1.Comeuppance,which has been used in the novels and become an inherent driving power in the development of novels plot,constructs overall structure model on the Chinese ancient novels:plot coincidence,beforehand narrative characteristic and the happy ending.因果报应思想进入小说,成为小说情节发展的内在驱动力,在很大程度上构筑了中国古代小说的总体结构模式:情节巧合、预叙特征与大团圆结局。
2.Directing against some criticisms on O·Henry s short story Police and Hymn,this essay puts forward some suggestions on such aspects as the application of its criticism and coincidence,authenticity and style of the subject matter.针对关于欧·亨利短篇小说代表作《警察与赞美诗》的一些批评意见,本文就小说本身的批判锋芒、巧合的运用、题材的真实性和风格等方面,提出一些商榷意见。
3.A series of odd coincidences constitute the peculiar injustices,and also highlight a number of vivid characters.司文郎是掌管文教事务的官吏,居然一度由聋子代管,瞎眼的和尚居然可以用鼻子辨别文章的优劣;《胭脂》的一连串奇之又奇的巧合,构成了千古奇冤,也凸现了一批活灵活现的人物形象。

1.Bad luck or coincidence.运气不好还是巧合
2.All things conspired to make him happy.事事巧合使他心满意足。
3.an uncanny coincidence, resemblance, etc意料不到的巧合、 相似等.
4.an unhappy coincidence, chance, etc不幸的巧合、 偶然事故等
5.an unusual conjunction of circumstances各种情况偶然的巧合.
6.Our holidays coincide.我们的假期正好巧合
7.Unitary elasticity is the coincidental case that is just on the borderline between elastic and inelastic.关于单弹性是一种巧合。这种巧合是有弹性和缺乏弹性的分界线。
8.His excuse was too pat for us to believe.他的理由来的太巧合,令我们很难相信。
9.by presenting his readers with a series of coincidences --给读者准备一系列的巧合??,
10.This is the story of an amazing coincidence.这是一个令人惊奇的巧合的故事。
11.Jerking from coincidence to coincidence, they were obviously the work of an original intelligence.巧合迭起,仍可谓独具匠心。
12.This can't be a coincidence.我并不认为这只是一个偶然的巧合
13.The poster says it's a terrible coincidence.编辑者自己也说这是一个可怕的巧合
14.Coincidence operated only mildly in their lives.在他们生活中巧合的机缘并不多得。
15.marketable skills合乎市场需要的技巧
16.chocolate mass mixing and kneading machine巧克力浆混合捏炼机
17.Chocolate always disagrees with me.巧克力糖不合我的胃口。
18.The Combination of Sophisticated Skills in Premiere Pro 2.0Premiere Pro2.0高级编辑技巧组合

compounding technology配合技巧
1.Heat resistant rubber compounding technology(part one);耐热性橡胶配合技巧(上)
2.Heat resistant rubber compounding technology( part one );耐热性橡胶配合技巧(下)
3)large number coincidences大数巧合
4)synthetical skill统合技巧
1.This article claims that argumentation is a skill,a "synthetical skill".时下有关论证的说法很多 ,有过程论 ,层次论 ,方法论 ,结构论等 ,本文认为论证是技巧 ,是“统合技巧”。
5)interpersonal skills合作技巧
