1.Recount Astringently and Make Open of Desire——Talk about “New Generation” Personalization Writing;内敛的叙事欲望的张扬——“新生代”个人化写作论析
2.The Research of EMV Card Personalization System Based on GlobalPlatform Technology;基于GlobalPlatform技术的EMV卡片个人化系统研究

1.Personalized Poetry Writing and "Non-personalized" Poetics Theory;个人化诗歌写作与“非个人化”诗学理论
2.Setting up an individual society subject--the worth target of modernization;社会主体个人化——现代化的价值选择
3.Cultural Studies in China: Past and Present;文化研究在中国——一个非常个人化的思考
4.PERSONALIZATION: Agents that filter information for individual users.个人化层:为个人用户过滤信息的代理程序。
5.Constrained Situation in Individualized Mirror Image--A Perspective on “Individualized Writing";个人镜像里的局促处境——“个人化写作”现象透视
6.A Lonely Stranger--On the Personality of Chen Ran s Novel Private Life;孤独的陌生人——试论陈染小说《私人生活》的个人化
7.Extra personalized figure magnets can be ordered at $15 each.可订购额外的个人化磁胶连胶座,每个$15。
8.Culture is superorganic and superindividual.文化是超机体和个人的。
9.A Probe into the Cultivation of Internationalized,Professional and Individualized Talents;培养“国际化、职业化、个性化”人才的探索
10.The Quest for Individual Identity in Invisible Man;从《无形人》看黑人个人文化身份的认同
11.Work in pairs to prepare a "Chinese Culture Capsule".两个人一组准备一个“中国文化舱”。
12.Analysis of China s Personal Income Tax Couection;我国个人所得税之征管“个性化”浅析
13.PDA (personal digital assistant)个人数字助理,[港]个人数码助理,个人数字化处理器,[台]个人数字助理,个人信息机
14.Is a humanization of valuing person, inspiring person design process.是一个重视人、务人、示人的人性化设计过程。
15.The great blend in cultural will will be occurred.人们的观念将趋向个性化、多样化。
16.the ally of individualism culture and nationalism culture;个人主义文化与民族主义文化的联合 ;
17.Humanistic Management to Harmonize and Imporve Individual Teaching;人性化管理求和谐 个性化教学促提高
18.A Philosophical Explanation of the Tie between Human s Personalization and Socialization;人的个性化与社会化关系的哲学阐释

1.According to the six development stages of mobile communication in our country,the advanced mobile communication system of GenerationIII is discussed with its micromation,trend of Broad Band,syntheticalization and intelligentization,which leads to the conclusion that individualization is the perfect target in communication.从六个不同的阶段 ,介绍了我国移动通信的发展状况 ,阐述了第三代移动通信系统的先进性 ,论述了移动通信的微型化、宽带化、综合化和智能化 ,指出通信个人化是通信的理想目标。
2.With its convenience of technology and individualization of communication,cell-phone short message makes its quick intervention to traditional mass medium among feedback.手机短信因其技术上的便利性和传播方式上的个人化,使它迅速地介入到传统大众传媒的反馈当中,在一定程度上弥补了其单向传播的弱势。
3.In the time of marketization, literature has been far from the freedom of human life by flaunting itself under various disguises, which is predominantly characterized by its pseudo-individualization.市场化年代的文学远离了人的生命自由,并以种种伪装的自由形式来标榜自我,突出的表现是一种伪个人化的形式。
1.He has formed his own feature through highly investigative narrative form and his personal angle of view.他的电影以生活在现代都市社会边缘的“飘泊者”和“失语者”为主要表现对象,并以高度纪实化的叙事形态和个人化的视角形成自己的特色。
2.Misty poetry presents personal element.朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。
3.Because he was influenced by "5·4" new literature movement, his works still showed a personal tendency after change.也正因为他是受到“五四”新文学熏陶的外来的知识分子,所以在改变后的创作中,仍不时流露出个人化的倾向。
1.Secularization and Individualism——On the Mainstream of the Multifaceted Feminine Literature in 1990s;俗世化与个人化——二十世纪九十年代多元化女性写作中的主流倾向
5)individual face个性化人
1.In this paper,a metho d for im-age-based individual face modeling generation system is presented.三维个性化人脸建模一直是计算机图形学中一个具有挑战性的课题。
6)hypocritical individualization伪个人化
1.Individualized narratives have become modeled public writings under the mask of hypocritical individualization.市场中国的个人化叙事起初有诗性方向,后来被现实生存的反诗性冲动所扭转,它们不断排除宏大历史并降低人性高度,由最初对抗理性思考而坠落至对生命自由的歪曲,个人生存被简单等同于不为历史承担责任的庸常生活,以至演变成一种伪个人化的类型化公共写作。

个人化教学体系个人化教学体系personalized system of instruction  个人化教学体系(personalized systemof instruetion)见“凯勒计划,,。