1.On the Protection of the Intellectual Property Right of the Works "Parody"——From the View of A Murder Case Caused by a Steamed Bread;论“戏仿”作品的知识产权保护——以《一个馒头引发的血案》为视角
2.Parody in Nabokov s lolita;论《洛丽塔》对经典文本的戏仿
3.Postmodern Parody as Pastiche?——Debates on Fredric Jameson s Theoretical Formulation;后现代戏仿:自恋式的作业?——关于弗雷德里克·詹姆逊理论的一些争论

1.On Parody:From Imitating Epic to Postmodern Parody;解构“戏仿”:从仿史诗到后现代戏仿
2.Imitation,Parody and Truth--on John Synge's playwright模仿、戏仿与真实——约翰·辛格的戏剧创作思想
3.Shakespeare Complex and Shakespeare Parody in Canadian Theatre;加拿大戏剧的莎士比亚情结和戏仿解密
4.Fabrication Can Also Reveal Reality:The Analysis of the Techniques of Parody,Anti-Novel and Language Play in Barthelme s The Glass Mountain;虚幻亦真实:《玻璃山》中的戏仿、反体裁和语言游戏
5.The Transformation and Parody of Genres:Beckett's Fiction and Drama文类间的转换和戏仿——贝克特的小说与戏剧
6.Paradox, Parody and Self-consciousness in The Importance of Being Earnest and Travesties;似非而是的反论、戏仿及自我意识—比较《认真的重要性》和《滑稽戏仿
7.Technique of Parody in The French Lieutenant s Woman;《法国中尉的女人》中戏仿技巧的运用
8.Token and Signifi cance of Chinese Contemporary Comedy;当代喜剧电影中的“戏仿”:表征与意义
9.On the Postmodern Parody in Elizabeth Jolley s Works;论伊丽莎白·乔莉小说的后现代戏仿
10.The Parody of Ancient Heroic Epics in Pope s The Rape of the Lock;《夺发记》对古典英雄史诗的“戏仿
11.Byatt s Parody of the Classic Myths in Possession;拜厄特在《占有》中对经典神话的戏仿
12.Snow White and the Nostalgia of Parody Fairy;《白雪公主》与戏仿童话的“怀乡病”
13.China Men: Parodying the Structures of Classical Chinese Vernacular Fictions;论《中国佬》对中国古典小说结构的戏仿
14.Pastiche and Parody in Postmortem for a Postmodernist;拼贴与戏仿:《一个后现代主义者的谋杀》
15.A Parody of Detective Fictions in A Pending Criminal Case Taking Place near a River;试析《河边的错误》对侦探小说的戏仿
16.Pure Diegesis and Parody: The Narration Modes in Ulysses;本真与戏仿:《尤利西斯》的叙述模式
17.Parody of Jungian Archetypal Criticism in the Passion of New Eve《新夏娃受难记》对荣格原型批评的戏仿
18.On the Imitation and Irony in Welty’s Losing Battles浅谈韦尔蒂《败仗》中的戏仿与反讽

novels of parody戏仿小说
3)parody culture戏仿文化
4)mock epic经典戏仿
5)parody literature戏仿文学
1.From its unique narrating way and its unique mode of thinking—parody, this paper studies parody literature, which is taking wulitou culture as its background, analyzes its characteristic, discusses its influence, significance and defect.本文从无厘头文化独特的叙事方式和思维方式——戏仿出发,对以无厘头文化为背景的戏仿文学进行研究分析,剖析它的特点,探讨它的影响、意义与不足。
6)Archetype employment原型戏仿
