1.Beauty and solemnity美丽与庄严——论《边城》的生命主题
2.Through the ages there has been a continuous topic concerning the beauty of the female.古往今来关于女性美丽的话题源源不断,女性美丽的身体在中国源远流长的历史长河里若隐若现。
3.This paper intends to distinguish four types of expressions of "beauty" and "bad-looking" associated with women s body and of "purity" and "immorality" used to describe women s integrity so as to identify the changes in expressions of women s images in contemporary literature since the founding of the People s Republic.通过对显示女性外在身体特征的“美丽”或“丑陋”与代表女性内在思想境界的“纯洁”或“淫荡”四个元素及其内涵外延的变异体认,可以清晰地考察出建国后半个多世纪以来中国当代文学中的女性形象所经历的巨大话语变迁。

1.of Cinderella's charm and beauty,仙杜丽娜的美丽可爱。
2.One that is beautiful, especially a beautiful woman.美人一个美丽的人,尤指美丽的女人
3.A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form美丽的外形胜过美丽的脸蛋,美丽的行为的胜过美丽的外形。——爱默生
4.To make or become beautiful.美化使变得或成为美丽
5.A girl, especially a beautiful one.美女女孩,尤指美丽女子
6.She is not more beautiful than Mary.她不比玛丽美丽--顶多只是和玛丽一样美。
7.True beauty is not skin deep!真正的美丽并不只是外表的美丽哦!
8.It' s a lovely vase. Those flowers are lovely, too.这是个美丽的花瓶,那些花也美丽
9.Aging is an adventure of beauty.美丽的真谛是:美丽没什么了不起。
10.The Harmony In Misplace--A Re-explanation of Fengcun s Story "Beauty";美丽的错位——丰村小说《美丽》的重新阐释
11.Poetry turns all things to loveliness, it exalts the beauty.诗使万象化成美丽;它使最美丽的东西愈见其美。
12.Good, had to go to meet Li Li, next time again will recount this beautiful mood.好了,要去接丽丽了,下次再述说这美丽的心情吧。
13.Of pleasing appearance, especially because of a pure or fresh quality;comely.美丽的外表美丽的,尤指因为纯洁或青春活力的特点的;美丽
14."Fair:Of pleasing appearance, especially because of a pure or fresh quality; comely.""美丽的:外表美丽的,尤指因为纯洁或青春活力的特点的;美丽的"
15.A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior is better than a beautiful form. Ralph Waldo Emerson.美丽的体形胜过漂亮的脸蛋;美丽的行为胜过美丽的体形。
16.Beauty is poor thing when it is not the harmonious expression of an equivalent soul.当美丽不是同样美丽心灵的和谐表达时,美丽是可怜的。
17.These are not sweet nothings my beautiful Juliet.我美丽的朱丽叶,这些不是甜言蜜语。
18.She was jealous of Callisto's beauty.希拉非常嫉妒克丽丝桃的美丽

1.This paper expounds on the irresistable trend and logic inevitablility of the aesthetics being used in the sense of “beautiful”,“perfect” and “bright -looking” from the perspectives of its Chinese translation,its original meaning given by Boum Garton and Hegel,and its converted implication.根据维特根斯坦语词“意义即用法”的著名哲学命题 ,“美学”一词有四种用法 ,这四种用法 ,也就是美学的四种形态 :美丽论美学 ,统一论美学 ,超越论美学 ,张力论美学。
2.Warren is a graceful,beautiful,virtuous,self-giving and admirable woman.华伦夫人是一位风姿绰约、美丽温柔、善良敦厚、无私忘我、乐于助人的令人敬佩的女性形象,在卢梭成长为世界文化名人、著名思想家的过程中,凝聚着华伦夫人的一份心血,因而她有理由分享卢梭的伟大和光荣。
3)Aconitum pulchellum美丽乌头
1.Aconitum pulchellum Hand-Mazz, distributing in West of China, grows at an altitute about 3500-4500 m.首次从药用植物美丽乌头(Aconitum pulchellum)中分离得到两个内酯型降二萜生物碱,通过波谱分析,其中1个鉴定为异叶乌头碱(heteratisine,1),另1个鉴定为二乙酰异叶乌头碱(diacetylheteratisine,2)。
1.Comparative study between Mydrin and atropine in mydriatic optometry of juvenile hyperopia;美多丽与阿托品对青少年远视散瞳验光结果的影响
1.Study on Contrast of Computer Optometry after Dispersing Pupilby Mydrin-P and ArTroPine,the Liquid Eyes Medicines;美多丽-P与阿托品眼液散瞳后电脑验光对比研究
2.Objective To explore the practical value of Mydrin-P in children with refraction error.目的探讨美多丽-P在儿童散瞳验光中的应用价值。

美丽1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。