1.Frugal Consumption Theory of Mozi in the Ecological Visual Angle;生态视角下的《墨子》节俭消费理论探究
2.Research on the quotations and discussions on Book of Songs by Mozi ,Xunzi and Hanfeizi;《墨子》《庄子》《韩非子》说诗、引诗之衡鉴——兼论战国时期非儒家诗学思想

1.Saint King and Gentleman圣王与君子——《墨子》政治理想的形象表达
2.Mo-tse and His Times Two Samples of the Mo-tse s Thoughts Study;墨子和他的时代——墨子思想研究二例
3.Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States.墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。
4.Zhuang Zi s Comment on Mohism and Mohism s Spread during the Middle and Later Stage of the Warring States;《庄子》论墨与战国中后期墨学的流传
5.Electronic Structures of Graphene and Multilayer Graphene单层石墨和多层石墨的电子能带结构
6.graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry石墨炉原子吸收光谱法
7.electronic component marking ink(电子元件)标记油墨
8.carbon filament atom reservoir石墨灯丝原子储存器
9.graphite moderated reactor石墨原子减速反应堆
10.There are pen and ink and paper on this table.桌子上有笔,有墨水,有纸。
11.The Ethical and Political Works of Motse墨子的道德和政治著作
12.atomically pure graphite原子能工业用纯石墨
13.Mo Zi s Aesthetics in the Visual Field of Life--Inspiration from Mo Zi s "denunciation of music as a wasteful activity";生命视界中的墨子美学——墨子“非乐”的启示
14.On the Universal-love Theory and the Sorriness and Misfortune of Mozi;矛盾理想和道德——墨子兼爱辩及墨子悲辛论
15.A cushioned pad used by printers and engravers to apply ink.上墨皮垫画家和雕刻家用来敷墨的垫子
16.I overturn the ink bottle unconsciously, splashing the whole table.我不小心撞翻了墨水瓶,墨水泼了一桌子。
17.On Mohist View of Literature--A Co-discussion on Differences and Similarities Between Confucian and Mohist View of Literature;论墨子的文学观念——兼论孔墨文学观念之异同
18.Mo-tse Jian Gu and Whole Renaissance of Mo-tse Studies from 1930s to 1960s;《墨子间诂》与20世纪30—60年代墨学的全面复兴

Mo Zi《墨子》
1.Mo Zi s Book and Its Value on Research;《墨子》其书及其研究价值
1.A Tentative Analysis of the Ideology of Frugality in Mo-tse and the Book of Change;试论《墨子》和《周易》的节俭思想
2.The Image and Status of Confucius in Mo-tse孔子在《墨子》中的形象及地位
1.Mozi and his non-musical and pragmatic esthetics of apparels;墨子实用主义的“非乐”服饰美学思想
2.Study on the Relationship between Gentleman Thought of Mozi and Vocational Education Development in China;墨子君子思想与我国职业教育发展的关系研究
3.Mozi s thought about harmony and its time value;墨子的和谐观及其时代价值
5)Mo Zi墨子
1.Mechanical Ideas and Design Methods in "Mo Zi;《墨子》中的机械设计思想和设计方法
2.On the Unique Value of Mo Zi s Educational Thoughts;试论墨子教育思想的独特价值
3.Mo Zi s Frugal Consumption Ethics in the Modern Perspective;论现代视野中墨子节俭型消费伦理思想
1.Illumination of Mo-tse s Thoughts on Creation of Harmonious Society in Modern China;墨子思想对构建社会主义和谐社会的现代价值
2.On One of Mo-tse s Worries;墨子“畜种菽粟不足以食之”略论
3.The Unique Feature of Mo-tse Educational Thoughts and its Decadent Reason;墨子教育思想的独特性及其衰微原因
