1.Analysis on the Actuality of Water Resources Utilization and Its Future Prediction in Zhangye City,Gansu Province;张掖市水资源利用现状及未来趋势预测
2.Evaluating of water-saving society establishment in Zhangye City;张掖市节水型社会建设试点指标评价
3.Comparative study on winemaking cultivars of grape in Zhangye Prefecture,Gansu Province;甘肃张掖地区酿酒葡萄品种比较试验

1.Meteorological Condition Analysis and Yield Prediction of Chinese Cabbage in Zhangye Prefecture张掖大白菜气象条件分析与产量预报
2.Studied on Introduction and Drought Resistance of Atriplex Canescens in Zhangye City;张掖市四翅滨藜引种抗旱适应性研究
3.The Study of the Countermeasure of the Dehydrated Vegetable Industry Development in ZhangYe County;张掖市脱水蔬菜产业发展对策的研究
4.The Investigation and the Study of the Quality of the Headmasters of Junior High School of ZhangYe.;张掖市初中校长素质问题的调查研究
5.Input-Output Analysis of Water Consumption in Zhangye;张掖市国民经济用水的投入产出分析
6.An Evaluation of a Water-saving Society--Taking Zhangye City for Example;节水型社会建设评价——以张掖市为例
7.Prediction of land use of Hexi Oasis based on Markov mode;基于Markov过程的张掖绿洲土地利用预测
8.Investigation and analysis of property right of collective land in villages of Zhangye city;张掖市农村集体土地产权调查与分析
9.Complementary Report of Zhangye Region Butterflies and the Characteristics of Vertical Distribution;张掖地区蝶类的补报及垂直分布特点
10.Present utilization states and sustainable development of water resources in Zhangye County;张掖市水资源利用现状与可持续开发
11.Study on Marketing Channel Change Measure of the Zhangye Tobacco Company张掖烟草公司营销渠道改进对策研究
12.A Thinking of Development and Protection of Zhangye Ancient City张掖古城的历史考述与保护开发思考
13.The Murals of Big Buddhist Temple in Zhangye:The Derivatives of Journey to the West张掖大佛寺取经壁画应是《西游记》的衍生物
15.The Research on the Effect Evaluation of Water Saving and Conservation Society in Zhangye;张掖市节水型社会建设效果后评价研究
16.Study on Tomato Stem Rot Caused by Rhizoctonia Solani and Its Controlling Measures in Zhangye District;张掖市番茄茎基腐病及其防治技术研究
17.Moo-cow Property Development Pattern in Zhangye s Irrigated Farming Belt;张掖市灌溉农业区肉牛产业发展模式研究
18.Discussion and Research on Theoretics and Practices of Conversion Cropland to Forestland in Zhangye;张掖市退耕还林工程理论与实践探讨研究

1.Development Dynamic and Management Strategies of Land Desertification during 1987~2001 in Zhangye City;张掖市1987~2001年土地荒漠化发展动态及治理对策
2.Based on AHP to Study the Ecological Function of Wetland in Zhangye,Gansu;基于层次分析法的张掖市湿地生态功能研究
3.Investigation and Application of Urban Street Trees in Zhangye,Gansu;甘肃张掖市城市行道树种的调查及应用研究
3)Zhangye city张掖市
1.Comprehensive Evaluation on Urban Environmental Quality in Arid Area of Northwest China Based on Matter Element Model——A Case Study of Zhangye City in Hexi Corridor;基于物元模型的西北干旱区城市环境质量综合评价——以河西走廊的张掖市为例
2.Discuss on Countermeasures of Desertification Soil of Zhangye city;张掖市荒漠化土地治理对策探讨
3.The Rural Labor Force Migration on the Base of Water Resource Carrying Capacity in the Inland River Basin——A Case of Zhangye City in Heihe River Basin;基于水资源承载力的内陆河流域农村劳动力转移研究——以黑河流域张掖市为例
4)Zhangye oasis张掖绿洲
1.Research on the Landscape Pattern of Zhangye Oasis in the Middle Reaches of Heihe River;黑河流域中游张掖绿洲景观格局研究
2.Constraints and Countermeasures of Oasis Agriculture Sustainable Development in Arid Area——Taking Zhangye oasis as an example;干旱区绿洲农业可持续发展的制约因素与对策——以对张掖绿洲的分析为例
3.Study on the Temporal and Spatial Changes and the Driving Factors of the Cultivated Land in Zhangye Oasis;张掖绿洲耕地资源时空变化与驱动要素研究
5)Zhangye region张掖地区
1.Using data of the annual mean,the maximum,and the minimum temperature from 6 weather stations in Zhangye region from 1970 to 2004,climatic tendency rate,moving mean,Mann-Kendall,wavelet analysis,the spatial and temporal patterns of the climatic change in this region were analyzed.利用张掖地区6个气象站1970~2004年月平均气温、月平均最高、最低气温资料,采用气候倾向率、滑动平均、Mann-Kendall、小波分析等方法对张掖地区近35年的气候变化特征进行分析。
2.The faunal composition of zhangye region butterflies were surveyed from 2000 to 2002.在张掖地区总共采集到蝶类8科81种,根据世界及中国昆虫地理区划,其中东洋古北共有17种,占21%,古北种64种,占79%,古北种占绝对优势。
3.In Zhangye region, there exist not only the problems of the water shortage and year after year of environment deterioration, but also the regional surplus of agricultural products and disadvantage of grain growing.张掖地区不仅水资源日趋短缺,生态环境逐年恶化,而且农产品出现区域性过剩,粮食生产已无明显的优势可言。
6)Zhangye Prefecture张掖地区
1.STUDY ON ASSESSMENT OF THE ECOLOGICAL SECURITY IN THE CONTINENTAL WATERSHEDS IN NORTHWEST CHIAN -A Case Study at the Middle Reaches of Heihe River Watershed, Zhangye Prefecture;西北内陆河流域生态安全评价研究——以黑河流域中游张掖地区为例
2.Analysis on Marginal Revenues Model of Water Resource Spacial Balanced Allocation ——Take Zhangye Prefecture as a Case;基于边际效益的水资源空间动态优化配置研究——以黑河流域张掖地区为例
3.Driving Factors of Land Use Change in the Heihe River: Case Study of Zhangye Prefecture;黑河流域土地利用变化的影响因素——以张掖地区为例

张掖张掖Zhangye  弓城,位于户米,题,南卜米,、回、鼎六西晋西魏后改手。元清设成立地带约60要峰〕O米大山}6 16位于县大卯侯。冬{溢,流出山丹充人季多[iJ气Zhangye张掖(zhangye)中国历史文化石河西走廊军事重镇,地区行署所在地。甘肃省河西走廊中部,东南距武威236“西北距酒泉227千米,;比邻巴丹古林沙之靠祁连山。辖8镇、14乡,面积3 023平方二人口48.14万(2000)。居民有汉、裕固、藏蒙古等民族,其中汉族占人口总数98叹 汉初为乌孙、月氏驻牧地。西汉元年(公元前111),置张掖郡。三国时属魏。属凉州。十六国时期,北凉曾建都于此。改称甘州。隋改张掖郡。唐初复置甘州,张掖郡,其后又改置甘州。西夏设宣化万改置甘肃路,后改甘州路。明为甘州卫。甘州府。民国初,属甘凉道。1949年9月张掖专区,1985年改县为市(县级)。 地处青藏高原与内蒙古高原交会的坳陷平原,海拔1 474米。距市区以南千米的祁连山脉,呈东南西北走向,主岭终年积雪,冰川广布,平均海拔在43以上。龙首山位于市区东北20千米与东相连,呈东南一西北走向,海拔1 600一:米,为市区北部天然屏障。祁连山梨园口市区以西42千米。东南1 10千米处的日_!月-黄山老军寨川谷地段,扼走廊东部交通川市南95千米处的民乐县祁连山扁都}J感扼张掖至西宁交通孔道。黑河经鹰落峡祁连山,经过市区西钡」北流,相继汇人河、梨园河等支流,下游称弱水,向北居延海。属温带大陆性干旱气候。春凤,光照充足,昼夜温差大。年平均气温二7.6℃。1月平均气温一10.2℃,7月平嫉 ┌─┐ │鹭│┌──┬┴─┤│姗瞬│骊耐│└──┴──┘瓣的瀑蜘鳃张掖市区温21.4℃。年平均降水量104一495毫洲作物有小麦、玉米、水稻、胡麻、葵花半瓜子、甜菜及各种豆类。矿藏有铁、锰大理石、钾盐等。工业有电力、机械、侧建材、纺织、造纸、制糖、酿酒、食品加部门。兰州一乌鲁木齐铁路、公路横区,张掖一西宁公路纵穿祁连山。 历史上张掖是南北交通的“龙城(王庭)古道”与东西交通的“丝绸之路交会点,也是河西走廊中段军事重镇。