1.The Aictory of Fantasy——About Modern Western Fantasy Literature;幻想的胜利——浅论西方现代奇幻文学
2.Ideal and Fantasy--Study of Love and Marriage Stories of LiaoZhaiZhiYi;理想与幻想——《聊斋志异》婚恋故事研究
3.That draw science fiction is that the science fantasy by the fact that rich imaginative faculties carry out some one special subjects draws creation.科学幻想画是通过丰富的想象力进行某一专题的科学幻想画创作。

1.a passing thought, fancy闪现的念头、 幻想.
2.He was lost in reverie [thought].他陷于幻想 [沉思] 。
3.Black Matrix Zero正邪幻想曲Zero
4.Something illusory or insubstantial.幻想或妄想幻想中的不真实的事物
5.An illusory mental image.幻想,空想一种产生幻觉的内心的假想
6.Resembling, characteristic of, or being a phantom; illusive.虚幻的类似幻想的,具有空想特征的,成为幻想的;幻影的
7.phantastic confabulation幻想性虚谈症 幻想性虚谈症
8.Fantasist:One that creates a fantasy.幻想曲作者:作幻想曲的人.
9.One that creates a fantasy.幻想曲作者作幻想曲的人
10.A realm of imagination or fantasy.仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国
11.based on or having the nature of an illusion.建立在幻想的基础上或有幻想的性质。
12.be lost in (a) reverie耽于幻想,想得出神
13.vagrant thoughts [fancies]游移不定的思想 [幻想]
14.From Unreliable Imagination to Mysterious Fantasy: a Comparative Study of Thought of Fantasy and Illusion in Chungtse and Lotus Sutra由玄幻到奇幻:《庄子》、《法华经》幻想思维比较研究
15.The manner in which one sees or conceives of something.幻想,梦幻由想像产生的思维、想象某物的方式
16.A delusive or misleading hope.幻想虚幻的或误导的一种希望
17.The Aictory of Fantasy--About Modern Western Fantasy Literature;幻想的胜利——浅论西方现代奇幻文学
18.Phantasm,illusion and the poetic speech;幻象·幻想·诗意言说——海子抒情短诗解读

1.Chinese fairy tales in remote antiquity——The illusions taking root in reality;中国远古神话:根植于现实的幻想
2.When clashed with materialism,the dreams and illusions of the idealists are bound to be shattered.本文从盲目自信和无法正视现实两个方面论证了主人公威利的理想主义本性,揭示了一个理想主义者在现实世界的悲惨命运,旨在说明一个人要掌握自己的命运,就不能自我欺骗,不要追求不切实际的幻想,而是实实在在做人,调适自己与社会的关系。
1.Romantic Theologian: Imagination and Religion in Tolkien s Theory of Story;浪漫的神学家:托尔金故事理论中的幻想与宗教
2.A psychological delineation is discussed from four aspects in this paper:the psychology of syntax in language, the psychology behind expressions such as a smile or a sneer, psychological compulsion set off by imagination, and conflicting psychological complexity of a criminal character .本文从四个方面论述了陀思妥耶夫斯基心理描写的艺术特色:用语言来反映心理;用微笑、冷笑、各种不同的笑来烘托心理;用主人公的幻想、梦境来衬托心理;把人物放在复杂激烈的矛盾斗争中凸显心理。
3.The famous writer,born of a poor Denmark family of cobbler,leaves behind beautiful fairy tales with an outstanding imagination,helps realize countless love events of the people in the actuality.安徒生让生活在现实中的人们在他的幻想篇章中兑现了一个个难了的情缘,获取战胜恐怖和自卑的力量;同时,在他的童话中,追求的旋律如海浪扣动人心;安徒生的童话让人从童话的寂灭中深入人性对美的终极关怀,展示出人性家园一种异样的美丽。
1.The skill of "fancy"、 "absurdity" 、"supposition"、 "metaphor" does good to building his puzzle literature.本文从“幻想”、“悖论”、“假设”、“隐喻”表现手段的论述出发,揭示其对构筑他的迷宫文学所起的重要作用。
2.Then it discusses creative attitudes and features that are reflected in her novels, which conclude ghosts of narration, surpassing the boundaries between fancy and reality and her characteristics of non-rational writing.本文从残雪的创作整体出发,结合残雪小说创作的理念和评论,从残雪小说超验性世界的本真维度入手,主要分析虚妄的孩童性、女性的自我意识和狼性的风景等组成这一维度的三个方面,并探讨了残雪小说所体现的创作姿态和特点,即含魅的叙事、对幻想和真实界限的超越和她的非理性状态的写作。
1.The romantic features of Whitman s poetry, with the freshest and boldest vision, the surrealist realm of art and the magnificent self-images, were in close relation to reality, and the romantic traditions of the European literature, the poet s philosophic theory, political view and aesthetic inclination as well.大胆而新奇的幻想 ,超现实的艺术境界 ,瑰丽的自我形象 ,构成了惠特曼诗歌的浪漫主义特色 ,对美国乃至世界诗坛都产生了积极的影响。
6)A caprice or fancy.空想,幻想

幻想  见想象。