1.Alliance or colonization: the relation between university and enterprise fromtwo-fold perspectives;联盟还是殖民:大学与企业关系的双重视角
2.The Ancient Greek Colonization of the Black Sea;古代希腊人在黑海地区的殖民
3.Domestic Affairs Factors played an important part in Bismarck s overseas colonization from 1884 to 1885.在俾斯麦1884-1885年间海外殖民动因中,内政因素扮演了重要角色,俾斯麦希望借殖民扩张之力来赢得1884年帝国议会的选举,巩固与保守势力的政治联盟,维护专制统治秩序。

1.To form or establish a colony or colonies in.殖民组建殖民地或殖民于…
2.An early settler or colonist.殖民者早期移民者或殖民
3.The colonists displaced the natives.殖民者转移了本地居民。
4.The act or process of establishing a colony or colonies.殖民建立殖民地的行为或过程
5.settle as colonists or establish a colony (in).以殖民身份定居或占据一个殖民地。
6.An original settler or founder of a colony.殖民殖民地的原始定居者或创建者
7.Modernity Viewed from a Colonial and Post-colonial Perspective;从殖民和后殖民的角度看现代性问题
8.Construction of Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism Discourse Through Narrative Pattern In Heart of Darkness;《黑暗的心》对殖民和反殖民话语的建构
9.Is E. M. Foster A Complete Colonist or An Anticolonist?;E.M.福斯特——殖民和反殖民双音齐鸣
10.India was once a British colony.印度曾是英国的殖民地。
11.a colonial-style ranch殖民地建筑式的大牧场.
12.The Pilgrim Fathers settled Plymouth.清教徒殖民于普里茅斯。
13.The English settled New England.英国人殖民于新英格兰。
14.Special Committee on Decolonizatio非殖民化特别委员会
15.Ad Hoc Committee on Decolonization特设非殖民化委员会
16.Palestine and Decolonization Section巴勒斯坦和非殖民化科
17.Decolonization Secretariat Services Branch非殖民化秘书处事务处
18.South African White Colonialist Ruling Authorities南非白人殖民统治当局

1.And the author concludes that the characters is a reflect of Britain colony of judicature.本文从司法体制和司法管理,分析了英租威海卫时期的司法具有三个特点:司法不独立,具有鲜明的行政化特色;司法权外来和受限控、诉讼资源极为有限;吸收中国传统的调解制并加强规范管理,指出这些特点是英国司法殖民本性的体现。
2.The Timeless Land is set in the early history of the English colony in New South Wales, Australia.《永恒的土地》讲述的是英国人在澳大利亚新威尔士州的早期殖民历史 ,埃莉诺成功地塑造了第一任总督菲利普的澳大利亚国家奠基人形象和构成澳洲文化身份不可或缺的土著居民人物。
3.Netherlands East Indies is the appellation of Indonesia whenNetherlands ruled that place as its colony.荷属东印度是荷兰殖民统治印度尼西亚地区时对这一地区的称呼,古代印度尼西亚的法律以习惯法为主,本土习惯法中揉入宗教因素。
1.In spite of the uncomfortableness it raises,this non-fictional book does reveal the villainy and negative effect of colonialism,esp.加勒比海女作家金凯德的《弹丸之地》因其对殖民主义者及其跟随者的无情抨击,而令诸多西方文学评论家感到如鲠在咽,但它的确揭示了殖民的罪恶和负面影响,尤其是后殖民主义进行的思想奴役,令前殖民地人民丧失了独立平等的民族身份。
1.The Resistance and Subversion of Postcolonial Writing:——An Analysis of Narrative Strategy in Kanthapura;后殖民书写的抵抗与颠覆——《肯萨村》的叙事策略分析
5)colonialism and anti-colonialism殖民与反殖民
1.This paper tries to analyze the aesthetic features of Taiwan local literature in the comparative view,which is mainly from the perspective of colonialism and anti-colonialism,resistance and battle cry as well as subjectivity construction.本文纵观海内外的不同视角,针对殖民与反殖民、反抗与呐喊、主体性建构这三个历史主题,在比较视野中考察探析台湾原住民文学所呈现出的审美特性,以填补国内这一研究领域的空白。
6)ethnic colony民族殖民地
