1.A Strange Woman s Letter:Zweig s "daydream";激情中的自由——茨威格的“白日梦”——从《一个陌生女人的来信》说起
2.And Pearl is the daydream built for the public as well as the writer himself,reflecting the writer s longings for a more beaut.作者认为,根据弗洛伊德的“白日梦”理论与创作家的“自我分裂”的观点,霍桑将自己精神生活中矛盾冲突的几个方面体现在丁梅斯德、海斯特和帕儿身上:丁梅斯德体现了作者的迷茫和彷徨;海斯特代表了一个思索的霍桑、一个叛逆的霍桑、一个无奈的霍桑;帕儿表现了作者对美好未来的渴望,体现了作者对自然人性和人类真诚情感的向往,是作者构建的一个属于自己,也属于大众的“白日梦”。
3.Psychologist Freud believes that a writer s creation and a mental patient s daydream are of the same psychological mechanism.精神分析学家弗洛伊德认为,作家的创作与精神病的白日梦有着相同的心理机制,都是潜意识的显像、是现实生活缺失的补偿。

1.Remembering his daydream later that evening,晚上他想起他的白日梦
2.This is a sheer day dream.这是一个纯粹的白日梦
3.a schoolgirl fantasy.白马王子的白日梦会成真吗。
4.Vision without action is a daydream, while action without vision is a nightmare.想象没有行动是白日梦,行动没有想象是噩梦。
5.Stop daydreaming!/ In your dreams!/ Keep dreaming!别作白日梦了!/你想得美咧!/继续作你的大头梦吧!
6.To have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake.做白日梦醒时有象梦一样的冥想或幻想
7.Multifarious Daydreams: Summarization of Chinese Classical Dream Poems林林总总“白日梦”——中国古代“记梦”诗内容综述
8."He is in a different world,always "Building castles in Spain."他又跑到另外一个世界作白日梦了。
9.She stared out of the window, lost in day-dreams.她凝视窗外, 陷入白日梦中.
10.But the value of daydreaming does not stop there.但白日梦的价值并非止于此。
11.I like to live a world of daydreams.我喜欢生活在一个白日梦的世界里。
12.That's fate, kismet, and we're back in the world of fantasy.「这是命运,我们活在白日梦的世界里。
13.His reverie had thrown him into severe commotion.他的白日梦把他带入了严重的混乱。
14.It's quite the nicest daydream I ever had.这是我做过的最美好的白日梦了。
15.I felt caught up in a reverie of years long past我感到沉浸于过去的多年白日梦
16.She's always daydreaming; she never listens to what the teacher's saying.她总是在做白日梦,从没听老师的讲话。
17.indulged herself with idle daydreams.让自己沉溺于徒劳的白日梦
18.indulged herself with idle daydreams.See Synonyms atpamper让自己沉溺于徒劳的白日梦中参见

1.Proceeding from human nature,this paper probes into the special characteristics of (O Neill s) later plays in exposing the phenomenon of man s daydreaming.从人性的角度来探讨奥尼尔后期戏剧的创作主题 ,像白日梦这一精神现象 ,在奥尼尔的创作中具有独特的表现及深刻的思想意
2.One is Freud’s writers’daydreaming theory and the other is Jung’s collective subconscious psychology.一是从弗洛伊德的作家白日梦情结着手,分析其作品中女性角色和现实中对他产生深远影响的女性的共同点,从而得出他通过文学作品将自己对身边女性的看法和为她们安排的结局以白日梦的方式体现在作品中。
3.His theory about the deep unconscious creation motivation and the sublimation of sexual desire and the writer\'s daydreaming reveals the deep psychological structure of poets hidden in the heart.他关于作深层无意识创作动机的研究,他的性欲升华说和作家白日梦的解析,揭示了诗人心灵的黑暗的隐蔽处,释放了隐蔽在作家深层心理结构中的"潘垛拉的匣子",彻底击碎了长期以来笼罩在诗人头上的神圣光环,彻底撕破了人类的体面和文学诗意的美丽。
3)Day dream白日梦
1.The author points out that the experience of the protagonist in Shanghai is only a day dream ,which reflects the bewilderment of her loss of native place and incompetence of her loss of the individual value in the disguise of female selfe-disc.筱月桂的“上海王”经历只是“女性白日梦”一场,在“原乡”的模式下渗透出的也只是失乡的困惑,在女性自我发现的旗帜下却遮蔽了作为人的个体价值。
1.The author tries to discourse upon what day-dream means to the characters in the Iceman Co.本文作者试图从尼采悲剧思想中的日神精神和酒神精神在《送冰的人来了》中的体现 ,具体通过阐述代表着现实世界的希基到酒店之前之后 ,以及最终离开酒店后的三个阶段即日神精神和酒神精神被全力张扬、被扼杀及最终获得新生的过程 ,论证白日梦赋予剧中人物在这个荒谬、残酷的世界中生存的意义。
2.Why did she used to write these day-dreams? Is there anything else shared between the author and the reader except the obvious wish-fulfillment? After review Qiongyao s living history and her works, we discover that her early experiences and the relationship with somebody important in her life influence the.为何琼瑶习惯于写作这些白日梦?读者和作者共同分享的,除了展现于外的愿望满足,是否另有其他?考察琼瑶的生活史及其作品发现,作家的早年经历以及与生活中重要人物的关系,影响着她的作品的主题、结构、人物形象,琼瑶的母亲,同时作为女儿仇视和认同的人,作为规则的给予者和欲望的对象,在女儿的人格形成过程,在女儿的荣耀与隐痛中扮演着举足轻重的作用。
6)guided daydream导向白日梦
