1.Brings the Shackles and Handcuffs to Dance —— Brother: Continues to Criticize the National Incorrigibility and Pursues Warmth;带着镣铐舞蹈——《兄弟》:继续国民性批判与追求诗意的温情
2.Warmth Showed in Blood , Legitimacy Seeked in Self-control——Analysis of the Movie Godfather Trilogy “Gangsters Philosophy”;血腥中现温情 自制中求合法——电影《教父》三部曲中的“黑帮哲学”
3.Yan Lianke s work is always filled with warmth in that he attempts to achieve the possibility of clear original meaning through warmth,which he regards as human nature that exceeds time,space and system.阎连科的作品总是充满温情,他试图以温情作为人的类的属性而超越时空和体制,获得一种通达"原初意义"的可能。

1.Don't be too lenient with him.对他不能太温情了。
2.The children were starved of affection.那些孩子享受不到温情
3.Frank had his churlish delicacies.富兰克有罕见的温情
4.Embarrassing Warmth--On the Warm World in Yan Lianke s Novel;难堪的温情——论阎连科乡土小说的温情世界
5.300MW Units High Increase Tripping and Over-Temperature Steam Temperature Analysis300MW机组高加跳闸和汽温超温情况分析
6.Heating of Isolated Tissues by Self-Regulating Thermoseeds热籽磁感应加温在离体组织中的升温情
7.Tenderness·Reality·Trueness--Viewing Tenderness Expression of Lower Class Literature in Works of Liu Qingbang and Chi Zijian温情·现实·真实——从刘庆邦和迟子建作品看底层文学之温情表达
8.a gentle, yielding personality温柔、 和顺的性情
9.the natives . . . Being . . . of an intelligent tractaBle disposition性情聪明温顺的当地人
10.a sweet temper,nature,disposition,etc温顺的脾气、本性、性情等
11."He's very good natured and easy going."它的性情十分温顺乖巧。"
12.He's a real good sort.他是个性情很温和的人。
13.Lacking warmth of feeling.冷淡的缺乏温暖的感情
14.Everything was gracefully done.什么事情都做得很温雅。
15.feelings of great warmth and intensity.非常温暖和强烈的感情。
16.But he had a gentle disposition.但他的性情却很温柔。
17.She has a very even temper.她的性情非常温和.
18.He was a fair mild man.他皮肤白皙,性情温和。

1.Extreme individuation is his characteristic,which is full of violence and death as well as tenderness.个性化的北野武电影在极端中徜徉,暴力死亡与温情幽默交相辉映,简单直白与特立独行相得益彰。
2.Through two stages of Yu Hua’s novel creation,displaying the difference of the description of“truth”in these two stages and hackling them into“the eighties-violence”and“the nineties-tenderness”,this thesis discusses these“truths”from these two aspects and explores out its great social significance.从余华小说创作的两个阶段表现“真实”主题的不同,并对小说中展示的“真实”进行梳理分为“八十年代—暴力”和“九十年代—温情”,从这两个方面对这些“真实”进行探讨,从中发掘出其重大的社会意义。
3.By expressing "tenderness",Liu Qingbang and Chi Zijian broaden the range and art style of performance of lower class literature,going beyond the external detailed description of the suffering,but from human nature and emotion,attempting to show the other side of lower class life with trueness,goodness and beauty.刘庆邦和迟子建以"温情"拓宽了底层文学的表现领域和艺术风格,他们没有拘囿于对外在苦难的详尽描述,而是从人性和情感出发,试图以真善美来表现底层生活的另一面。
3)tender feeling温情
1.It is only position moving,and he conveyed his missing and tender feeling to his nation.米斯垂是一位印度裔的流散作家,在《费洛查拜格的故事》中着重表现的是人物在情感上对印度母国的眷恋和温情,从而把移民解释为"身体"移民,也就是一种移民者仅仅表现为身体位置的移动,在情感上依然归属于自己的母国。
2.However,gleam of tender feeling also glimmers in the texts.然而 ,穿越苍凉的雾障 ,深入文本的底层 ,闪烁其中的也有温情的亮光。
1.When the relation between him and reality is good, his works are full of affection and hope.当他和现实之间的关系是基本和谐的时候,他的作品里就充满了温情和希望;当他和现实之间的关系紧张时,他的作品里就充满了苦难和绝望。
2.Acting as the sexual partner of the male protagonist in the novels,each woman moves him with her affection and becomes his beloved.她们主要作为男主人公性伴侣的身份出现在文本中,各自不同的行为所蕴含的温情感动了男主人公,成为他们牵挂依恋的对象。
5)warmhearted resistance温情反抗
1.In his former period works the attitude to death is listless concern, but in his latter period works it is warmhearted resistance.在他的前期作品中,对死亡的态度是冷漠关注,在后期作品中采取的态度则是温情反抗。
6)warmth and care温情关怀
1.Moreover,the movie heightens artistic effect of warmth and care with elements of comedy,plot from failure to hard work and images with metaphor and symbolic meaning.影片通过情节的琐碎构成、身份和意义的消解来达到真实性的目的;通过处处存在的喜剧化因素、失败——努力的情节叙述、富含隐喻和象征意味的意象选择来渲染温情关怀,达到艺术化的效果。
