1.Analysis on the psychological loss among contemporary university students ——a reconsideration of the psychological health of the contemporaryuniversity students;“透视”当代大学生心理走向的迷失——大学生心理健康问题再思考
2.Alienation,loss and remoulding of moral honor during the social transitional period;社会转型期道德荣誉的异化、迷失与重塑
3.Body Description-Another Loss in Feminine Literature;躯体写作——女性文学的又一次迷失

1.a lost sheep迷途羔羊,迷失正道的人。
2.The sailors lost their bearings last night.昨夜水手们迷失了方向。
3.Be careful--don't lost yourself.小心点,别迷失方向。
4.The Abnormal and The Normal--On Urban Landscape Construction at Loss;“失态”与“常态”——论迷失的城市景观建设
5.Within you I lose wow gold without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失
6.I missed the turnoff and went 15 miles out of mey way.我迷失在岔道中,向前走了15英里就完全迷路了。
7.From Infatuation to Maze--Gu Cheng and his fairy - tale world从迷恋到迷失——顾城及其营造的童话世界
8.Sometimes when we lose ourselves in fear and despair , in routine and constancy , in hopelessness and tragedy .有时,当我们在绝望中迷失,在规律与不变中迷失;在无望与悲剧中迷失
9.Recur of Financial Depression and the Credit Lost--From Credit Risk to Credit Lost金融萧条的重现与信用迷失——从信用危境到信用迷失
10.The Lost World: Jurassic Park侏罗纪公园2-失落的世界;迷失世界-侏罗纪公园
11.The winding trail caused them to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使他们迷失方向。
12.A policeman took the old man home who had strayed.一位警察把迷失在外的老汉送回了家。
13.And now like clouds like rain I′ m drowning.现在我迷失在象雾象雨又象风的爱里。
14.Searchers rescued the boys lost in the mountains.搜索者救出了在山中迷失的男孩子们。
15.The police lost their quarry in the crowd.在人群中警察迷失了跟踪目标
16.causing loss of physical or intellectual bearings.使在生理或心理上迷失方向的。
17.The beginnings of music are lost in the mist of the past.音乐的起源迷失在历史的浓雾之中。
18."As for Baoyu, he felt as bemused as if he had lost his wits.""彼时宝玉迷迷惑惑,若有所失."

1.The lost and return of Chinese culture in English teaching;英语教学中中国文化的迷失与回归
2.But this pure heroic discourse violated the logic of life,and meanwhile,caused the internal spirit of the times of the Republic of China completely lost.这种纯粹的英雄话语因违背了生活本身的逻辑而打破了"仿真"局面,造成了叙事目的全面失效,同时也使民国时代的内在精神彻底迷失
3.Catherine s betrayal makes their selves lost .凯瑟琳对爱情的背叛使他们相继迷失了真正的自我,自我分裂的痛苦使他们踏上了追寻自我的艰难历程。
1.Teachers curriculum consciousness in classroom teaching is in the losing state which is embodied in six aspects:emphasizing exam-orientated curriculum,the false characteristic of subject, the false rationality,neglecting the educational values in process of classroom teaching,deviating from the standards of curriculum text,and the narrow view of subject.在课堂教学中教师课程意识处于迷失的状态,具体表现为六个方面:强调"考的课程"、虚假的主体性、虚假的合理性、忽略动态生成性资源的教育价值、偏离文本的"标准"作用、学科视野狭窄等。
2.This paper tries to explain on life-oriented Athletics losing and regression from the latitude phase two of our athletics program.本文试图从田径课程生活化的迷失与回归阶段两个纬度对我国田径运动课程与生活相离合的轨迹进行阐述,旨在从哲学的角度论证新课程标准理念下田径运动课程生活化回归的必然性。
1.Maze and Construction of the Present Film Critics当下电影评论的迷失与建构
2.It lies in mostly the maze of the moral belief, which has fastened on moral construct field.在目前面临社会转型的中国,精神文明建设面临重重困难,集中于道德建设领域主要在于道德信仰的迷失
6)swarm lost群体迷失
1.The swarm intelligence of ants has advantages in itself, while it can easily bring about the problems of swarm lost.蚁群算法是一种基于群体智能的算法,蚂蚁群体智能有广泛的实际应用,该智能有其本身的优点,但同时也存在群体迷失的问题。

迷失1.弄不清方向,走错道路。 2.丢失;丧失。