1.To trace the spiritual source and to produce the idol——Behind the hit of"Young we were schoolmates";精神寻根与偶像制造——写在《恰同学少年》热播背后
2.The Chinese culture always takes ethics morals as the core, and also people respect their idols over religion and aesthetics in morality.中国文化向来是以伦理道德为核心,人们尊崇偶像也总是道德超过了宗教、美学等含义。

1.Worship of idols.偶像崇拜对偶像的崇拜
2.To revere as an ideal.偶像崇拜当作偶像崇拜
3.A Chinese cult image or idol.神像,偶像中国的宗教佛像,神像或偶像
4.Worship of icons or images.对偶像或画像的崇拜
5.Statues; images as a group像,画像,塑像,雕像,偶像(总称)
6.Of or having to do with idolatry.崇拜偶像偶像崇拜的或与之有关的
7.To See "Idol" in the Paper "No Idol" ──the clairvoyance of Mr Tangyitse s "Comment on Mr Qian s works;于“无偶像”中见偶像──汤溢泽“钱评”透视
8.You're my hero, ie I admire you greatly.你是我心中的偶像.
9.the orientation of an iconoclast.反对偶像崇拜者的主张。
10.A worshipful or idealizing biography.偶像化或理想化的传记
11.One who worships idols.崇神者崇拜偶像的人
12.They bowed down to the idol.他们向偶像鞠躬示礼。
13.He bore with the idolatry of Rome.他宽容罗马的偶像崇拜。
14.He idolizes his father.他把父亲当偶像崇拜。
15.We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.可以追逐偶像。男人追逐偶像叫做变态色情狂。
16.Love Knot of the Image Will not Be Given up--Unscramble of The Final Image by Zhang Xin;挥之不去的偶像情结——张欣《最后一个偶像》解读
17.Who has fashioned a god or cast an idol to no profit?赛44:10谁制造神像、造无益的偶像
18.a Chinese god worshipped in the form of an idol.以偶像的形式崇拜的中国神像。

1.It becomes the fictitious image that special humanity possesses.品牌从产品的物质属性中升华为身份、利益与价值的象征,成为高度人性化理想的虚拟的品牌偶像
3)graven image雕像, 偶像
4)idol and anti-idol偶像与反偶像
1.The Influence of Internet for Youth s Idolatry;网络对青少年偶像崇拜的影响
2.Relationship among Idolatry and Self-worth and Academic Achievements of Junior Middle School Students;初中学生偶像崇拜与自我价值感、学业成绩的关系研究
3.The Character of Secondary School Students Idolatry and The Relation between Their Idolatry and Ego-evaluation;中学生偶像崇拜特征及其与自我评价关系研究
6)Young idol青春偶像
1.Young idol is a symbol of art.影视圈中青春偶像从事的是艺术事业,但在层层商业包装下,艺术的色泽被消费左右。

偶像【偶像】 (杂语)以土木或金属所制神佛之像也。汉书霍去病过焉耆山,得休屠王祭天金人。此中国偶像之最古者。