1.Brief Analysis on the Nationality Characteristics of Chinese Symphony Music Creation;浅析中国交响音乐创作的民族化特征
2.On the nationality of Xian Xinghai s polyphony composition;浅析冼星海复调音乐的民族化
1.Thoughts on nationalism and office wear design;关于民族化与职业装设计的思考
2.The most obvious peculiarity of his works is the nationalism of music.他的作品具有鲜明的时代性和艺术性,生活气息浓厚,音乐的民族化是其音乐思想的最大特点。
3.Development of full potential of culture is of great significance in promoting the nationalism,modernization and flourishing of Chinese art and literature and deciding the position of Chinese art and literature in the development of world culture."文化势能"主要由文化的历史积淀程度、文化的拥有人群数量、文化发展的时代水平三方面构成的,文艺的发展往往是在不同的"文化势能"的碰撞和交融的过程中实现的,21世纪文艺能否繁荣并占据世界文化发展的前沿,大力提升"文化势能"促进文艺的民族化、现代化具有重要的意义。
1.After a hundred years,its artistic style has been nationalized and the national timbre is striking presentation,which provides new probability for the extension of piano timbre.走过百年的探索之路,其艺术风格已经本土化,民族化的音色即是鲜明的指征,这也为钢琴音色的拓展提供了新的可能性。
2.The tunes of Zhuang\'s drama have nationalized foreign tunes and dramatized local ones.其腔调的形成离不开一个"化"字,即外来声腔的民族化和本土腔调的戏剧化。
1.The Problem of Nationalizing Chinese Animation in the Situation of Globalization;中国动画“民族化”之思考
2.The Brief Discussion about Chinese National Piano Education;中国钢琴教育民族化问题论略
3.The packaging design notion was elucidated from the follow three aspects: being people-oriented,environmental friendliness and national culture.提出“人性化”、“绿色化”、“民族化”不仅是包装设计的发展趋势,也是实现人类社会可持续发展的需要。
6)of folk民族民间化

干部民族化  见自治机关民族化。