1.Probing into the carnivalization phenomenon in "Faust" from" Walpurgis Night";从“瓦尔普吉斯之夜”看《浮士德》中的“狂欢化”现象
2.The humanism in Bakhtin s poem theory of carnivalization;巴赫金狂欢化诗学理论中的人本观

1.Folk Revel: Chaoshan Folk Songs in Perspectives of Revelry民间的狂欢:狂欢化视野下的潮汕民歌
2.Network game:electronic carnival--Based on carnivalized theory to elaborate the network game;网络游戏:电子狂欢——对网络游戏的狂欢化解读
3.The Variation of Revelry and Desperation--on the Revelry of the Forty-one Bombs;疯狂与绝望的变奏——论莫言《四十一炮》的狂欢化
4.Carnival Source and Features in “The Madonna in Paris”: Commenting on the Image of Cathymudo;《巴黎圣母院》的狂欢化渊源及其特征——兼论卡西姆多的狂欢化形象
5.Witchcraft Thinking:The Origin of The Spirit of Carnival巫术思维:狂欢化精神的起源——兼论中西狂欢文化之比较
6.Carnival and Dialogue: An Understanding to the Theme of A Journey to the West;狂欢与对话:《西游记》主题一解——《西游记》狂欢化的精神基质
7."Carnival" and "Being Carefree"--Comparison of Bakhtin s Poetics and Zhuangzi s Thought;“狂欢”与“逍遥”——巴赫金狂欢化诗学与庄子逍遥游思想异同比较
8.On the Variation of Carnival Folk Games--The Madonna in Paris and Literary Carnival狂欢节民间游戏的变异——《巴黎圣母院》与文学狂欢化再探
9.Analysis of the Significance of Carnival Narration in Yu Hua s Brothers;论余华《兄弟》的狂欢化叙事及其意义
10.Explanation about the Novel of Love, a Kind of the Vernacular Novel Prevalent during the Song and Yuan Dynasties from the Perspective of Carnivalization;宋元话本情爱小说的狂欢化视角解读
11.The Carnivalesque Spirit in the Great Gatsby;论《了不起的盖茨比》的狂欢化精神
12.Human-centered Idea in Bakhtin s Theory of Equal-dialogue and Carnival;巴赫金对话与狂欢化理论中的人本观
13.Interpretation Carnival Poetics of Lu Xun s Novel "Casting Swords";解读鲁迅小说《铸剑》的狂欢化诗学
14.On Red Carnival Narration and Revolutionary War Prospect in "Liang jian";论《亮剑》的“红色狂欢化”革命战争图景
15.Carnival of females:Subversion,Examination of the Ugly,Balderdash,and Parody;20世纪90年代中国女性狂欢化写作
16.Bakhtin s Carnival Theory and the West Marxism;巴赫金狂欢化理论与西方马克思主义
17."Pastiche to West Journey": One Carnival Text;《大话西游》:一个“狂欢化”文本
18.On Carnivalesque Feature of the Faust s Plot Structure;论《浮士德》情节结构的狂欢化特色

1.On the Carnival Features of a Midsummer-Night s Dream;论《仲夏夜之梦》的狂欢化特征
2.Bakhim s carnival poetry has special position in western literature theoretical history.狂欢化诗学在西方文论史占有特殊地位,以之参照,重读鲁迅小说《铸剑》,探讨文本的狂欢化世界,可揭示复仇与狂欢的悖论关系及对当代作家的精神影响。
3.However,the western Hunan world,filled with turbulence,agitation and unrest,is a world of carnival embodying aesthetic values different from those of traditional pastorals.呈现了节庆、婚嫁和丰收等富有民族特色的嬉闹杂耍的狂欢场面;建构了以生死和肉体为核心的狂欢化意象;通过回环的叙事模式、双重的叙事空间及诙谐语言和咒骂语言构筑了鲜明的狂欢式话语系统。
1.The Revelry Color of the Qin and Han Dynasties Poetry;先秦两汉诗歌的狂欢化色彩
2.It shows that Mo Yan creates personalized verbal space in social space by touching the revelry phenomenon and utters the independent existing voice in the fractional world.文章以解构莫言民间的诸多文化形态来验证莫言充分张扬民间生命精神的事实,并以"狂欢化"现象为客观载体,看其在社会文化空间中营造个人化的话语空间,在"碎片的世界"中发出独立存在的声音。
3.According to the bakhtin’s revelry poetics theory, the Small World and Students all appear art features of the revelry poetics characteristics clearly.按照巴赫金的狂欢化诗学理论,《小世界》与《桃李》两部小说均体现出鲜明的狂欢化诗学特征。
1.The Carnivalesque Spirit in the Great Gatsby;论《了不起的盖茨比》的狂欢化精神
2.This paper tries to reveal the carnivalesque features embodied in this novel.本篇论文揭示了该小说体现的狂欢化特点,比如男主人公拉夫雷斯的“笑”与嘲讽在精神上与狂欢化的笑有相似之处。
3.Rooted in mid-century humour culture and Rabelais practice of writing, Bakhtin s theory of carnivalesque contains rich comic aesthetics, presents lots of novel and particular ideas, catches the essence and soul of comic spirit, which enables carnivalesque to be a distinct feature of comedy, indicating a kind of comic spirit with strong sense of comedy. 巴赫金植根于中世纪诙谐文化和拉伯雷创作实践的狂欢化理论,蕴含了丰富的喜剧美学思想,提出了许多新颖独到的见解,把握住了喜剧精神的本质和精髓,使"狂欢化"成了喜剧的一大特点,体现了一种喜剧精神,具有很强的喜剧意识。
6)carnival culture狂欢文化
1.Based on Western carnival culture theory, this paper reveals the richness of carnival culture resource in Chinese Festival Folk-customs, and puts forward five basic principles to be followed in the exploitation and utilization: 1.借鉴西方狂欢文化理论,揭示中国节日民俗中的狂欢文化资源的丰富性,并提出开发利用狂欢文化应当遵循市场机制和政府主导相结合、坚持全民性和自由平等、节会形态不断创新、保持真实性或真实感、兼顾新奇性与安全性等5项基本原则。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理