1.The Loneliness Wandered Around the Nether and Lunar World;幽冥广寒寂寞心——李贺与李商隐之比较
2.The protagonist Holden in The Catcher in the Rye mentions his loneliness more than 30 times.《麦田里的守望者》中的主人公霍尔顿在故事的叙述中提到三十多次他的"寂寞"。

1.homeless, rootless, lonely...没家、没根、寂寞
2.But he was always on my mind, and I was lonesome without him.我又想他,我寂寞
3.I'm going to leave this old city alone, quite alone.我又将一人寂寂寞寞的离开这古城了。
4.It was pretty lonely in the artillery.在炮兵队是相当寂寞的。
5.They lived a lonely life.他们过着寂寞的生活。
6.She' s lonely, and starving for companionship.她很寂寞,渴望友谊。
7.She feels the miss of her children.她感到没了孩子的寂寞
8.I get lonesome when you're not here.你不在时我颇感寂寞.
9.He felt his loneliness most keenly on Sunday.星期天他倍感寂寞
10.Again I was oppressed with the dullness of my family life.我又感到寂寞、烦躁。
11.The ugly duckling feels lonely.丑小鸭心中好寂寞
12.She wailed that she was lonely.她边哭边说她很寂寞
13.I just won't like to be alone.我就怕一个人感到寂寞
14.I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world."终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林."
15.We have an acute sense of our isolation which we keep hoping will end.我们深深感觉寂寞,我们时刻盼望这种寂寞生活的终了。
16.The fear of loneliness will push people into the inverted kind of lonelinesshectic social gatherings.对寂寞的恐惧推动人们走向相反的另一种寂寞:狂热的社会交往。
17.This annoys me greatly. I can't leave him like this. I can't go to the Western Hills all alone ....这真使我懊恼,我不能便如此同他离别,这样寂寂寞寞的走上西山……
18.An Unwilling Show and Enough Express for Loneliness: Influence of Xiao Hong’s Loneliness for Her Creation;寂寞的无意展现与尽情抒写——浅谈萧红的寂寞心态对其创作的影响

academic loneliness学术寂寞
3)lonesome complex寂寞情结
1.Looking back all Xiao Hong s life,the homeless "lonesome complex" had been the main theme in Xiao Hong s life.考察萧红的一生,无家的“寂寞情结”始终贯穿于其中,而且这一情结一直左右着萧红的思想和情绪,甚至影响了她的整个生活和创作。
4)consciousness of loneliness寂寞意识
1.Her consciousness of loneliness decided the spiritual characters of her novels, including archetype of childhood, feminine angle of view and theme on life, based on which the interrelation between consciousness of loneliness and spiritual character of her fiction is discussed in this paper.萧红的寂寞意识决定了她的小说精神特征 :童年母题、女性视角、生命主题。
5)view of loneliness寂寞论
1.Due to the impact of Mao Dun s view of loneliness, the theme of The Story of Hulanhe has been controversial all the time.受茅盾"寂寞论"的影响,《呼兰河传》的创作主题一直争议颇多。
6)lonely image寂寞意象
