庐山,Lushan Mountain
1)Lushan Mountain庐山
1.Evaluation of Lushan Mountain water environmental quality situation by means of two indices.;两种指数对庐山水体环境质量状况的评价
2.Type Specimens Materials of Higher Plans in Lushan Mountain and Its Neardy Areas;庐山及其周边邻近地区高等植物模式标本采集资料
3.The landscape pattern changes and simulation in Lushan Mountain national Park;庐山风景名胜区景观格局动态及其模拟

1."And so I am singing a song of Lu Mountain, A song that is Born of the Breath of Lu Mountain."好为庐山谣, 兴因庐山发。
2.Mt Lushan, also named Mt Kuanglu, is located in the northern part of Jiangxi province.庐山亦名匡庐山,位于江西省北部。
4.The truth is incomprehensible to one too deeply involved to be objective.不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。
5.I see not the true face of Lushan mountain because I am in the mountain.不识庐山真真面目, 只缘身在此山中。
6.The Lushan Mountain is abundant in cultural landscape, but there were some negative effects on the ecological environment in the past decade.庐山文化景观丰富,十多年来,庐山生态环境受到了某些负面影响。
7.A Test of Protection and Reuse of Modern Architecture in the Lushan Mountain--The Planning of Villa Park in the Lushan Mountain as an Example庐山近代建筑保护和再利用的一种尝试——庐山别墅公园规划构思
8."Mountain Lushan stands beside the Southern Dipper In clouds reaching silken like a nine-panelled screen,"庐山秀出南斗傍, 屏风九叠云锦张;
9.She is now at Lu-shan sanatorium and endeavouring to pull round.她目前在庐山休养所,力图把身体养好。
10.A Discussion on the Tourism Development Value of the Patriotic Culture in Lushan Mountain庐山爱国主义文化旅游开发价值初探
11.The Tourism Exploitation of Villa-cluster Resource in Lushan Mountain庐山近代别墅群资源的旅游开发研究
12.And the early stage of the Lushan Meeting was devoted to economic work.庐山会议前期还讨论经济工作。
13.The Analysis on Environmental Factors of Forest Fire in Lushan Mountain and Counter Measures庐山森林火灾的环境因素分析及对策
14.Mt Lushan is now a world-renowned summer resort.庐山是一个驰名中外的游览避暑胜地。
15.In the depths of centuries-old forests are tucked famous scenic spots and historic sites.庐山古木参天,名胜古迹遍布峰头丘壑。
16.The Study on Tourism Modernization of Mt.Lushan (1895-1949)庐山旅游近代化研究(1895—1949)
17.The Development and Social Vicissitude of Mt. Lushan in Morden Times(1885~1937);近现代(1885~1937)庐山开发及其社会变迁
18.A Probe into Causes of the Conflict between Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai during 1959 s Mt.Lu Meeting;1959年庐山会议毛泽东、彭德怀冲突探源

1.Discussion About the Plan for Water Resources in the Resort of Lushan;关于庐山风景名胜区水资源规划的探讨
2.Grain-size Volume Fractal Features and Its Paleoenvironmental Significance for JL Red Earth Section,Lushan Area;庐山JL剖面红土粒度体积分形特征及其环境意义
3.Discussion on Ecological Packaging Strategies of Lushan Yunwu Tea;庐山云雾茶的生态包装新探
1.Dissolved aluminum forms in typical udalfs in Mt.Lushan under acid deposition;酸沉降影响下庐山森林土壤溶液铝形态分异
2.The application of the shortest path algorithm in the tourist route planning——With Mt.LuShan as an example;最短路径算法在旅游线路规划中的应用——以庐山为例
3.Study on the "Circle-Enclave" Spatial Structure of Tourist Market of World Heritage Mt.Lushan;世界遗产地庐山“圈层飞地”型旅游客源市场空间结构研究
4)Mt. Lushan庐山
1.Verifying Research on Prototype of the Peach Garden in Kangwang Valley of Mt. Lushan and Annotations on its Environmental Resources;庐山康王谷桃花源原型考略及环境资源评注
2.Dissolved organic carbon in soil solution of paludalfs udalfs in Mt. Lushan forest under impact of acid deposition;酸沉降影响下庐山森林生态系统土壤溶液溶解有机碳分布
3.A Study on the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Heritage in Mt. Lushan;庐山文化遗产的保护与利用研究
5)Mount Lushan庐山
1.Commentary on Century Planning Process of Mount Lushan;庐山百年规划历程述评和问题探讨
2.Exploitation and Operation Mode of Deep-Level Ecotourism Products on Mount Lushan;庐山深层次生态旅游产品开发运作模式
3.Early Exploitation and Architectural Activities in Mount Lushan (1895-1935);庐山早期开发及相关建筑活动研究(1895-1935)
6)Pyrrosia Sheareri庐山石韦
1.Study on the Extraction Condition of Flavonoids in Pyrrosia Sheareri;庐山石韦中黄酮的提取工艺研究
