1.Exploration, Exploitation and Utilization of Nonmetallic Mineral Resources for Building Material in Leshan, Sichuan;四川乐山建材非金属矿产资源的勘查与开发利用前景
2.Comparison study on seven emotion and life events among patients of Singapore,Chengdu and Leshan;新加坡、成都及乐山中医门诊七情背景及事件的比较研究
3.Development of Eco environment Construction of Urban Soil and Water Conservation in Leshan City;乐山市城市水土保持生态环境建设进展

1.Dragon Boat Festival at Leshan乐山龙舟会多姿多彩
2.Cemetery of Revolutionary Martyrs at Geleshan, Chongqing重庆歌乐山烈士陵园
3.Leshan Municipality Made Achievements in Foreign Economic Cooperation and Foreign Trade Promotion乐山,与世 界牵起手来 ——乐山市外经贸发展掠影
4.Salt Market Check in the Leshan City乐山“盐官”风采独有——乐山市盐政市场稽查
5.Philosopy Flavour for Intelligent Person Loves Waters and Benevolence Person Likes Mountains;“知者乐水,仁者乐山”的哲学韵味
6.I decided to go and see the big Buddha in leshan and Mount Emei.我决定去参观乐山大佛和峨嵋山。
7.Planning and Managing of Leshan Giant Buddha-Emei Mountain Scenic Area;乐山大佛—峨眉山景区的规划与管理
8.A visitor stands in the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha statue in Leshan, China.图为一个旅游者站在中国乐山乐山大佛的脚下。
9.First, we went to Leshan, where we climbed all the way up the mountain to see the Buddha.首先,我们去了乐山,我们径直爬上山顶去看大佛。
10.Explorative Study of the Telecommunications in the Scenic Spots of Mount Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha and Suggestions of Counter-measures峨眉山──乐山大佛景区通信调研及对策建议
11.The mountains echoed with the sound of music.群山充满音乐的回响。
12.Shanxi Leda Bio-chemistry Co., Ltd.山西乐达生化有限公司
13.About the Historical Facts and the Evaluation on Sangeshe s Musical Activities;国立音乐院“山歌社”音乐活动述论
14.Zhou yi The elegant poesies of Taishan Mountain:The lost books in Yongle Dadian;《泰山雅詠》:——《永乐大典》中的泰山佚书
15.Wish the scientific undertakings of Shandong and China more prosperous every day!请欣赏山东民族乐团演奏的鼓乐:《龙腾虎跃》!
16.Understanding of the Musical Characteristics of the Yiyang Tune in the Music of the Magician Taoism in the Dragon-Tiger Mountain;龙虎山天师道音乐中的弋阳腔音乐特征浅析
17.Looking at the Change of Musical Instrumental Suspension System of Zhou Dynasty from Musical Archeology Discoveries in Shandong Province;从山东音乐考古发现看周代乐悬制度的演变
18.The Governor visits the Mount Ali Forest Recreation Area in Alishan Township.省长于阿里山乡参观阿里山森林游乐区

Leshan Grand Buddha乐山大佛
1.Assessing the Tourism Value of Tourism Resources of Leshan Grand Buddha;乐山大佛旅游资源的国内旅游价值评估
2.A study on weathering processes of Leshan Grand Buddha,Sichuan,China;四川乐山大佛风化的初步探讨
3.Study on the Characteristics of Leshan Grand Buddha s Domestic Tourists Market;乐山大佛景区的国内客源市场特征管窥
3)Leshan sichuan四川乐山
1.Research on "Green Core" of Urban Planning—— Taking the Plan of "Green Core" in Leshan;城市“绿心”规划研究——以乐山市城市“绿心”规划为例
2.Analysis on Sports Tourism Resources Potentiality of Leshan;乐山市休闲体育旅游资源的潜质分析
3.Measuring Awareness and Benefit Appeals of Tourism Stakeholders in Leshan City, China;利益主体(Stakeholder)理论在区域旅游规划中的应用——以四川省乐山市为例
5)Harmonize to Mountain and river融山乐水
6)Gele Mountains of Chongqing歌乐山
1.Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Services in Gele Mountains of Chongqing City;重庆市歌乐山森林系统生态服务功能价值评估
