1.The Epic Element and Fairy-story Element in The Lord of the Rings;《魔戒》中的史诗色彩与童话色彩
2."Quasi-epics","Quasi-growth" and "Quasi-tales"——The Three Modes of Historical Narration of Chinese Contemporary Revolution and Its Narrative Aesthetics;“类史诗”·“类成长”·“类传奇”——中国当代革命历史叙事的三种模式及其叙事美学
3.Tactful use of epic in the history teaching;史诗在历史教学中的妙用

1.Study on Epics and the history written in poem in the Book of Songs;论《诗经》中的“史诗”与“诗史”
2.epic, lyric, dramatic, pastoral, symbolist, etc poetry史诗、 抒情诗、 戏剧诗、 田园诗、 象徵派的诗
3.Epic Versus Anti-epic: An Inner Paradox of Revolutionary History Novels;史诗/反史诗:革命历史小说的内在悖论
4.constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic.构成史诗的和史诗有关的或体现了史诗的。
5.The Muse of epic poetry.史诗缪司神掌管史诗的缪司神
6.From Epic to Anti-epic--Decline of LI Zi-cheng;从史诗到反史诗——从《李自成》的没落说起
8.Some Thoughts on Poetics of Oral Epics--And some comments on Chao Gejin s "Poetics of Oral Epics;口传史诗诗学的几点思考——兼评朝戈金《口传史诗诗学》
9.Another Kind of Epic:The Deconstruction of Revolution Narratives and Epic Complex in An Epic of a Woman别样的“史诗”——论《一个女人的史诗》对革命叙事及史诗情结的解构
10.the overall design of an epic poem.一首史诗的总体方案
11.A perverted translation of an epic poem.对史诗有误解的翻译
12.Chapman's translation of Homer.查普曼的荷马史诗译本。
13.Traditional Development and Evolution to the Poetic Styles of Yong Shi Poem--Discussion on Zuo Si s Eight Pieces of Yong Shi Poems;“咏史”诗体传统的开拓与嬗变——论左思《咏史诗》八首
14.Aesthetic Features of Biographic Films and TVs;亦史亦诗 史诗兼融——试论影视传记片的美学特征
15.Multiple Traditions of Chinese Epics and Multiple Dimensions of Epic Studies中国史诗的多元传统与史诗研究的多重维度
16.A Critical Study of "Poetic History" View and the Nature of "Poetic History" in the War Between the Song Dynasty and Western Xia.;“诗史”观辨正及宋夏战事诗的“诗史”性质
17.Zhu Qi s Poems A Mirror of the Development of Modern Poetry in Guangxi;朱琦诗:近代广西诗歌史上的一部“诗史”
18.The value of history and the implication of poetry--an analysis of history reflected in Wang Yuanliang s poems;史的价值 诗的意蕴——汪元量“诗史”探微

1.Oral epics are a lasting cultural phenomenon among nations all around the world.口传史诗是世界上许多民族都流传不息的文化现象。
3)History of poetry诗史
1.The spirit of "history of poetry" the emotion of loyalty——Study on Zhang Huangyan s poems;诗史之风 忠烈之情——张煌言诗歌分析
2.Establishment of The spirit of "History of Poetry" —— discussing Du-Fu s being accepted in Late Tang Dynasty and Wu Dynasties;“诗史”精神的确立——杜甫在唐末五代的接受探析
3.In the first place it quotes a concept of “history of poetry” defined in both extension and connotation.首先引入“诗史”的概念,从外延和内涵两个方面予以定义,以严密的逻辑思维界定一叶诗符合“诗史”的必充条件。
4)poetic history诗史
1.Liang Qichao s conception of poetic history;梁启超的“诗史”观——《饮冰室诗话》的若干诗学思想分析
2.The poems about the war between the Song Dynasty and Western Xia were of clear nature of poetic history and they have the following features: born in national crisis and record of historic facts;strong fee.以诗传史、以诗证史的"诗史"观念是中国古代重要的诗学传统,其发展到宋代日趋成熟,宋夏战事诗正是宋人"诗史"观念的产物,它融铸着文人士大夫深沉的忧患意识与浓郁的爱国情怀。
1.Scholars with similar destinies in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties established DU Fu s status as a poet of epics and created a great many realistic literary works by imitation.相似的文人命运使唐末五代文人首先确立了杜诗的"诗史"地位,并效仿之创作了大量的现实主义作品。
2.Sushi s criticism of Du Fu s epic is manifested in 4 aspect:Du s similarity with Sima Qian,testification of poetry with historical affairs,interpretation of Du s works with loyalty,record of celebrity and affairs with Du s works.苏轼的杜诗诗史批评主要集中在四个方面:老杜似司马迁;以史证诗;以忠义解杜诗;杜诗用事载人。
3.Wu s viewpoints about literature, the paper shows what is epic: on one hand, the poem narrates the affairs in the history, on the other hand, the poet has ardent feelings in the poem.诗史特征是梅村体的首要特征。
6)the poetic history诗史
1.Both of the authors and researchers have the same poetic history is the unofficeial history concept that the poetic history of the time of conquering the world, besides,it should record the actual events and express their own feeling as well.研究古代文学中的“诗史”问题,宋季诗史是最重要的对象。
