1.Listen, He is Speaking!——On the aesthetic value of the monologue in feature movies;听,他在诉说!——浅谈故事片中独白的审美价值
2.Literary Translation---From monologue To conversation;文学翻译——从独白到对话——伽达默尔哲学诠释学对翻译研究的启示

1.IV. Listen and answer听独白,回答问题。
2.The audience lapped up his monologue.听众倾听他的独白
3.A literary composition in the form of a soliloquy.独白形式的文学作品
4.He write dialogue by cut monologue in two.他把独白切成两截来写对白。
5.The soliloquy was an Elizabethan dramatic convetion.独白是伊丽莎白时代戏剧的惯常手法。
6.From Subjectivity to Inter-subjectivity: Monologue to Dialogue;从主体性到交互主体性:从独白到对白
7.We like our school very much.听第二段独白,完成第18至20题。
8.The message reads, arriving flight TE 202, June 16th, William.听下面一段独白,回答18~20小题。
9.At this moment, however, even the monologue had dried up.然而到了这一刻,连独白也干涸起来。
10.C. The man should go to the consulate for a bit of advice.听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15题。
11.I can't wait to try French food.听第10段独白,回答第17~20题。
12.Thanks, I hope you can.听下面一段独白,回答17~20题。
13.How much more gets told besides .而这独白的方式包含着多少言外之意!
14.C. The man wants to rent the house for a long time.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题。
15.C. Gina likes money too much.听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题。
16.C. Anna doesn't know Pat.听下面一段独白,回答16~20小题。
17.Thank you very much, as soon as it comes in, I'll ring you.听下面一段独白,回答17-20小题。
18.C. A fine day but some showers.听下面一段独白,回答18~20题。

1.In his novels featuring soliloquy,the definition and evaluation of the characters concepts and moral qualities have been kept within the writer s own conceptual and ideological framework.他所创作的是一种典型的独白型小说。
2.This articale comment and introduction to Miao Hong s Posthumous Poetry,think:Miao Hong s Posthumous Poetry is the poet s mind soliloquy,the main contents includes,depressed and painful,pursue and natural end,symp.文章对这本诗集作了较为详细的评介,认为:《缪弘遗诗》是诗人的心灵独白,主要内容包括郁闷与痛苦、追求与归宿、同情与歌颂、抗战与爱国等几个方面。
3.Such expressions in literary works are called as soliloquy.这种现象在文学作品中的表现就是独白
1.The total transformation of teaching paradigm is required by new curriculum,from "narrow teaching" to "broad teaching"(from "textbook" to "curriculum materials"),from "monolog teaching "to "dialogue teaching",from reliant teaching to independent teaching,from knowledgeable class to living class.新课程要求教学范式实现根本转变,由"狭义教学"走向"广义教学"(由"教材"到"课程资源");由"独白式教学"走向"对话式教学";由依赖性教学走向独立性教学;由知识性课堂走向生命性课堂。
2.We analyzed the theatricality through person s monolog,and took apart the psychology of characters and the deep moral of the author.茨威格小说中的独白、对白及旁白,充分反映了个中的戏剧特质和小说家的深层寓意。
4)To give or perform a monologue.独白或表演独白
5)Dushan white jade白独玉
1.In this paper,the main effect factors of transmission of Dushan white jade are studied more specifically in chemistry compositions,mineral assemblages and features of crystallochemistry and so on,then a brief appraisal of their craft characteristices is given.从玉石的矿物组合、化学成分和矿物晶体化学特征等方面对影响白独玉透明度的主要因素作了较具体的研究,并对其工艺特征也作了简要的评述。
6)Angelica polymorpha Maxim白根独活
1.Analysis of Components in Volatile Oil by Different Extraction Methods of Angelica polymorpha Maxim.不同方法提取白根独活挥发油的对比分析
2.To screen the anti-gastric ulcer active fraction of Angelica polymorpha Maxim.采用系统溶剂法提取分离中药白根独活得到5个部位,通过阿司匹林-乙醇溶液所致小鼠胃溃疡模型筛选中药白根独活抗胃溃疡作用的有效部位。
3.An UV spectrophotometry for determining total coumarins in Angelica polymorpha Maxim.建立紫外分光光度法测定白根独活中总香豆素的含量。
