1.This paper made a case study of the short story Fathers Visit by WEI Wei,analyzing the estranged relationship between "the Seventies" and their elders as well as the embarrassing condition they are in trapped between "escape" and "wait".本文以魏微的短篇小说《父亲来访》做个案研究,分析了上世纪"七十年代以后"与父辈间的隔膜关系以及他们在"逃离"与"等待"的夹缝中的尴尬处境。
2.Being the intellectuals before and after the May 4th Neo-cultural Movement,Su Manshu and Yu Dafu both chose to escape,one going back to the tradition,the other inclining to the modern.苏曼殊和郁达夫是以"五四"新文化运动为界的前后两代知识分子,他们分别在归向传统和趋向现代的两个极端中产生了两种不同向度的逃离,但是在存在际遇与体验的层面却又殊途同归。
3.While Lu Xun s "escape" from his "family" was to manage it better,he was ousted from the "family" which he had taken great pains to manage.鲁迅“逃离”他的“家”,却是为了更好地经营这个“家”;他苦心经营这个“家”,却被撵出这个“家”!这前后的遭际,我们完全有理由以其人之论反照其人之身:他维护这个家庭的时候,是“暂时做稳了奴隶”的时候,他被逐出家门的时候,是“做奴隶而不可得”的时候。

1.To break loose from;get free of.逃避,逃过逃离,得到自由
2.Run,run,run,run away from my psychotic teammate!逃啊,逃啊,逃啊,逃离我的精神病队友!
3.A flight to escape danger.逃亡,离开逃避危险的逃离
4.The fugitive skipped town.逃亡者匆匆逃离了小镇
5.Fleeing from Farm,Fleeing from God:The Religion Implication in Of the Farm逃离农庄,逃离上帝——《农庄》的宗教之维
6.A fugitive from the law.逃犯逃离法律的亡命之徒
7.a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment.大批地逃离恶劣的环境。
8.The people fled the town in terror.人们惊恐的逃离这城市。
9.to escape from the wrecked ship on a raft乘木筏逃离失事的船
10.jumped town a step ahead of the police.比警察先一步逃离城镇
11.the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver.机敏地逃离某地的行为。
12.He left Aberdeen by land.他已从陆路逃离阿伯
13.He got away from the scene of uproar.他逃离了喧嚣骚动的现
14.If escape from a building is impossible, get away from windows and doors;来不及逃离建筑物时,应远离门窗;
15.Absurdity, Flight, and Return--A Study of Su Xuelins Works in the 1920s;悖离·逃离·回归——苏雪林20年代作品论
16.The flight from family and occupational responsibility has become an exodus.逃离家庭和逃避职业责任已成为一种移民形式。
17.Fleeing the Farm,Fleeing GOD: The Religion Implication of Updike's Novel Of the Farm逃离农庄 逃离上帝——厄普代克长篇小说《农庄》的宗教之维
18.the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field.逃离引力场所需最短时间。

1.The critical circle tends to interpret her choice of fleeing from and returning home from the perspective of morality and culture, to some extent, which is wrong.对她的先逃离家庭最后又回来,批评界多作道德、文化层面的解读,结论显然是偏颇的,应该看到这里其实隐含着更多的情感心理内容:无奈的“逃离”中蕴含着“回来”的因子,看似无情却有情;急切的回来更彰显其对亲情和真情的依恋和向往。
2.The myth of Chang E flying to the moon can be illuminated the theme that female fleeing away the oppression of the male from a female s neoteric visual angle.对“嫦娥奔月”这则神话以全新的女性视角进行阐释,可以析出女性“逃离”男权压抑的主题。
3.his attitude toward the female from immense admiration to fleeing.末世文人的女性自拟心理,导致了宋玉的文学创作在选材与书写上的独具风格,即对女性的从艳羡到逃离
3)To flee; escape.逃离;逃跑
4)escaping distance逃逸距离
5)release radius逃离半径
6)horror escape恐惧逃离
