并行效率,parallel efficiency
1)parallel efficiency并行效率
1.The computation of the model and examples showed that multilayer, twodimension and twophase model possesses higher parallel efficiency.模型及实例计算表明 ,并行化的多层二维二相模型具有较高的并行效率
2.Four flow fields of different combinations for NASA-TP1680 single-stage turbine were simulated to validate the accuracy and parallel efficiency of the parallel program.把已有的串行数值模拟程序改编成消息传递接口(MPI)下并行环境的并行数值模拟程序,模拟了基于NASA-TP1680单级透平的4种不同组合的流场,验证了并行程序的有效性和较好的并行效率
3.In this paper, we present a scheme to solve this problem, and introduce a concept of parallel efficiency for convenience of analyzing accelerating proportion.同时 ,在文中还引用了并行效率的概念 ,极大地方便了处理机的增加对加速比的影响的比较分

1.Results show that this Beowulf system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency.结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率
2.The Comparison of Parallel Efficiency Between Monte Carlo Code MCNP-Ⅱ and MCNP-5蒙特卡罗程序MCNP-Ⅱ与MCNP-5并行效率比较
3.Simple Analysis on the Efficiency Approach of Bank Merger and Acquisition浅析银行并购效率的实证分析方法
4.A Study on Efficiency of China s Commercial Bank M&A and Influencing Factors;我国商业银行并购效率及其影响因素研究
5.A Empirical Analysis on Efficiency of Bank Merger and Restructuring in China;我国商业银行并购重组效率的实证研究
6.An Empirical Study on Chinese Commercial Banks M&A and Efficiency Gains;我国商业银行并购与效率获利的实证研究
7.An Empirical Analysis of Bank Mergers and Cost Efficiency: A Comparison between SFC and DEA;银行并购与效率之分析:SFC与DEA方法之比较
8.Research of the Cross-border Banking M&A & Bank Efficiency;银行跨国并购对效率影响:理论研究与欧洲实践
9.Analysis of Software Testing Efficiency based on Multi-threaded Parallel Technology基于多线程并行技术的软件测试效率分析
10.An Efficient Architecture Method for Improving Energy Efficiency:Parallel Processing改善系统能量效率的体系结构方法:并行处理
11.A Comparative Study of M & A Efficiency Based on Different Economic Region and Different Industries基于不同经济区域与行业的并购效率比较
12.Air quality model parallel computation optimized research using 64-bit Linux platform64位Linux并行计算大气模型效率优化研究
13.Practice and Study of the Efficiency and the Portability Based on Parallel Program基于并行程序效率和通用性的实践与研究
14.This approach is very inefficient and will definitely slow down your game.这条途径的效率很低并且毫无疑问它会降低你游戏的执行速度。
15.The benefits of EFT include reduced administrative costs, increased efficiency, simplified book keeping, and greater security.电子转账还得益于减少行政开支、高效率、化簿记并且十分安全。
16.Analysis and evaluation have been made concerning the efficience and speed of the calculating program for variable order and variable step length.并对变阶变步长计算程序的效率、速度进行了一些分析、估计。
17.Research and Implementation of Concurrent Probabilistic Planning with Utility Theory;基于效用理论的并行概率规划算法的研究与实现
18.Research on the Mechanism and It s Working Efficiency of Merger and Acquisition of Enterprises;企业并购市场的作用机制分析及其运行效率考察

3)incorporation efficiency并入效率
4)Efficiency of M&A并购效率
5)Merger Efficiency合并效率
6)Parallel benefits并行效益
1.Parallel benefits of simulation algorithm are assessed by four measures including program run time,speedup,parallel efficiency and expandability.用程序执行时间、加速比、并行效率和可扩展性4个测度指标来评价算法的并行效益,并以24个交叉口组成的交通网络为例,应用设计的并行算法在不同处理器数目下进行仿真。

配置效率和生产效率  在经济学上,经济发展的动力,或者说效率的来源,分为两类:一类是配置效率,二是生产效率。所谓配置效率,是指给定资源和技术的条件下,怎么样使资源从边际生产率低的地方流向边际生产率高的地方,从而使得资源和利用更合理、社会总价值达到最大;而生产效率是指如何通过技术进步提高每一种资源的生产率,也就是把社会的生产可行性边界向外移。