1.On popularization idea of TV new transmitting from This Week;从《本周》看电视新闻传播的平民化理念
2.A Qeneral Preview of the Popularization of China TV News;中国电视新闻平民化刍议

1.The Civilianization and Civilian Perspective of Network Writing;网络文学写作中的平民化与平民视角
2.Common People s Lao She,Common People s Choice--Think of the “Death of Lao She”;平民化的老舍 平民化的选择——对“老舍之死”的思考
3.National Spirit,Grass-roots Standpoint,and Common People Perspectives:A Review of Common People Biographies in the New Century;民族精神·民间立场·平民化视角——新世纪平民传记综论
4.Wang Yang ming s School and the common people tendency in literature of later period Ming-Dynasty;新民 亲民 平民——论阳明心学与晚明文学的平民化进程
5.On Grassroots Education and Commoditization of Library Service in Universities论平民教育思想与高校图书馆平民化服务
6.This troupe strives to make classical music more accessible, and give Taiwanese folk songs global appeal.该团致力将古典音乐平民化,将台湾民谣世界化。
7.On Langguan in Ancient China;外朝化与平民化:中国古代郎官考述
8.The tender construction and the plebeian relating--the analysis of Chinese television drama of plebeian relating;温情构造 平实讲述——解析中国“平民化”电视剧
9.I've heard they're getting more democratic lately.我听说他们近来也渐渐流于平民化了。
10.To Foster Modern Personality of “Civilianization”with the Criticism of Daily Life以日常生活批判培育“平民化”现代人格
11.A Rough Study on Civilian Tendency about the Chinese Gongbi Paintings of Song Dynasty;浅析宋代工笔人物画中的平民化趋势
12.On the Contemporary Educational Value of Free Personality for the Common People;论平民化的自由人格的当代教育价值
13.To convert to civilian operation or control.民治化转为平民运作或平民控制
14.Comparison between the Folk Songs of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement and that of Period of People s Commune;太平天国民歌与人民公社化民歌之比较
15.A Discuss on the Professionalization of Controllers in Private Enterprises;民营企业控制人需要强化职业化水平
16.On Nationalization of Visional Signal in Graphic Design in Aspect of Ethnic Aesthetic Judgement;从民族审美谈平面设计中视觉符号的民族化
17.The DengXiaoPing Thoughts According to the Method Autocracies and Its the Actuality Enlighten;邓小平人民民主专政法制化思想及其现实启示
18.Reinforce Democratic Consciousness and Promote the Level of Democracy Construction in Colleges Constantly强化民主意识 不断提高高校民主政治建设水平

1.First,the civilianization of network trespasses the demarcation of sex and what is communicated is ever-increasingly feminized.网络从三个方面对哈贝马斯的"公共领域"概念进行了修正:网络真正实现了平民化,模糊了性别界限,并且在内容上日益凸显其女性化特征;网络以情感传播方式来寻求理性和正义,从根本上颠覆了哈贝马斯的公共/私人领域概念;网络自下而上的交流方式决定了其差异性,这相对于哈贝马斯对共识、规范和正义的执着更体现出对现代文化多元论事实的尊重。
2.In the past two years, TV programs in China, especially News and Variety Shows, have had a tendency towards civilianization.中国的电视节目近两年来呈现出一种平民化的发展趋势,在新闻和综艺节目中表现得尤为突出。
3.On considering the point view of audience, the civilianization of broadcasting news means defining the standard of news value with humanism.广播电视新闻平民化指的是站在广大受众的角度,以人本思想确定新闻价值标准。
3)common people平民化
1.This paper analyzes the tragic life of common people under the system of the semi-feudalism and semi-colonialism,and then relates the specific characters emphatically and spiritually.本文主要是通过对鲁迅小说作品中人物的分析和论述提出中心论点:“鲁迅小说中的人物形象具有强烈的平民化特征,在他们身上集中地体现出了作者‘哀其不幸,怒其不争’的意识形态”,本文通过小说中平民化的人物形象,分析其在半封建半殖民地制度中悲剧性的生活,为文中打下一个论述的背景,然后重点对小说中具体人物形象与精神立意进行论述。
2.The author believes that common people s Lao She had decided that he could make common people s choice in his own life.笔者认为,平民化的老舍决定了老舍会在自己的人生轨迹中做出平民化的选择。
1.The civilization of literature shares more and more concern.世纪之交,文学的平民化越来越受到关注。
2.Different from each other in contents and styles, Wang Fan-zhi’s Buddhist poems mainly featured the civilization while Han Shan’s mainly showed the tendency of intellectuals.王梵志的佛理劝善诗,主要具有平民化特色;而寒山的佛理劝善诗,更多具有文人化倾向,两者之间有一定的区别。
1.On Zhang Xin-quan s Populace of Poem writing;浅论张新泉的平民化诗歌写作
6)civilian culture平民文化
1.The culture characteristics showed inJinpingmei are civilian culture.《金瓶梅》所展示出来的文化特征是平民文化。
