1.That using"self reflection"technique to capture present life,embodies his integrated concern on life and philosophical thinking on life truth,and the existence of life on him becomes cinematic entity.作为伊朗民族电影旗手的阿巴斯电影显现出虚构与真实、故事与纪录迷一般的纠缠,使用"自我反映手法"捕捉当下生活体现了他对此在人生的完整关照,也体现了他对人生之真相的哲学思考,人生的存在在阿巴斯的那儿成为电影的实体,透过影像和故事,从阿巴斯电影中折射出来的是他关注人生的悲悯的人道眼光和宽广的人文情怀。
2.The judge needs to follow the basic logic and rules of value in the recognition of civil"truth".法官确认民事诉讼"真相"时需要遵循基本的逻辑和价值规则。

1.I do want to know the truth.我真想要知道真相
2.discover(facts,the truth,etc)发现(事实、真相等)
3.Joint Committee for the Emergence of the Truth发掘真相联合委员会(真相联委会)
4.Comision para el Esclarecimiento Historico查明历史真相委员会(真相委员会)
5.The Real Life and the True Meaning of Life-An Attempt to Interpret the Novel“Canglangzhishui”;生活真相与生命真相——《沧浪之水》试释
6.historical truth历史的真相,赤裸裸的事实真相,不加修饰的事实真相
7.He attempts to disclose the truth.他试图揭开事实的真相
8.The truth began to dawn on him.他开始弄明白真相.
9.We must find out the truth of the matter.我们要弄清事情的真相
10.93 Sooner or later, the truth comes to light.93真相迟早会大白。
11.told me the truth flat out.直截了当地告诉我真相
12.The pressure has been on the government to uncover the truth.要求政府公开真相
13.verifiable truths, facts, assets可核实的真相、 事实、 资产.
14.You can' t conceal the truth forever.你不能永远隐瞒真相
15.He wants to know the facts of the case.他要知道案情的真相.
16.Komite mete men pou verite blayi发掘真相联合委员会
17.Really? That's unbelievable.真的?真难以相信。
18.absolute and relative truth绝对真理和相对真理

1.The Truth to be Found in "Heart of Darkness";在《黑暗之心》中可以发现的真相和真理
3)dimorphic fungus双相真菌
1.Objective: To determine the antifungal susceptibilities of dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii.目的:研究双相真菌申克孢子丝菌分别在菌丝相和酵母相两种形态下对常用抗真菌药物的敏感性。
4)phase distortion相位失真
1.Amplitude distortion and phase distortion of signal caused by radar transmitter and receiver and Doppler frequency produced by target radical movement are three key factors that influence the performance of pulse compression.由雷达发射、接收系统导致的信号幅度、相位失真以及由目标径向速度导致的目标多普勒频率是影响脉冲压缩性能的三个主要因素。
2.Since random phase distortion,Constant Modulus Algorithm(CMA) had a bit error performance reduces greatly for time-varying acoustic channel.对于时变水声信道,由于随机相位失真,常数模算法(constant modulus algorithm,CMA)的误码性能将严重下降。
3.A differential circuit can be used to minimize the effects of detector phase distortion.数字式鉴相器的相位失真是导致产生寄生信号和额外相位噪声并使锁相环路不稳定的主要因素之一。
5)relative truth相对真理
1.Mathematical truth is a relative truth——Talking from second mathematics crisis;数学真理是相对真理——从“第二次数学危机”谈起
2.A reasonable connotation of absolute truth is the key to grasp the dialectic relationship of absolute truth and relative truth.正确理解绝对真理和相对真理的关系。
3.There is strict boundary between relative truth and falsehood;in other words,relative truth and falsehood are both independent and different from each other,which is no different from between absolute truth and falsehood.相对真理与谬误之间有严格的界线,即相互区别,彼此独立,这与绝对真理与谬误之间的关系是一样的。
6)Vacuum Phase-change真空相变
1.Research and Development on the Z30/SC Vacuum Phase-change Hot Water Boiler;Z30/SC型真空相变热水锅炉的开发研制

真相【真相】 (杂语)犹言本来面目也。洛阳伽蓝记曰:“修梵寺有金刚,鸠鸽不入,鸟雀不栖。菩提达摩云:得其真相也。”李绅诗曰:“真相有无因色界。”