1.The basic features of Postmodern- ism literary involves two elements: indeterminacy and immanence,this paper discusses the theme,plot, characters,interpreter of the Continu- ity of Parks and the indeterminence reflected in the novel.通过对胡里奥·科塔萨尔的《花园余影》进行作品主题、故事情节、人物形象、文本解读的分析,笔者认为,该作品体现了后现代主义文学的最重要的特点——不确定内在性。
2.It is not only propitious to promote the formation of the characters personalities,but also lead the plots in the tenses,and add more climaxes to the plot.《水浒传》的饮酒描写溶入了整个社会的饮食文化之中,并带动整个故事的方方面面,既有利于人物形象的塑造,又加剧了小说的冲突与矛盾,使故事情节既扣人心弦又妙趣横生。
3.Against the background of a renewed interest in formalistic narratology, this article attempts to trace the evolving narratological treatment of plot in short story in the early, the modern, and the postmodern period.本文以此为背景试图聚焦短篇小说情节叙事的演变过程,重点分析早期、现代以及后现代语境下短篇小说故事情节的设置特点和各时期短篇小说作家和批评家关于短篇小说情节的评论。

1.Well, it was really sad.嗯,故事情节可真感伤。
2.the series of events that form a plot.系列发生的构成一个故事情节的事件。
3.At its simplest, narration is the telling of a story, which involves characters and ongoing actions.简言之,记叙文就是讲故事,包括人物和故事情节
4.the storyline is wildly unrealistic.故事情节完全不符合现实。
5.I think music can help the development of the story.我觉得,音乐有助故事情节的发展。
6.The story was a bit thin and the photography was only so-so.故事情节比较简单,拍摄技术也一般。
7.The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived.故事情节的构思相当巧妙。
8.a spy novel with a strong story故事情节扣人心弦的间谍小说.
9.The plot twists and turns, but the ending is the biggest surprise of all.故事情节迂回曲折,结局令人惊奇。
10.There was no story, no colorful images.没有故事情节,也没有生动的画面。
11.I can not say the plot of the story is so very intriguing.这说不上这故事情节有多大吸引力。
12.The story was watered down so much it was no longer interesting.故事情节已被冲淡, 再也没有趣味了。
13.line of development(in a story,etc)(故事等的)情节发展线索
14.The story gradually unfolded itself.故事 (的情节) 渐渐地展开。
15.The story has a complicated plot.故事的情节是曲折的。
16.The series of events and episodes that form the plot of a story or play.情节构成故事或戏剧情节的一系列事件或剧集
17.The plan of events or main story in a narrative or drama.情节在故事或戏剧中事件的概要或主要故事
18.The author wove a story from three plots.作者把三个情节编成一个故事。

Plotless Story无情节故事
3)plots of story故事情节导入
1.This article mainly talks about eight kinds of techniques of lead-in activity by using visual aids, topics, revision, games, songs, situations, plots of story and suspensions.本文主要探讨了小学英语教学常见的八种新课导入方法:直观导入法、谈话导入法、复习导入法、游戏导入法、歌曲导入法、情景导入法、故事情节导入法、悬念导入法,讨论使用上述方法的注意事项。
4)the evolution of a story故事情节的发展
5)The story is very complicated.故事情节复杂。
6)the games' story游戏故事情节

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