1.Puritanism and the Masquerade:Nathaniel Hawthorne s Early Religious Thoughts;清教主义与假面剧——谈霍桑创作前期的宗教思想
2.On Nathaniel Hawthorne s Puritanism perspective——Analysis of Brown s death in Young Goodman Brown;霍桑的清教主义观——《小伙子古德曼·布朗》中布朗之死解读
3.The Influence of Puritanism on Hawthorne s Works;评析霍桑的清教主义色彩

1.Puritanism in Opposition to Transcendentalism-a Main Theme of "the Scarlet Letter";清教主义对垒超验主义—小说《红字》的一大主题
2.The Influence of Puritanism upon American Literature-from the 17~(th) Century to the 19~(th) Century;清教主义对17-19世纪美国文学的影响
3.Puritanism and Its Influence on America in Colonial Period;北美殖民地时代的清教主义及其影响
4.Puritan Influences on American Mainstream Cultural Values;论清教主义对美国主流文化价值观的影响
5.The Influence of Puritanism on the Mainstream Values of American Multiculturalism美国多元文化社会主流价值观的清教主义缩影
6.Puritanism and the Masquerade:Nathaniel Hawthorne s Early Religious Thoughts;清教主义与假面剧——谈霍桑创作前期的宗教思想
7.An Analysis of Hawthorne s Views on Puritanism from the Perspective of Religious Philosophy;从宗教哲学视角解析霍桑作品中的清教主义
8.Puritanism gathered about all the forces of unrest清教主义把一切动乱势力都集合在它的周围。
9.To treat with national heritage Puritanism, his attitude is criticism,and retrospect.对待民族遗产清教主义,他的态度是:批判、反思。
10.And as for the second chapter,it is devoted to the first importantissue that concerns my thesis,that is,the embodiment of Calvinism.第二部分聚焦于清教主义思想在《红字》中的体现。
11.The Heritage of Puritanism in Henry James s Early Novels;亨利·詹姆斯早期小说中的清教主义遗产
12.The Unforgettable Scarlet Letter:Hawthorne s Puritan Warning;不能忘却的《红字》:霍桑的清教主义紧箍咒
13.On the Obstacle of Puritanism in the Development of Early American Drama;试论清教主义对早期美国戏剧发展的阻碍
14.Thoughts on American Puritanism and Puritan Literature;论美国清教主义及其文学中的若干问题
15.The Puritan exclusive localism breeded Isolationism.清教排他的地方主义是孤立主义滋生的温床 ;
16.Sufeilist and Chinese Islam at the Time of Ming and Qing Dynasties;苏非主义与明清之际的中国伊斯兰教
17.On the Humanized Puritanism of Nathaniel Hawthorne in the Scarlet Letter论霍桑《红字》中的人文主义清教观
18.The Catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules.天主教的教义对她只是一套清规戒律罢了。

anti Puritanism反清教主义
1.With implicit and gracious language, complex moral, rich variety of cultural connotations, the novel involves not only anti Puritanism, but also cultural implications of the traditional religion in Puritanism.《红字》是美国文艺复兴时期霍桑的一部代表作,语言含蓄优美,寓意错综复杂,文化内涵丰富多彩,其间既有体现时代精神的反清教主义思想,又有传统宗教文化蕴含的清教主义思想,《红字》的成功之处就在于融合两种异质文化形成了一种新的文化模式,表达了作者改造现实的一种理想,显示了美国文化强大的包容性。
3)the puritan society清教主义社会
1.This paper tries to analyze the profound theme of The Scarlet Letter through the analysis of symbolism in the main characters and scenes in The Scarlet Letter: that is,to criticize the vanity and evil of the puritan society and its hurts it has brought to its people.通过对《红字》中主要人物和场景的象征的分析,剖析《红字》这部经典巨著的深刻思想主题,即深刻抨击清教主义社会的虚伪与险恶以及它给人们带来的伤害。
4)Puritan extremism清教徒极端主义
1.17~(th)-century Puritanism was the basis of the American national mythology and national identity, but Puritan extremism causes the ontological and epistemological crises, which Hawthorne s writings attempt to save.本文认为霍桑作品是对清教徒极端主义本体论、认识论危机的拯救。
5)Reverent Puritanism Principle虔诚清教主义
6)Calvinist Puritanism加尔文清教主义

教主【教主】 (术语)开教之本主。文句记一上曰:“诸教中各有五人记经。(中略)皆以佛为教主也。”行愿品疏钞三曰:“十佛齐融,为斯教主。”