时代精神,time spirit
1)time spirit时代精神
1.It can give people deep neurogram of the architecture that related to environment,and if it can create the new time spirit combined with the Chinese traditional characters,the architectural design may have more activity and abound in vitality.与环境结合紧密的建筑总是能给人留下更深刻的印象,若能再结合中国传统特色创造出新的时代精神,这样的建筑设计将更加具有活力、富于生命力。
2.The relations of the aesthetics characteristic of packaging color design with time spirit and popular psychology were also discussed.包装色彩设计的美学特征包含多种因素,从信息传播和符号学角度来探讨包装设计的美学特征,具体分析了包装色彩设计的符号性的象征功能和信息传播功能方面的美学价值,同时还具体论述了包装色彩设计的美学特征与时代精神和社会流行心理之间的关系。
3.The flourish of south song bold word is closely related with time spirit.南宋豪放词的大兴与时代精神密切相关。

1.the spirit of the age [times]时代精神, 时代潮流
2.On the Pioneering Spirit from the Perspective of National Spirit and Time Spirit;试论民族精神和时代精神视角下的创业精神
3.A Brief Account of the Positive Causal Connection among The Yan anSpririt, the Present Age Spirit and the National Spirit.;略论延安精神与时代精神、民族精神的必然联系
4.The combination of scientific spirit and humane spirit in contemporary society;时代精神的滥觞:科学精神与人文精神交融
5.Study on Forming Condition of Ethnologic and Epochal Spirit;民族精神与时代精神的形成条件探析
6.It is inconsistent with the spirit of the age.这和时代精神不相符。
7.It is counter to the spirit of the times.这与时代精神相反。
8.The important ideology of "Three Represents" isthe essence of the spirit of the era;“三个代表”重要思想是时代精神的精华
9.The Spirit of the Age Reflected in the Theory that Every Age Has Its Literature;“一代有一代之文学”说的时代精神要义
10.Brief Analysis on Some Problems of National Spirit and Time Spirit;简析有关民族精神和时代精神的几个问题
11.Develop National Spirit and Spirit of the Times, Build up System of Socialist Core Values;弘扬民族精神时代精神 构筑核心价值体系
12.On Levering the National Ethos and Time Spirit in History Studies;弘扬历史研究中的民族精神和时代精神
13.Reflections on Xibaipo Spirit as Spirit of the Times;关于西柏坡精神是一种时代精神的思考
14.On Healthy Development of Collegiate Ethos and Zeitgeist论大学生民族精神和时代精神的健康发展
15.Follow the Spirit of the Times Promote Morality Construction of the New Era紧扣时代精神 推进新时期师德建设
16.Taine's Zeitgeist and Bai Juyi's for times and for Current Affairs丹纳的“时代精神”与白居易的“为时”、“为事”
17.On the Epoch Making Spirit of Neo Confucianism and its Reply to the Challenge of the Age;论理学时代精神及其对当时时代挑战的回应
18.A Perfect Annotation of Traditional Virtues and the Epochal Spirit --An Analysis of the Connotation of Zhang Jiu-jing s Spirit;传统美德和时代精神的完美诠释——张九精精神内涵探析

spirit of the times时代精神
1.National spirit and spirit of the times are inalienable important composition and the essence of socialist core values.民族精神和时代精神成为社会主义核心价值体系不可分割的重要组成部分,是社会主义核心价值体系的精髓。
2.Xibaipo Spirit is the spirit of the times because it contains the claim of the age for reform and innovation,embodies the unity of knowledge and practice of CPC,and is the forever impetus for strict self-discipline,creative innovation and untiring diligence of CPC.西柏坡精神之为一种时代精神,就在于它内涵着改革创新的时代要求,体现着中国共产党人认知和实践的统一,是社会主体尤其是中国共产党人自警自律、开拓创新、不懈进取的永恒动力。
3)The spirit of the times时代精神
1.Solve this problem,the moral work of the school should regard inheriting traditional virtue and carrying forward the education of the spirit of the times as the important breach.解决这一问题,学校的德育工作应把继承传统美德与弘扬时代精神的教育作为重要突破口。
2.To fully promote and nurture the spirit of the times with reform and innovation at the core,the rich and varied characteristics of the current era must be comprehensively understood from both international and national perspectives.大力弘扬与培育的时代精神必须具有鲜明的时代性,作为社会主义核心价值体系组成部分的时代精神,必须充分体现当今时代的基本特性。
3.Beginning with explaining the interactive symbiosis relation of the ethos and the spirit of the times, this paper points out the necessity and basic dimensions of the contemporary ethos construction: the epoch-making quality and traditional quality unify in a high degree,scientific quality and opening qualit.文章从论释民族精神与时代精神的互动共生关系入手,指出当代民族精神建构之必要性与基本维度:时代性与传统性高度统一、科学性与开放性相互融通。
1.A Preliminary Study of the Zeitgeist of Lao She s Feminism Stand;简论老舍女性观的时代精神
2.Luxun s & Maodun s Fictions and Zeitgeist;鲁迅、茅盾的小说创作与时代精神
5)times spirit时代精神
1.On constitution amendment embodying times spirit;论体现时代精神的宪法修正案
2.On basis of news-gathering practice, this article talks about the need for news writing to keep pace with times,to reflect times spirit through minor materials.本文结合新闻采写实践,论述新闻写作应紧扣时代脉搏,表现时代精神,找准小题材与时代精神的最佳结合点。
3.Chinese modernization need absorb the quintessence of olympic spirit,to construct the times spirit with Ch.奥林匹克精神与中国人文精神相得益彰,中国现代化建设需要汲取奥林匹克精神的精华,构建富有中国特色的时代精神;"人文奥运"理念的提出和实践,渗透了新时代的中国人文精神,是对奥林匹克精神的丰富和发展。
6)Spirit of the age时代精神
1.As the work subject and tactic pattern\'s tracking down,put "Nameless Book" in the atmosphere in a deeper and broader domain of surmounting time,showed its unique value of responding the spirit of the age sparsely to the time words."追寻",作为作品主题和结构模式,将《无名书》置于超越时代氛围的更深广的领域中,彰显了看似疏离时代话语实则回应时代精神的独特价值。
2.To the oil painting creation and the feminine artist\'s work,female\'s huge potential in art can display fully only by develops the "female consciousness",have an awareness of "the spirit of the age",and this is just the premise that the "feminine art" goes out the bamboo fence of the male\'s power words and seeks themselves truly.而就从事油画创作的女性艺术家及其作品来看,女性在艺术上的巨大潜力只有在人格独立和精神自由的状态下,充分发扬"女性意识","自觉"顺应"时代精神"与艺术发展的规律才能充分发挥出来,而这正是"女性艺术"走出男权话语的藩篱,真正寻找自我的前提。

时代精神  体现于社会精神生活各个领域的历史时代的客观本质及其发展趋势。    时代精神集中表现于社会的意识形态中,但并不是任何意识形态中的现象都表现着时代精神,只有那些代表时代发展潮流,标志一个时代的精神文明,对社会生产的发展产生积极影响的思想才是时代精神的体现。时代的客观潮流是第一性的,时代精神是第二性的,时代精神的能动作用归根结柢取决于它对时代潮流反映的程度。时代精神具有时代的、历史的特点,它随着时代的推移,而不断变化发展,推陈出新。在阶级社会中,时代精神具有阶级的内容。在一定的历史时代,处于该时代的中心,决定该时代主要内容、主要方向和主要特点的阶级思想,就是该时代的时代精神。当一个阶级由进步趋于反动,不再处于时代的中心地位,它的思想就不再代表时代的发展趋势时,就要被代表历史发展趋势的先进阶级的思想所代替。处于上升时期的资产阶级的思想,曾经是时代精神的体现者;而资产阶级一旦走向没落,它的思想就不再代表时代精神了。在当今的历史时代里,以马克思主义为指导的无产阶级思想是时代精神的真正代表,马克思主义哲学是这一时代的时代精神的精华。