1.Through hard self-atonement,this lost angel has entirely extricated herself out of evils and got her rebirth."罪恶"和人性的阴暗面是霍桑一生都在关注和思考的主题。
2.Wildness is not only the source of evils and dangers,but also the Eden of sexual desire where the flowers of civilization bloom.荒野不仅是罪恶与危险的渊薮,也是爱欲的伊甸园,那里绽开着文明之花。
3.You can find the inevitability through observing crazy lover changing into evil and Gatsby with evil seeking his lover crazily in real life.由情痴到罪恶,再带着罪恶到现实生活中的情痴,两者相结合最终导致了小说的必然结局:新发迹的一代与已经确立的有产阶级之间的矛盾与斗争,致使情痴的灭亡,预示着资本主义总危机的即将到来。

1.a hotbed of vice [crime]罪恶 [犯罪] 的温床
2.Sin yields bitter fruit.罪恶招祸患,恶因生恶果。
3.To do good to the evil is evil.为恶人行善事仍是罪恶
4.Fire Down Below2006火并罪恶
5.One sin opens the door for another一个罪恶常为另一个罪恶开门
6.To adopt the fruits of sin was to give countenance to it.收养罪恶的果实就等于纵容罪恶
7.unconscious sense of guilt潜意识罪恶感 潜意识罪恶
8.His guilt is apparent to all .他的罪恶尽人皆知。
9.free of corruption or immorality.不腐败的或不罪恶的。
10.Deliver us from evil将我们从罪恶中救出。
11.It's a sin to covet.贪得无厌是一种罪恶
12."But I think the root of all the trouble is money.唉,都是金钱的罪恶
13.attempts to eradicate crime力图根除罪恶的行动.
14.She recounted her sins.她依次数说她的罪恶
15.meditations on the causes of society's evils社会罪恶因由思考录.
16.He is far gone in crime [debt].他深陷罪恶中 [负债累累] 。
17.He stressed the corruptions of sin.他强调了罪恶的腐朽。
18.Sin is a reproach to any people.罪恶是人民的羞辱。

1.Views of Sin in Milton s Epics;论弥尔顿宗教长诗中的罪恶
2.He tries to employ the skill of Romanticism to uncover a theme ----″sin″.他试图以浪漫主义的技巧来揭示一个主题--“罪恶”,但由于他对清教社会有限的理解力,他没能认识谁才是真正的罪人。
3.The absurd modern text implies old and distressed biblical prototype and many biblical words express the subject of sin-redemption.《等待戈多》被称为"《圣经》的注释",荒诞不经的现代文本隐含着晦暗古老的《圣经》原型,许多来自《圣经》的语汇曲折地表达了罪恶-救赎主题。
5)consciousness of sin罪恶意识
6)theory of sin罪恶论

罪恶【罪恶】 (术语)涉于身口意三业总背于理者。