1.On the coordination and contrast of scenery and emotions in Yu Da-fu s Novel;论郁达夫小说中景物与感情的协调及反差
2.In this paper,the reproduction function and curves of gradation are researched, which is based on that print gradation is true to scenery.本文以现代彩色复制理论为基础 ,在力求印刷品忠实景物的层次复制的基础上 ,根据感光材料的感光特性 ,通过研究建立了彩色复制各个环节之间图像层次传递的函数及分色层次再现曲线。
3.He has developed a school of his own on environment designing,character portraying,scenery arranging and domestic trivia using in movies,from which established him the status of the best director in China.张艺谋一直被公认为是中国电影界最擅长造型的导演 ,他的影片在环境造型、人物造型、景物造型、生活细节上都别具一格 ,从而建立了他在中国电影界一流导演的地

1.Describing People through scenery--Briefly on the Scenery Description in“Hunter’Notes”;以景写人——《猎人笔记》景物描写略论
2.The shade of evening began to close upon the scene暮色开始隐没了景物
3.contact flying可看到地面景物的飞行
4.A camera was aimed at the scene.把照像机对准景物
5.Darkness began to close upon the scene.黑暗开始遮蔽景物
6.Studies on Physically Based Realistic Rendering of Nature Phenomena;基于物理模型的自然景物真实感绘制
7.a view rivalling anything the Alps can offer可以与阿尔卑斯山的任何景物相媲美的景色
8.an insubstantial vision, figure, creature虚幻的景象、 人物、 生物.
9.the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground.在前景中的物体后面的情景或图象。
10.Analysis and Evaluation of Plant Landscape in Urban Waterscape Space in Xi an City;西安城市水景空间植物景观分析评价
11.Study on the Resource and Foreground of Ground Covers Landscape;地被植物景观资源及应用前景的研究
12.Primary Study on Characteristic Plants Landscapes in the Seven-star Crags Scenic Spot in Zhaoqing;肇庆七星岩风景区特色植物景观初探
13.Jingdezhen Ceramics Museum景德镇陶瓷历史博物馆
14.Study on Waterfront Plant and Plant Landscape of Beijing and Hangzhou;北京与杭州滨水植物及植物景观研究
15.On the Background of Aesthetics and the Types of Character for the Theory of"middle Character;“中间人物”论的美学背景及其人物类型
16.Characteristics and Prospect of Microorganism in Coastline Halophytic Vegetation潮间带盐生植物生境微生物药用前景
17.Vegetation Actuality and Plant Landscape Analysis of Important View Spot in Huizhou West Lake Landscape and Famous Scenery惠州西湖风景名胜区植被现状和重要景点植物景观分析
18.In the background, underneath, a view of the city of Paris and the monuments of the Universal Exhibition.背景图案为巴黎景色和世界博览会纪念物。

3)plant landscape植物景观
1.The Present Situation and Renovation of the Plant Landscape of Binhai Road in Shenzhen City;深圳市滨海大道植物景观的现状及其改造
2.Preliminary Studies on the Plant Landscape of Prince Gong s Residence Garden;恭王府花园植物景观分析
4)woven photograph像景织物
1.Designing new stitch structure by the technology of computerized color separation,We can get avivid woven photograph whose color gradation is rich and pattern is clear.结合计算机图案分色技术,设计新型的像景织物组织结构,可以制造出色彩及层次丰富、图案效果清晰逼真的像景织物。
2.It brings a breakthrough in technology for the design and production of woven photograph with the application of electronic jacquard and CAD.电子提花技术和CAD技术的应用 ,给像景织物的设计和生产带来了技术上的突破 ,文章结合双面像景织物的特点 ,从设计原理出发 ,对电子提花双面像景织物的产品设计原理进行深入分
1.The Research on Civic public space s Plantscape Design;城市公共空间植物景观设计研究
2.It detailedly introduces the three aspects,they are use of sites,design of land and plantscape.本文以生态学理论为指导,以再现自然、改善和维护城市及别墅区景观环境为宗旨,着重从基址利用、地形塑造、植物景观配置方面论述别墅区西侧绿化带设
6)plant landscape植物造景
1.Dressing into sphericity or other shapes as individual ornamental,which can be planted in isolation or by twos,even layouted in the lobby and the indoor after planted in flowerpot with the characteristics of lasting bright red leaves,photinia fraseri is used as Colorful Plant to organize Plant Landscape and a variety of.修整成球形或其它形状做为孤赏树,在园林绿地中可孤植、对植甚至盆栽后在门廊及室内布置;红叶鲜艳持久的特性用做彩叶植物来组织植物造景,与其他彩叶植物组合成各种图案;对二氧化硫,氯气有较强的抗性,具有隔音功能,适用于街坊、厂矿绿化。
2.During this process of building new campuses with modern characteristics,more and more attention is paid to the design of plant landscape.西安高校在近几年也新建了许多新校区,在建设具有现代特色的大学校园景观环境的过程中,校园的植物造景设计逐渐被提到日程上来。
