1.The Motive and Effect of The Epic Narration on the Literature from 1949 to 1966——by Taking the Example of Hong Qi Pu;十七年文学“史诗叙事”的动机和效果的悖离——从《红旗谱》看十七年文学的史诗性
2.Anti-epic: the Historic Narrative in Literary Transition;反“史诗性”:文学转型中的历史叙述(下)
3.Anti-epic:Historic Narration in Literary Transition;反“史诗性”:文学转型中的历史叙述(上)

1.The Epic Characters in Scott s Historical Novels by Viewing "Ivanhoe;从《艾凡赫》看司各特历史小说的史诗性
2.Anti-epic: the Historic Narrative in Literary Transition;反“史诗性”:文学转型中的历史叙述(下)
3.Anti-epic:Historic Narration in Literary Transition;反“史诗性”:文学转型中的历史叙述(上)
4.The Style of "Epic Drama" and the Lack of "Epic"--A Brief Comment on the Gain and Loss of Art in the Drama 《Barbarian》;“史诗剧”样式与“史诗性”缺失——略论话剧《野人》的艺术得失
5.Three Kingdoms": Its Epic Character and Social Spirit Phenomenon《三国演义》:史诗性质和社会精神现象
6.A Critical Study of "Poetic History" View and the Nature of "Poetic History" in the War Between the Song Dynasty and Western Xia.;“诗史”观辨正及宋夏战事诗的“诗史”性质
7.A Talk About the Historical Necessity from“Poems Expressing Wills”to“Poems Endowed With Feeling”;论“诗言志”走向“诗缘情”的历史必然性
8.On female poetry in poetry history in the 80 s~90 s;论诗歌史视野中的80、90年代女性诗歌
9.Study on Epics and the history written in poem in the Book of Songs;论《诗经》中的“史诗”与“诗史”
10.Perfect Fusion of Emotion and Senses in Poetry--A Book Review on Chanting on Epics by Li Qingshan;诗性与智性的和谐融合——读李青山的《咏史诗闲话》
11."Using Verses to Verify Historical Facts" and Complexity of Making Sure Historical Facts;“以诗证史”与史事坐实的复杂性——以陈寅恪《元白诗笺证稿》为例
12.On Writing Features of Literature History--take the revision of the mainland poetry of History of Chinese Contemporary Poetry for example;谈文学史的写作特性——以《中国当代新诗史》大陆诗歌部分的修订为例
13.On the Relationship between the Original Epic and the Cultural Ecosystem--from the view of the "Mei Gei",which named as a type of Yi people s epic;原始性史诗存活与文化生态系统的关系——以彝族史诗“梅葛”为视点
14.Towards Gary Snyder’s Poetics in Translation历史意识与诗性原则——美国诗人加里·斯奈德的翻译诗学研究
15.The Literariness of Historical Discourse;历史话语的文学性——兼评海登·怀特的历史诗学
16.The Narrativity of History and the Historicity of Narrative: Hayden White s Poetics of History;历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性——海登·怀特的历史诗学
17.The correlation with modern maps then stops.史诗与现代图的相关性到此为止了。
18.A Study of Irrationality in Wallace Stevens Poetry;华莱士·史蒂文斯诗歌非理性特征研究

poetry as history诗史性质
3)pursuit of epic史诗性追求
4)Epical Character史诗性品格
1.On the Epical Character of Holy Heaven Doorway;论《圣天门口》的史诗性品格
5)epic masterpiece史诗性巨著
6)The original epic原始性史诗
1.The original epic is closely linked with the corresponding ecosystem.原始性史诗的酝酿、萌生、发展与存活都与其相应的文化生态系统息息相关。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-