1.Psychometric Features of Wade Forgiveness Scale and Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivation Scale-12-Item Form in Chinese College Students;Wade宽恕量表与人际侵犯动机量表中文版的试用
2.Correlative Analysis between Forgiveness and Mental Health of College Students.;大学生宽恕与心理健康的相关分析
3.Research on Driving Factors of the Forgiveness;宽恕心理的影响因素综述

1.She prayed to be forgiven/(to) God for forgiveness.她祈求宽恕[上帝宽恕].
2.He begged mercy (of the king).他祈求(国王)宽恕.
3."Scarlett, spare me!"思嘉,宽恕我吧!
4.pardon an offence, a fault, etc宽恕罪过、 错误等
5.I'll let you off this time, but never again.这次我宽恕你,但以后不再宽恕了。
6.Pardon all but thyself. -- Aesop宽恕一切人,只是别宽恕自己。——伊索
7.Christ taught forgiveness, ie that we should forgive our enemies, etc.基督倡导宽恕(应宽恕敌人等).
8.To pardon or remit(a sin).赦免,宽恕赦免或饶恕(一罪行)
9.To renounce anger or resentment against.饶恕,宽恕宣布对…放弃生气或怨恨
10.She forgives easily.她很容易宽恕别人。
11.You must treat the child with forbearance.你必须宽恕这孩子。
12.Understand everything can be forgiven everything.了解一切即能宽恕一切。
13.We were given no/little mercy.我们没有得到宽恕.
14.not admitting of pardon.不可以被容许宽恕的。
15.Please pardon me for not arriving sooner.请宽恕我没能快些到达。
16."Don't fib. You've forgiven me."别撒谎,你已经宽恕我了。
17.I forgave him for stealing the money.我宽恕他偷了这笔钱。
18.Forgiveness,I found,could be exhilarating.我发现宽恕令人振奋。

1.Self-forgiveness-A New Way of Mental Counseling;自我宽恕-健康心理学新热点
2.There are some debates about the focus, mechanisms, essence and values of self-forgiveness which are self or other person, granting forgiveness or seeking forgiveness, trait or situation, positive or negative.自我宽恕是指当自己是侵犯者时,发生于自己内部的,对待自己的动机由报复转向善待的变化。
4)consideration and tolerance忠恕宽容
5)interpersonal forgive人际宽恕
1.To explore the relationship between interpersonal forgive and revenge and their effects on depression in college students,A Rumination Scale, Tendency to Forgive Scale, Revenge Motivation Scale, Attitude Toward Forgiveness Scale and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale were administered to 236 sophomores.采用沉思量表、报复动机量表、宽恕倾向量表、宽恕态度量表和流调中心用抑郁量表对236名大二学生进行问卷调查,综合探讨大学生人际宽恕和报复心理及其与抑郁的关系。
6)forgiveness style宽恕风格
1.This paper uses Forgiveness Style Questionnaire and Moral Judgement Capability Test for Adolescents as measuring instrument in order to explore the developmental characteristics of forgiveness styles and the relationship between the forgiveness style and the capability of moral judgement.本研究以宽恕风格问卷和青少年道德判断能力测验为测量工具 ,探讨了我国中学生宽恕风格发展的特点及其与道德判断能力的关系。
2.After that,the formal questionnaire\'s reliability and validity were tested through many ways and showed out the characteristics of college students\' forgiveness style.本研究的目的是编制一份针对大学生的宽恕风格问卷,以此来了解当代大学生的宽恕认知发展水平,为大学生的宽恕教育提供理论依据;同时丰富我国在宽恕领域的理论研究成果。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。