1.Ecstasy of mystery——solving and Pleasure of Novel——appreciating;解谜的乐趣 审美的快感——从《过量死亡》透视克里斯蒂侦探小说的独特魅力
2.Research on the Relationship between the Pleasure Culture and the Media in the Age of Attention Economy;注意力经济时代的快感文化与传媒关系研究

1.Hedonic Price Method快感估价法(快感法)
2.Quick and the Dead, The致命快枪手/致命快感
3.the thrill of speed高速的快感[刺激]
4.fore pleasure mechanism前期快感机能前期快感机能
5.a feeling of hunger, well-being, discomfort, gratitude, joy, etc饥饿、 健康愉快、 不适、 感激、 快乐等的感觉.
6.fast response type sprinkler head快速感应型消防花洒头
7.the situation in which you are happiest and most effective.感到快活或有效的环境。
8.He left a sort of delicious pain他感到一种欣快的疼痛
9.He felt a sort of delicious pain.他感到一种欣快的疼痛。
10.People say @Happy Thanksgiving!@ to each other.人们互相说“感恩节快乐”。
11.This balked me a little.这使我感到有些不愉快。
12.I have the consolation of knowing that...我因得知…而感到快慰
13.Still he was faintly unhappy about it.他仍对此感到些微不快。
14.He' s recovering from an attack of flu.他的流行性感冒快好了。
15.a festive merry feeling.喜庆的、愉快的感觉。
16.Does he resent my being here?我在此他感到不愉快吗?
17.To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.使…感到狂喜、快乐或满意
18.make happy or satisfied.使感到快乐或者满意。

pleasant sensation快感
1.The revolutionary literature & arts in soviet areas helped to publicize the ideologies and political ideas by making full use of the aesthetic power and pleasant sensation,so that the class awareness is improved among the peasants,which contributed greatly to the revolutionary cause.苏区政权将农民确定为革命主体的主要造就对象,充分运用文艺的审美和快感力量,在广大苏区农民群众中开展各种政治宣传、思想灌输和文化教育等活动,加强农民的阶级意识和提高农民的阶级觉悟,这为苏区革命斗争的开展作出了重要贡献。
3)pleasure displeasure快感-不快感
4)pain and pleasure痛感与快感
1.Development of White-collar Happiness Questionnaire中国白领快乐感问卷的编制
2.Methods General Self-Efficacy Scale,Life Satisfaction Scale and Happiness Scale were used for examining 218 impoverished students and 216 non-impoverished students.方法采用一般自我效能感量表、生活满意度量表、快乐感量表,对218名贫困生和216名非贫困生进行测查。
3.A comparison of the relationship of happiness and social support between outdoor and indoor workers was evaluated by using questionnaire.以测绘人员为例,通过量表法对外业人员与普通内业人员的快乐感和社会支持进行的比较研究表明,快乐感和社会支持在测绘行业的被试中表现出更高的相关。
6)quick sensing快速感知

经期快感经期快感 生理名。亦称终期性乐。即性活动得到最后满 足的快感。