVF ET
3)EuroMETEuroM ET
4)ET hard segmentsET硬段
5)E_T(30) dyeET(30)染料
6)ET materialET材料

(一) (Sanguisorba officinalis L.)蔷薇科植物。(二)Radix Sanguisorbae 地榆或长叶地榆[S. officinalis L. var. longifolia (Bert.) yüet Li]的干燥根分子式:CAS号:性质:苦、酸、涩,微寒。主要含地榆糖苷I、地榆糖苷Ⅱ、白桦脂酸、山香醇酸糖苷R1、没食子酸、没食子酰葡萄糖、地榆皂素等。具有凉血止血,解毒敛疮,增强烧、烫伤及伤口的愈合,抗病原微生物,抗炎,增强免疫功能,止泻,抗溃疡,保肝,镇吐,抑制中枢神经系统,抗氧化等作用。用于便血,痔血,血痢,崩漏,水火烫伤,痈肿疮毒等症。配伍:与无加配伍可“填精补髓,延年益寿”。毒副作用:四肢无力,呼吸困难,抽搐。