乐山市,Leshan city
1)Leshan city乐山市
1.A Preliminary Report on Investigation of Bamboo Diseases and Pests in Leshan City, Sichuan Province;四川乐山市竹林主要病虫害调查初报
2.Evaluation on the Quantity of the Cultivated Land in Leshan City乐山市耕地资源数量安全评价
3.A Preliminary Report on Investigations of Bamboo Pests in Leshan City,Sichuan Province四川乐山市竹林主要病虫害调查初报

1.Salt Market Check in the Leshan City乐山“盐官”风采独有——乐山市盐政市场稽查
2.Leshan Municipality Made Achievements in Foreign Economic Cooperation and Foreign Trade Promotion乐山,与世 界牵起手来 ——乐山市外经贸发展掠影
3.Study on Modern Swine Production and Development of Swine Industry in Leshan;现代养猪业与乐山市养猪业发展研究
4.Dynamic Monitoring of Eco-environment Based on Remote Sensing Technology in Leshan;四川省乐山市生态环境遥感动态监测
5.Research on Holiday Sports in Leshan City of Sichuan;对四川省乐山市假日体育活动的研究
6.Analysis on Sports Tourism Resources Potentiality of Leshan;乐山市休闲体育旅游资源的潜质分析
7.Analysis of AIDS Epidemic in Leshan City During 1997-20081997-2008年乐山市艾滋病的流行特征分析
8.Image Promotion of Ecotourism Destination in Leshan City乐山市生态旅游目的地形象提升探讨
9.Primary survey on rat-shape mammals at the washland of the "Three-rivers" in Leshan city乐山市“三江”河漫滩鼠形动物初步调查
10.Ecological Capacity of Land-use in Jinkouhe District,Leshan City乐山市金口河区土地生态承载力分析
11.A Preliminary Report on Investigations of Bamboo Pests in Leshan City,Sichuan Province四川乐山市竹林主要病虫害调查初报
12.Assessment of Agricultural Land Intensive Use-Taking Leshan Area for Example农用地集约利用评价——以乐山市为例
13.It is 250 kilometers away from provincial capital Chengdu, 110 kilometer away from Leshan center municipal district.景区距省会成都250公里、乐山市市中区110公里。
14.The Analysis and Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Urban Ecological Environment in Leshan City;乐山市城市生态环境可持续发展能力评价分析
15.The Establishment and Application of Leshan City's Urban Geo-Environmental Database四川省乐山市城市环境地质数据库建模及应用
16.Research on Housing Consuming Behavior of Residents in Leshan乐山市城市居民住房消费行为调查研究
17.Study on the Water Pollution Control for Mangxi River Valley in Leshan City;乐山市茫溪河流域水污染防治初步研究
18.A Study on HIV/AIDS Related Behavioral Interventions for Male Clients of Sexual Workers in Leshan City;乐山市艾滋病男性高危人群行为干预研究

1.Research on "Green Core" of Urban Planning—— Taking the Plan of "Green Core" in Leshan;城市“绿心”规划研究——以乐山市城市“绿心”规划为例
2.Analysis on Sports Tourism Resources Potentiality of Leshan;乐山市休闲体育旅游资源的潜质分析
3.Measuring Awareness and Benefit Appeals of Tourism Stakeholders in Leshan City, China;利益主体(Stakeholder)理论在区域旅游规划中的应用——以四川省乐山市为例
3)Nanshan peasants hotels in Chongqing重庆市南山农家乐
1.Exploration, Exploitation and Utilization of Nonmetallic Mineral Resources for Building Material in Leshan, Sichuan;四川乐山建材非金属矿产资源的勘查与开发利用前景
2.Comparison study on seven emotion and life events among patients of Singapore,Chengdu and Leshan;新加坡、成都及乐山中医门诊七情背景及事件的比较研究
3.Development of Eco environment Construction of Urban Soil and Water Conservation in Leshan City;乐山市城市水土保持生态环境建设进展
5)Mirages of the Huanshan Hill《山市》
1.Mirages of the Huanshan Hill and his other prose works composed on the path of Huanshan Hill are the concentrated expression of Pu Songling’s Huanshan complex which mirrors his vain struggle for imperial examination and his miserable life as well as his hard spiritual life and his detached mentality in his declining years.奂山地处淄博市淄川区城西北,是蒲松龄赴济乡试和去王村授徒的必经之路,《山市》及奂山道上的诸多咏吟浓缩为他浓浓的奂山情结,具体表现为:科考失意的慰藉和人生快乐的凭依;心路历程的定格与人生艰难的慨叹;超然心境的写照与人已暮年的皈依。
6)Leshan Grand Buddha乐山大佛
1.Assessing the Tourism Value of Tourism Resources of Leshan Grand Buddha;乐山大佛旅游资源的国内旅游价值评估
2.A study on weathering processes of Leshan Grand Buddha,Sichuan,China;四川乐山大佛风化的初步探讨
3.Study on the Characteristics of Leshan Grand Buddha s Domestic Tourists Market;乐山大佛景区的国内客源市场特征管窥
