1.A Stduy on the Secularization of Zen Buddhism in Perspective of the Chinese Modern Furniture Design;从我国现代家具设计看中国禅宗的世俗化
2.Socialization or Secularization——Basic problems of Buddhist Development in China Today;社会化,还是世俗化?——中国当代佛教发展的社会学审视
3.On the influence of secularization of Buddhism on literature in Nan Dynasty;论佛教的世俗化对南朝文学的影响

1.Too much concern for the good of one's own section of the community, rather than that of everybody使(某事物)现世化,世俗化
2.Religionization of Secular Conceptions and Secularization of Religious World世俗思想的宗教化和宗教世界的世俗化
3.Secularized Rise and Aesthetic Existence of the Popular Culture;大众文化的世俗化崛起与审美化生存
4.Studies on the Transformation of Indian Law Secularization;法律的宗教化与法律的世俗化—印度法律的世俗化变革研究
5.On Vulgarization Trend in Modem Literature-From the Vulgarization Tradition in Chinese Culture;从中国文化世俗化传统看当代文学的世俗化趋向
6.Hence, service in build the customs of the absolute being purpose to turn real become the customs of the human nature meaning turn.于是,服务于造神目的的世俗化真正成为人性意义上的世俗化
7.How to Go beyond the Classical Secularization Theory? On three postsecularization approaches in the sociology of religion;如何超越经典世俗化理论?——评宗教社会学的三种后世俗化论述
8.The Religion Secularization Theory of Marx and Engels--An Estimation of Berger s Desecularization Theory;马克思、恩格斯的宗教世俗化理论——兼评伯格的“非世俗化”理论
9.Sanctified secularity and secularized sacredness--comments on historical background of John Calvin's religious reformation神圣化的世俗 世俗化的神圣——兼评加尔文宗教改革的历史背景
10.Religion Secularization under the Circumstances of Modernization论现代化条件下的宗教世俗化问题
11.The most successful carvings in Dazu are recognizably human and less preoccupied with the concept of divinity.宗教之"世俗化"、"生活化"为其特色。
12.The Conflict and Harmony Between "Academic Trend" and "Secular Trend" in Universities;大学“学术化”与“世俗化”的冲突和协调
13.Secularization is Tendency of Political Culture s Development of Contemporary China;世俗化:当代中国政治文化发展之趋向
14.Mainstream of Women s Novel in the Nineties of the Twentieth Century:Vulgar and Individual;20世纪90年代女性小说的世俗化与个人化倾向
15.Secularization of XU Wei’s Poems;应时而生的诗歌世俗化——浅议徐渭诗歌的世俗内容
16.Call of Secular Life--An analysis of the secularization in Guo Shi-xing s Drama;来自世俗人生的召唤——试析过士行剧作的世俗化倾向
17.Secularizing Process and the Solution of Pariah Question印度世俗化进程与贱民问题的解决
18.The Trend of Secularization of China s Novels in the Post-new Period;后新时期小说创作的“世俗化”倾向

1.In this era of full material,the secularization of society is a tendency to be unable to hold back the tide of the impact of the humanistic spirit of the territory.在这个物质充斥的时代,社会的世俗化倾向是一种无法抵挡的潮流,不断冲击着人文精神的领地。
2.All those explain why is secular characteristic with youth, love and entertainment the essence of this nove.从唐代历史背景与文化传播的角度,重新审读唐代小说《游仙窟》,通过对小说主人公与十娘间以诗歌酬唱为手段互相试探、暗示、追逐过程的论述,反映出小说作者对男女两性之间建立在平等关系上的恋爱理想的向往和对儒家礼法的蔑视,得出小说《游仙窟》具有以表现青春、爱情和娱乐为中心的世俗化特征的结论。
3.This essay analyzed and evaluated the poems written by Liang Ping,a poet from Chongqing,thinking that the poems depicted a secular and personal experience from his life reality which are different from the poems of the Third Generation,which become the poems through emotional semiotics and so form a beautiful scene.本文评析重庆诗人梁平的诗作 ,认为他的诗表现了一种不同于第三代诗的世俗化、个人化的对生命现实的体验 ,这种体验经独特的情感的符号创造发而为诗 ,营构出一片美丽的风景。
1.Because of the diversity of modern social structure, the awakening subjective consciousness during the commodity society and market economic, and the effect of western cultural thought, the university students values display the trend of subjectivism, secularism, pluralism and complexity.当前,中国社会正处于转型时期,由于现代社会格局的多元化,商品社会消费型经济和市场经济中日益觉醒的主体意识和西方文化思潮的影响,当前大学生价值观呈现主体化、世俗化、多元化和复杂化的趋势。
2.The theories of secularism,being first formed by Peter Berger in the 1960-70s,was the center of the theories until the beginning of the 1990s.Peter Berger在上世纪六、七十年代建构了系统的世俗化理论,一直到九十年代初,都有一个强大的以Peter Berger为中心的世俗化理论阵营。
4)common customs世俗化
1.Instead,based on the Chinese traditional sculpture, it drew the fresh blood from the Indian sculpture,mixed together,and formed the arts of the Buddhist sculpture with Chinese characteristics and the features of nationalzation and common customs,about which a vaue notion appeared in the period of Northern and southern Dynasties.印度佛教雕塑艺术在传入中国的过程中,并没有完全因袭印度佛雕的题材、内容和形式,而是在中国传统雕塑艺术的基础上,吸收了印度雕塑艺术的新鲜血液,融合为中国式的佛教雕塑艺术,在漫长的演变过程中,逐渐形成了以民族化和世俗化为特点的中国雕塑艺术,这在南北朝时期就已经初见端倪。
2.The formation and development of western legal civilization have undergone the process from sacred law to common customs.西方的法律文明秩序的形成和发展经历了从法的神圣化到世俗化到脱魔的过程。
1.Study on naturalization and popularization of the Chinese Buddhist arts through variations of Guanyin Bodhisattva sculptures;从“观音”形态之流变看中国佛教美术世俗化、本土化的过程
2.This adjustment, which seemed just the resurgence of traditional fiction theory and mediated the utilitarialism in the last reign of the Qing Dynasty with interest and popularization, was the indispensable step in the process from the classics to the modern.表面上看,这一调整似乎只是传统小说观念的回潮,但它以世俗化、趣味化来调解清末小说的政治化、功利化,实则是走向世俗艺术的一种进步,也是中国小说观念的现代变革中不可或缺的一环。
3.The scholars neglect the popularization of "Xing Ling" school.研究者们对性灵文学的理解多在其重真情、重个性的基本内涵 ,似较少关注其世俗化倾向。
6)secular culture世俗文化
1.The birth of secular culture,its characteristics and historical legality;世俗文化的成因、特征及历史合法性
2.Facing the confusion brought about by the advantages and disadvantages of secular culture,we must envisage the market-oriented economy,the scientific reasoning,and the language context in an evergrowing trend of globalization with the purpose of seeking the legal position of the value itself and the new growth-point of humanity utterance in the criticism of secular culture.面对世俗文化利弊俱生的现实困扰 ,我们必须正视市场经济、科技理性和日益全球化的当下语境 ,在对世俗文化的批判性阐释中寻找价值主体的合法性地位和人文话语新的增长点 ,并在理想的烛照下 ,为人们的生存架设一个超越性的价值坐

世俗【世俗】 (术语)世有隐覆真理之义,可毁坏之义。俗有显现流世之义,显现顺于人情之义。世事即俗法,三界之事法,悉具此二义,故曰世俗。唯识述记一本曰:“世谓覆障,可毁坏义。俗谓显现,随世流义。”俱舍光记一本曰:“言世俗者,有遍之法隐障真理名世,事相显现随顺俗情名俗。又解,有遍之法可毁坏故有对治,故名为世,俗即世名俗。”