1.On the cultural incommensurability in the light of the phenomena of English and Chinese cultural difference;从英汉语言的文化差异现象看文化的不可通约性
2.Based on Kuhn s theory of incommensurability of science paradigm,this article claims that technology paradigm is incommensurable accordingly.借鉴科学哲学家库恩的科学范式不可通约性思想,技术范式也存在着一定的不可通约性

1.On The Trajectory of Kuhn s Concept of Incommensurability;库恩不可通约性论点的发展及其评价
2.Incommensurability of Technology Paradigm;基于技术创新视角的技术范式不可通约性理论
3.A Restudy of the Inconvertibility between the Literacy Criticism of Ancient China and the Poetics of the West;再谈中国古代文论与西方诗学的不可通约性
4.Interpretation and Incommensurability;解释与不可通约性——库恩与罗蒂之间的几点异同
5.Incommensurability and Scientific Rationality: An Interpretation of Kuhn;不可通约性与科学合理性——库恩科学合理性理论研究
6.Lexicon,Truth and Incommensurability--Kuhn s Road Since Structure;词汇系统、真理和不可通约性——库恩的“结构之后的路”
7.On the cultural incommensurability in the light of the phenomena of English and Chinese cultural difference;从英汉语言的文化差异现象看文化的不可通约性
8.Judging the Irreducibility of Matrices by Use of the Strong Connexity of Directed Graphs;利用有向图的强连通性判断方阵的不可约性
9.Heretical Thought on Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine:interaction of the "Incommensurabilities"中西医结合的另类思考——论通约于“不可通约”
10.that it is often made the essence of a contract.因此它通常是合约上不可或缺的条件。
11.On Transformation from Untranslatability to Translatability:Perspective of Intercultural Communication从文化沟通看不可译性向可译性转化
12.commensurable root可公度根,可通约根
13.By practising thrift we can cut out a great deal of unnecessary expenditure.通过节约我们可以省去大量不必要的开支。
14.After a period of... years the contract may be canceled at any time without prior notice.在...年契约有效期届满后,本契约可随时取消而不予事先通知。
15.Subdirectly Irreducibility and Axioms in the Relative Ockham Algebras;相关Ockham代数类的次直不可约性和公理
16.The Geometric Explanation For Orthogonality Of Irreducible Representation Of Finite Group;有限群不可约表示正交性的几何解释
17.Subdirectly Irreducibility and Filters in the Relative Ockham Algebras相关Ockham代数类的次直不可约性和滤子
18.Irreducibility of Generalized Baby Verma Module for sl(4,k)sl(4,k)的广义baby Verma模的不可约性

1.Kuhn thinks it is incommensurable between the one paradigm and another paradigm.托马斯·库恩的科学革命理论中最重要的概念是范式概念,他认为范式与范式之间是不可通约的。
1.The incommensurability emphasizes the importance of value rationality.不可通约性强调了价值理性的重要性,从而实现了从单一的科学理性到多样的价值理性的转变。
2.Percipient creativity, textual diversity, horizon fusion in hermeneutics and Feyerabend s incommensurability and incomparability is also similar.不可通约的思想与解释学的观点是一致的,当代解释学侧重于读者的接受这一观点与不可通约理论有共通之处。
1.On irreducibility of Fibonacci polynomials;Fibonacci多项式的不可约性
2.Then,using the irreducibility,we obtain some conditions for the MCRE to be weak recurrent.本文研究了随机环境中马氏链的状态性质,利用乘积空间的正则本质性和不可约性得到了随机环境中马氏链弱常返的充分条件。
3.In this paper , we define the piecewise algebraic sets by using multivariatespline functions and discuss their irreducibility and isomorphism problem.本文利用多元样条函数来定义分片代数集合,讨论了分片代数集合的不可约性和同构问题,给出了分片代数集合不可约的两个等价条件,并把分片代数集合的同构分类问题转化为交换代数的同构分类问题。
1.Further,it is also irreducible.于是作为半群拟紧性和不可约性的直接结果,得到了系统的时间依赖解指数收敛到其静态解,并且该静态解即为系统算子简单特征值0对应的正的特征向量。
