1.On the Application of Suspense in Teaching Chemistry in the Normal School;探索教学方法 激发学习兴趣——浅谈悬念在中师化学教学中的应用
2.On Significant Suspense Effect on TV Program Taking Competition System of "Super Girls Voice" and "Happy Boys Voice",Two Large-draft-programs in Hunan TV Station as an Example;欲说还“休” 山雨欲来风满楼——从湖南卫视“超女快男”的赛制设置看“悬念”在选秀类节目中的战略意义
3.On Suspense:Theory and Consciousness;悬念研究:理论资源及其问题意识

1.My suspense was truly painful.我的悬念真是很痛苦的。
2.introduce suspense into a novel;在小说中设置悬念;
3.Recently it filled me with much concern to learn of your indisposition.近闻政躬违和,深为悬念
4.The rhythm doesn't slow down and there is a lot of suspense.影片非常有节奏感,而且悬念迭生。
5.The three main characters give the story lots of suspense.三位主人公赋予了影片无数的悬念
6.It's full of suspense, emotion and comedy.全片充满了悬念、情感和喜剧效果。
7.That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes.那部悬念片有一些过火的做爱镜头。
8.Their daughter haven't written to them for a long time, and they are rather worried.女儿久未来信, 父母颇为悬念
9.The director used ingenious devices to keep the audience in suspense.导演用巧妙手法引起观众的悬念
10.An Analysis of the Weblike Suspense Formation in the Novel Wuthering Heights;《呼啸山庄》小说中的网状悬念构成分析
11.A trial analysis of the sense of suspense in the planning of TV programs;试析当今电视节目策划中的悬念意识
12.Application of Suspension Teaching to C++ Programing悬念式教学在C++程序设计中的应用
13.Why don't we watch a suspense movie, or maybe a thriller?为什么我们不看部悬念片或是惊险片呢?
14.The author keeps the reader on tenterhooks till the last chapter.作者不断给读者造成悬念直到读完最后一章。
15.There's a suspense-thriller showing that has a good review.有部正在上演的悬念惊险的片子影评不错,
16.The detective story kept me in suspense until the last chapter这部侦探小说一直让我悬念,直到读完最后一章。
17.I cannot help feeling very anxious about his frail body and another operation.他身体衰弱并需再动手术,这使我不胜悬念
18.I try to add an element of suspense and mystery to my novel.我试图给我的小说增加一点悬念和神秘的色彩。

1.The characteristics of the "Lost Civilizations" in narrative skill:telling story and suspension;从悬念设置和故事化包装看“失落的文明”叙事特色
2.He begins his narration with suspension and coincidence.金庸小说的娱乐性很强,这源于金庸自觉而大量地调动和运用了一些娱乐元素,主要在于以悬念和巧合展开叙事,极力挖掘并描绘人物的情爱世界,极富神奇性与想象力的武功描写,以及充满喜剧性元素,尤其是设置喜剧性人物和赋予人物性格以幽默、诙谐、狡黠、机智等特质,从而使金庸小说既扣人心弦,又引人入胜。
3.Pu Songling s novel“Huang Niang”takes Chinese lute as the clue,using artistic methods such as suspension and implica- tion to attraders.蒲松龄的小说《宦娘》以琴为线索,运用设置悬念和暗写的艺术手法,使故事情节扑塑迷离,引人入胜,小说中人鬼交织,友情和爱情交织,人物形象鲜明生动,达到独特的艺术效果,具有特殊的艺术魅力。
3)method of suspense悬念法
4)reader involvement and conflict悬念冲突
1.Application of suspensive teaching technique in biochemistry experimentation;“悬念式”教学法在生物化学实验教学中的运用
6)sense of suspense悬念意识
1.A trial analysis of the sense of suspense in the planning of TV programs;试析当今电视节目策划中的悬念意识
