1.Widow and Goddess——Two Categones of Female Images in the Literature of Wei and Jin Dynasties from the Cultural Perspective;神女与寡妇——对魏晋文学中两类女性形象的文化审视
2.The Study on Widow s Life-situation of Qing Dynasty in HuBei;清代湖北寡妇生存状态研究

1.The condition or period of being a widow.孀居,守寡作寡妇的情况或时间
2.A widow's peak.美人尖寡妇额前的发尖
3.The widow was in distress.那个寡妇十分贫困。
4.The widow was garbed in black.那寡妇穿着黑衣服。
5.This widow had two daughters.这寡妇有两个女儿。
6.To provide with a dower.给予寡妇其亡夫的遗产
7.A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband.受有亡夫遗产的寡妇
8."Do no wrong to a widow, or to a child whose father is dead."不可苦待寡妇和孤儿,
9.The wife or widow of a landgrave.伯爵领主的夫人或寡妇
10.National Coordinating Committee of Guatemalan Widows危地马拉寡妇全国协调委员会(寡妇协委会)
11.Many women were widowed by the war.战争使许多妇女成为寡妇
12.A woman whose husband has died and who has not remarried.寡妇,孀妇,遗孀死了丈夫且未再嫁的妇女
13.Widow’s Remarriage in Early Modern England Cities近代早期英格兰城市的寡妇再嫁问题分析——以商人和匠人寡妇为例
14.He evil entreateth the barren that beareth not: and doeth not good to the widow.他恶待(作他吞灭)怀孕不生养的妇人,不善待寡妇
15.The widow who was left with but little property is obliged to husband her resources.未得到什么遗产的寡妇被迫省吃俭用。
16."And you did just right," said the widow. "Come with me, boys."“你做得对,”寡妇说,“孩子们跟我来吧。”
17.The widow always laughs the loudest because she laughs last.寡妇往往笑得最响,因为她笑得最迟。
18."You have sent widows away without hearing their cause, and you have taken away the support of the child who has no father."你打发寡妇空手回去,折断孤儿的膀臂。

widow queen寡妇母后
3)remarriage of widow寡妇再嫁
4)Widow Qing of Ba Kingdom巴寡妇清
1.Analysis of Widow Qing of Ba Kingdom in the view of Zhou Yi and Records of the Historian;“巴寡妇清”史迹之易学观
5)image of a widow寡妇形象
6)widow taboo寡妇禁忌
1.The author considers that the reasons that cause Xianglin sao s tragic destiny not only because of the Feudal Confucian ethical code,but also the widow taboo.悲剧往往是多种因素造成的,《祝福》中的祥林嫂是个悲剧人物,学术界多是从封建礼教角度探讨她的悲剧命运,笔者认为导致祥林嫂命运悲剧的除了封建礼教,寡妇禁忌也是一个重要原因,本文就是以文化人类学的视角,来探讨寡妇禁忌这一恶俗对祥林嫂命运悲剧的影响,及她对此所作的挣扎但最终难逃其悲剧命运的深层意蕴。
