1.From culture politicalization to culture modernization——Culture development trend in China s modernization;从文化政治化到文化现代化——中国现代化中的文化发展趋势
2.On the Politicalization of the Sino-Soviet Economic Relations: Display,Causes and Enlightenment —— Take the USSR s Economic Aid to China as a example;论二十世纪五十年代中苏经济关系的政治化:表现、成因及启示——以苏联对华经援为例
3.New Perspective to Understand Ethnic Relations:De-politicalization of Ethnicity;理解民族关系的新思路——少数族群问题的“去政治化

1.The Politicized Tendency Of Left-wing Literature;政治文化视角:左翼文学的政治化倾向
2.The Performance and Countermeasures of Ideological and Political education s "Political-remove";思想政治教育“去政治化”的表现及对策
3."Political Correctness" and Politicization of American Higher Education;“政治正确”与美国的高等教育政治化
4.An Analysis of the Field of Political Science--Political Culture and Political Consciousness;政治学范畴探析——政治文化与政治意识
5.Political Culture National Characteristic and Nationality s Political Culture;政治文化的民族性与民族的政治文化
6.Traditional Political Culture and Chinese Political Democratization Process;传统政治文化与中国政治民主化进程
7.Research On Political Modernization--Commentating the Correlations Among Modernization and Development and Civilization of Politics;政治现代化研究——兼论政治现代化与政治发展、政治文明的关系
8.The status and role of legalization of political operation in political modernization;政治运行法治化在政治现代化中的地位和作用
9.Political Culture and Since 20 Century s End Political Novel;政治文化与20世纪末以来的政治小说
10.The Research on Political Socializational Function of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育的政治社会化功能研究
11.On the Ideological and Political Education from the Angle of Political Socialization;论政治社会化视域下的思想政治教育
12.Exploring Roads of the Political Harmony by Taking the Political Culture as the Angle of View;以政治文化为视角探索政治和谐之路
13.The Establishment of Political Consciousness Civilization in Political Culture;我国政治文化中的政治意识文明建设
14."Political Media":Dual Logic of Politics and Media;“政治媒体化”:政治与媒体的双重逻辑
15.Political ecosystem:the modernization examination to the political civilization construction;政治生态:政治文明形塑的现代化考评
16.On the Political Cultural Innovation and the Political Consciousness Civilization Construction;论政治文化创新与政治意识文明建设
17.The Circumstance of Political Globalization and Development of Political;论“政治全球化”语境中的政治发展
18.On Cultivation of Citizens Political Quality with View of Political Socialization;从政治社会化看公民政治素质的培育

1.Play Go of Enterprises and Government: Private Enterprise Politicization;企业与政府的博弈:民营企业政治化
2.politicization of Japanese ODA to China.分析了21世纪初期的日本对华ODA变化:(1) 对华贷款规模逐年大幅度削减;(2)日元贷款实施周期和投向发生变化;(3)日本对华ODA日益政治化
1.The drama has politicized gradually,while the Chinese opera,including traditional opera,modern opera and new historic opera,has developed simultaneously with tragedy,comedy and drama.十七年戏剧文学创作的总体格局是“话剧———戏曲二元结构”共生互补,话剧的突出特点是日益政治化和正剧化,戏曲则基本上是“传统戏、现代戏和新编历史剧三并举”和悲剧、喜剧与正剧同步发展。
2.On one hand, the development of the scientific theory of global warming not only provided the basis for consensus between most climate scientists, but also acted as a context within which politicians made political decisions, thus became necessary precondition for global warming to become politicized during the 1980s.一方面 ,全球变暖科学理论的发展为国际气候科学界达成有关共识提供了基础 ,同时为政治家的政治决策提供了相关的科学背景知识 ,从而为全球变暖问题在 2 0世纪 80年代的政治化创造了必要的前提条件。
3.During this course of history development,we can know the transformation of sport entertainment culture in China,which changes from its politicize to commercialized.在这个历史的发展过程中,可以看出当代中国体育娱乐文化的转变,那就是从体育娱乐政治化到体育娱乐商业化。
1.In recent fifty years,there are about 18 films resenting a kind of general creative rule and aesthetic features——realism,politicizing of history and art and repeatedly expressing of the spirit of Long March.近50年来所拍摄的18部长征电影(故事片)呈现出写实主义、历史与艺术的政治化、长征精神主题反复表达等总体创作规律和美学特征。
5)legalization of the politics政治法治化
1.The development of the socialistic political civilization in China must be based on law and the legalization of the politics should be realized.政治文明与法治存在着密切联系,政治文明是法治得以建立的重要条件和坚强 支柱;法治是政治文明的核心内容和有力保障;中国建设社会主义政治文明,必须以法治为根本,实现政治法治化。
6)legalization of China's party politics政党政治法治化

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。