构造柱,constructional column
1)constructional column构造柱
1.Experimental studies on seismic behavior of concrete perforated brick walls with constructional columns;带构造柱混凝土多孔砖墙体的抗震性能试验研究
2.Behavior analysis of the composite wall including RC constructional column with cantilever beam by ANSYS;带外挑梁构造柱组合墙结构的ANSYS分析
3.The function of constructional column with brick-concrete structure in the calculation with PKPM software;砖混结构的构造柱在PKPM软件计算中的作用

1.Quality defects of structuring pole construction in brick & concrete structure and handling method浅谈砖混结构构造柱施工质量缺陷及处理方法
2.Application of Reinforced Concrete Structure Colum to Brickwork Structure钢筋混凝土构造柱在砖砌体结构中的应用
3.Study on the applied technology of steel pipe constructional column in brick structure钢管构造柱在砌体结构中的应用技术研究
4.Study on construction quality control of constructional column in multi-storey masonry building保证多层砖混结构楼房构造柱施工质量的研究
5.Through analyzing on character, action and quality of multi-layer brick mixing structure post, the prevetion measures for preventing the disease of the post are given.通过对多层砖混结构构造柱的性能、用、工质量的分析,给出了构造柱过程质量通病的防治措施。
6.Research on Effects of Rigidity of Beam or Column on Behavior of R.C Constructional Column with Cantilever Beam;梁、柱刚度变化对挑梁下R.C构造柱受力性能的影响研究
7.Aseismic technical specification for multi-storey masonry building with reinforced concrete tie columns设置钢筋混凝土构造柱多层砖房抗震技术规程
8.the Set of the Anti-Earthquake Construction Post Of 7degree Area Multi layer Concrete House7度区多层砖混房屋钢砼抗震构造柱的设置
9.Earthquake-Resistance Performance Researching of Brick Wall with Structure Column, Ring Girder and Horizontal Ribs;带构造柱圈梁水平配筋砖墙的抗震性能研究
10.Problems in construction of peripheral tie beam and structural pieers;圈梁与构造柱在施工中应注意的几个问题
11.Research about set and apply Structural concrete columns in masonry structure of tier building多层住宅砖混房屋设计中构造柱设置及应用
12.Construction quality control of reinforced concrete structural column of multistory brick-concrete buildings多层砖混房屋钢筋混凝土构造柱施工质量控制
13.Disease of Engineering quality and prevention measures of multi-layer brick mixing structure post多层砖混结构构造柱的工程质量通病及防治措施
14.an upright in house framing.房屋构造中的一种柱子。
15.Studies on New-style Isolating Structure Which is Made up of Shoring Piles and Flexible Columns;利用支护桩及柔性柱构造新型隔震结构的研究
16.Exemplified by the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic domain,the present paper has briefly described characteristics of the mantle plume tectonics,and advanced the new viewpoint of “metallogenic system controlled by mantle tectonics”.以三江特提斯成矿域为例,简述了幔柱构造特征,提出了“幔柱构造成矿体系”新观点。
17.The Design and Constructional Disposal on the Column Base Joint of Lightweight Steel Adding Story on the Top of Multistoried Building多层建筑顶部轻钢加层柱脚节点的设计与构造
18.The Study of Construction of the Steel Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints;型钢混凝土梁柱节点构造方法的试验研究

structural column构造柱
1.Pay more attention on quality of structural column;如何保证构造柱的工程质量
2.Construction quality control of reinforced concrete structural column of multistory brick-concrete buildings多层砖混房屋钢筋混凝土构造柱施工质量控制
3.Unified with the new seismic design standard,this paper introduces the design principle of space between structural column in restrictive masonry,the calculation of the seismic carrying capacity and the basic requirements of the seismic measureds taken i.结合新抗震设计规范,介绍了约束砌体中构造柱间距的设置原则及其抗震承载力的计算;各种砌体结构抗震措施的基本要求等。
3)structure column构造柱
1.This paper analyzes in detail how to make antiseismic design of build form aspects of the shape of building, structure arrangement joint of members and arrangement of the circle beam and structure column.从平立面布置和防震缝的设置、横墙的布置、楼梯间的布置及墙体间的连接、楼盖与墙体的连接、圈梁与构造柱的设置等几方面分析了如何进行砖混结构房屋的抗震设计。
2.In order to improve the earthquake-resistance performance of bonded structure, the measures by putting ring girders, structure column and horizontal ribs as well as pulling ribs into bonded structure can greatly improve the earthq.砌体结构量大面广,是地震区住宅的主要结构型式,砖墙既是承重构件,又是唯一的抗侧力构件,其材料的脆性性质,极易遭受地震损坏,为了改善砌体结构的抗震性能,砌体结构中设置了圈梁、构造柱、水平配筋及拉结筋等措施,极大地加强了砌体结构的抗震能力。
3.If add structure column and circle girder, anti-vibration strength of the structure can be improved.在砖混结构中加入构造柱和圈梁,能提高结构的抗震能力,但由于一些施工管理人员对构造柱的作用原理认识不清,施工中出现很多质量问题,使有些部位的构造柱和圈梁不但达不到抗震目的,反而影响了结构安全性。
4)construction column构造柱
1.The installing rules and quality control of construction column;建筑物构造柱的设置原则和质量控制
2.Comments on the construction quality of reinforced concrete construction column and circle beam;钢筋混凝土构造柱圈梁施工质量之我见
5)tie column构造柱
1.An experimental study on the seismic behavior of small concrete block walls confined by tie columns and beams;构造柱约束的混凝土小砌块墙体抗震性能的试验研究
2.The paper discussed some problems for seismic design and construction of multistory masonry concrete buildings which involved ground treatment,foundation design, setting of tie column and beam & construction quality Control etc.本文针对近年来多层砖混房屋抗震设计与施工中存在的一些地基处理不当、基础设计不合理、构造柱和圈梁设置不当、施工质量等问题进行了分析讨论 ,提出了有关多层砖混房屋抗震设计与施工的一些建
3.The new requirements in the design and construction of RC tie columns and main construction methods are described.本文介绍了《多层砖房钢筋混凝土构造柱抗震节点详图》修编的主要内容及其依据 ;说明了在地震区多层砖房中构造柱设计、施工的新要求和主要做法。
6)core-construction column芯柱-构造柱
