1.Moscow′s Architecture in 1990s;浅析九十年代俄罗斯建筑
2.Returning to Reasoning Spirit:Comments on Reportage in 1990s;论重归理性的九十年代报告文学

1.Great changes took place in China in the1990? s.中国在二十世纪九十年代发生了巨变。
2.Review of Chinese Newspaper in the 1990s;二十世纪九十年代我国报纸发展回顾
3.Studies on New Queer Cinema in America during 1990s;论二十世纪九十年代美国新酷儿电影
4.The 1990s Hong Kong City Novel Research;二十世纪九十年代香港城市小说研究
5.A Study of the Redeemable Consciousness in 1990 s Prose;论二十世纪九十年代散文的救赎意识
6.Beauty of feeling in Chinese prose in 1990s;二十世纪九十年代中国散文的情感美
7.Ideological Fission of Thought in the 90s;九十年代的思想裂变─—“当代思想史”片断
8.The Modernity Introspection of the Western Rural Novels in 1990s;二十世纪九十年代西部乡土小说的现代性反思
9.On the Whole Trend Changes of the Chinese Juvenile Fiction in 1990s;论二十世纪九十年代中国少年小说的整体流变
10.Western left thoughts in the past 40 years and It s resurrection in 1990s;西方左翼思潮四十年回顾及其九十年代的复兴
11.The Political Roles of Multinational Corporations in U.S.-China Relations of 1990s;美国跨国公司与九十年代的中美关系
12.The Patriarchal Image: A Phenomenon in the Literature of the Nineties;家长形象:九十年代文学的一种现象
13.The 1990s Poetry in a Popular Culture Field of Vision;大众文化视野下的“九十年代诗歌”
14.The Change of "Personalization of Female Sex Writing" in 1990s;九十年代“女性私人化写作”的嬗变
15.Study of 80-90 s of 20th Century HorQin Fictions;20世纪八、九十年代科尔沁小说研究
16.Study on Trend of "Taiwan Culture Independence" Thoughts from the Middle of 1990s;九十年代中期以来“文化台独”思潮研究
17.On Variety of 1990s Literary Creation Attitude;简析九十年代文学的多样化创作姿态
18.A Summary of Studies of Chinese Dialect Grammar since 1990;九十年代以来汉语方言语法研究述评

the 1990 s九十年代
1.Not awakening woman characters in country life novels since the 1990 s,because of dispeling traditional system of value,sex being tall in all things and seeking interest of rebel morality.九十年代以来农村题材小说中缺乏传统的新女性形象的塑造,究其原因是传统的价值体系的解体,“性”的至高无上及反道德趣味的追求,这一时期农村女性形象群的塑造鲜明的体现了对昔日价值的反叛和对个体生命价值追求的特征。
2.Chinese have a great improvement in the citification level in the 1990 s twentieth century, at the same time ,chinese literature have become diversiform .中国的城市化水平在二十世纪九十年代获得了前所未有的提升,而二十世纪九十年代的中国当代文学也出现了前所未有的多元化特征。
3)the 1990s九十年代
1.Significance of the Literature of the 1990s in the History of chinese Literature;关于二十世纪九十年代文学的文学史意义
2.which faithfully covered the living status, ideological concepts, emotions and psychology, daily life as well as the closely connected female subject construction of modern Chinese women in the 1990s.女性散文在九十年代的繁荣有目共睹,它忠实地记录了九十年代中国女性的生存状态、思想观念、情感心理、日常生活以及与之密切相关的女性主体建构。
4)1990 s九十年代
1.After 10 years exploration & practice, the Installation became mature in China, in 1990 s.经过十年的探索与实践,装置艺术在上世纪九十年代的中国走向成熟。
2.In 1990 s, the tendency of the secularization appeared in Chinese society, and literature artistic also.二十世纪九十年代以来,随着中国社会世俗化思潮及文学创作世俗化倾向的出现,军事小说创作也出现了世俗化的倾向。
6)literary writing in the 1980s & 1990s八九十年代

九十单堕【九十单堕】 (名数)(参见:但荼)