1.Restore People s Dignity:Explore to Maslow s Needs-motivation theory;恢复人的尊严:马斯洛需要—动机理论探微
2.A Responsive Chord Between Poetry and Dignity——On Construction of Female Characters in Korean TV Series;诗意与尊严共鸣——韩剧中女性形象的建构
3.For the Dignity of Existence--A Study of the Theme in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry;为了生存的尊严——《滚滚雷声,听我呼喊》主题研究

1.Lack of dignity or honor.有伤尊严,不光彩缺乏尊严或荣誉感
2.they can't take away my dignity但我的尊严决不丢弃。
3.a courtly gentleman.尊严而有礼貌的绅士。
4.He struck an attitude of dignity.他装出一副尊严的样子。
5.He did it without compromise of his dignity.他无损尊严地做了此事。
6.It would represent a drop of dignity.这意味着尊严的丧失。
7.he behaved with great dignity.人的尊严是第一位的。
8.Man's dignity should not be ignored.人的尊严不应该被忽视。
9.affront human dignity对人的尊严表示轻蔑
10.A The Old Man and the Sea老人与海:生命的尊严
11.I was always calm and dignified.以前我总是沉着,有尊严
12.He is a dignified old man.他是一位有尊严的老人。
13.an affront to one's dignity or self-esteem.公开侮辱某人的尊严和自尊。
14.The Chinese people have always respected the dignity and worth of human beings.中华民族历来尊重人的尊严和价值。
15.Remember the three " respects". Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior.记住三个“尊”: 尊重你自己; 尊重别人; 保持尊严, 对自己的行为负责.
16.Remember the three “ respects” .Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior;记住三个“尊”: 尊重你自己; 尊重别人; 保持尊严, 对自己的行为负责;
17.trying to maintain dignity and self respect despite shabbiness.尽管衣衫褴褛但仍尽力保持尊严和自尊。
18.To lower the pride, dignity, or self-respect of.使屈辱,使丢脸降低(别人的)自豪、尊严或自尊

Human Dignity人格尊严
1.Respect Human Dignity and Protect the Rights of Medical Staff;尊重人格尊严 保障医务人员的权利
2.Based upon theories on personality, this article discusses the importance of repecting human dignity in media ethics.根据人格权理论 ,论证了尊重人格尊严在新闻职业道德中的重要地位 ,并指出在新闻队伍中维护人格尊严 ,既要靠法律 ,也要靠道
3.By way of analyzing the case of exposing the prostitutes before the public in Shenzhen, a southern city in China, this paper endeavors to interpret the 38th clause of the Constitution in the perspective of normative jurisprudence and demonstrate the defensive function of human dignity while it is deemed one of the basic rights.人格尊严早已入宪,成为中国宪法上的基本权利,但其对政府行为的规制功能远未显现出来。
1.So it is necessary for us to learn patients rights and respect their dignity and privacy.因此,必须提高带教老师对患者权利的认识,尊重患者的人格尊严和自主权利,不侵犯患者的保密权和隐私权,改进见习带教方案,适应新的形势,既要提高见习带教质量,又要避免医疗纠纷。
2.Human in constitution enjoys liberty,dignity and rights.宪法中的人是自由的人;宪法中的人是享有人格尊严的人;宪法中的人是享有权利的人。
4)personality dignity人格尊严
1.This paper is established in maintenance of personality dignity.立足于维护人格尊严和生命价值,探讨了商业贿赂对医患关系的影响,指出应把病人的健康和生命放在首位,对于人的生命保持最高度的尊重,建立和谐的医患关系,使商业贿赂在神圣的生命科学领域无滋生的土壤。
2.Conflicts and lawsuits resulting from the problem of teachers\'or students\'personality dignity have brought about very bad social influence.教师或学生由于人格尊严问题引发的冲突和诉讼造成了极为不良的社会影响。
5)the right of dignity尊严权
6)Human dignity人性尊严
1.Beyond the traditional tools of criminal law,we need to re-build the value sequence of the function of criminal law,which must be safeguard human dignity as the prerequisite,and establish the purpose of right.超越传统工具主义刑法观,必须以维护人性尊严为前提,以树立目的权利观为核心,重新建构刑法机能的价值序列。
2.So the protection of the disadvantaged group should be based on their human dignity,through the protection of human dignity to establish and improve the relative policies to protect the disadvantaged group step by step.劣势群体形成并进一步边缘化的主要原因在于权利资源动态运行的失衡,对劣势群体的保护应该以人性尊严为基础,只有通过对人性尊严保护才能逐步建立完善劣势群体权利保障的相关制度。
3.As the constitutional principle,human dignity is now the principle in administrative law which is protected by the administrative lawsuit.人性尊严是人权的最高价值,也是人权保障的核心,更是国家赖以存在的根本。
