1.Overview of Earthquake Emergency Response for Wen′an M5.1 Earthquake;河北文安5.1级地震应急工作总结
2)safety culture安全文化
1.Method and program of building safety culture system in the architectural construction enterprises;建筑施工企业安全文化体系建立的方法与程序
2.On the safety culture construction of architectural construction enterprise;浅谈建筑施工企业安全文化建设
3.On the construction of safety culture in the coal enterprises;煤炭企业安全文化建设研究

1.Strengthening the Infiltration of the Safety Concept and Constructing Characteristic Safety Culture强化安全理念渗透 构建特色安全文化
2.Improve Enterprise Safety Management Level by the Safety Culture Forces in Enterprise;以安全文化力提升企业安全管理水平
3.About the Relation between Enterprise Safety Culture and Safety at Work;浅谈企业安全文化与安全生产的关系
4.Explore the Corporate Safety Culture,Safety Production Enterprise探索企业安全文化、实现企业安全生产
5.Safety Culture Needs Ecological Environment“我要安全”与构建安全文化的“生态环境”
6.The Origin of Safety Culture and the Contemporary Situation of Safety Cultural Studies and Its Construction in China;安全文化缘起及国内安全文化研究建设现状
7.A Study to Metallurgy Enterprises Safety Culture Evaluation Based on Safety Checklist;基于安全检查表的冶金企业安全文化评价研究
8.To Strengthen the Construction of Coal Mine Security Culture To Improve the Safety Management;加强煤矿安全文化建设 促进安全管理水平提高
9.Mode Research on Education of Public Safe Culture and Building of Safe Community;公众安全文化教育与安全社区建设模式研究
10.On Safety Management & Safety Culture Establishment of Construction Enterprises Overseas境外施工企业安全管理与安全文化建设
11.On the Concept of State Safety and the Safety-Construction of a Well-off Society;国家大安全观与小康安全建设——兼论国民安全文化素质教育
12.Studies on the Cultural Safety Problems of China under the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下中国文化安全问题研究
13.The Cultural Hegemony and National Security of Globalization Era;论全球化时代的文化霸权与国家安全
14.Islamic Culture Security under the Background of Globalization;解析全球化背景下的伊斯兰文化安全
15.Cultural Security and National Interests In the Context of Globalization;全球化语境下的文化安全与国家利益
16.Higher Education and Security of National Culture under Globalization;全球化中的高等教育与国家文化安全
17.Soft Power" in the Era of Globalizatio n and Cultural Security Strategy;全球化时代的“软权力”与文化安全策略
18.Economic Globalization and Issues of China s Cultural Security;经济全球化与我国国家文化安全问题

safety culture安全文化
1.Method and program of building safety culture system in the architectural construction enterprises;建筑施工企业安全文化体系建立的方法与程序
2.On the safety culture construction of architectural construction enterprise;浅谈建筑施工企业安全文化建设
3.On the construction of safety culture in the coal enterprises;煤炭企业安全文化建设研究
3)security culture安全文化
1.Keep Sustainable Development,Building Security Culture of Coal Mine;坚持可持续发展理念 创建煤矿安全文化
2.Setting up security culture and promoting security development;建设安全文化 推进安全发展
4)safe culture安全文化
1.It is necessary for China's development to adhere to taking man as the foundation,cultivate the whole people's safe cultural concept,set up the principle of safety first,develop the supervising actions of the news medium,amplify laws and regulations,perfect management rules and regulations and the safe culture new idea for b.中国的发展,必须坚持以人为本,培养全民的安全文化意识,确立安全第一的原则,发挥媒体的监督作用,健全法律法规,完善管理制度,以及造福人民的安全文化新理念。
2.This paper describes the features of safe culture,defence in depth and quality assurance in safe management strategy.描述安全管理策略中安全文化、纵深防御、质量保证的特点 ,简要介绍研究反应堆安全运行管理的任务分配和管理体系 ,指出研究反应堆的安全运行管理策略应注重研究“安全文化—纵深防御—质量保证”的交互作用并遵守安全、可靠、高效和经济性的管理要求。
3.The most important factor of influencing safe culture building was leadership.探讨安全文化,预防感染,零容忍,基础设施和领导力等概念和问题;阐述积极应对预防社区和院内感染的几个非常重要的因素,第一是安全文化;第二是基础设施,最后就是领导,领导是支柱。
5)Wen'an county文安县
1.Non-public forestry, the vital component part of non-public economy, shows very vigorous vital force and energy to guide the development of forestry in Wen′an county in the latest years.非公有制林业作为非公有制经济的重要组成部分,近年来在文安蓬勃发展,展现了极其旺盛的生机和活力,已经成为一股引领文安县林业发展的新生力量。
2.Forestry construction and environment conservation is the vital approach for realizing sustainable development in Wen′an county.林业建设和生态环境保护是实现文安县可持续发展的重要途径,通过对文安县生态环境建设和保护现状的分析,总结出了制约其可持续发展的主要因素,并针对这些问题提出了相应的15点解决对策以促进文安县林业建设和生态环境保护健康持续的进行。
3.The article discusses the urgency, superiority and also the basic conditions for the forestry sustainable development in Wen′an county.论述了文安县林业可持续发展的迫切性和发展优势,以及文安县林业可持续发展的基础条件,并在此基础上,从生态环境建设目标、产业发展目标、社会发展目标3个方面,论证了文安县林业可持续发展的定位。
6)civilized safety文明安全
