1.This paper elaborates the mysterious dreamland in Li Bai’s Poem "Saying Goodbye in the Dream of Visiting Mount Tianmu" from the aspects of the relationship between dream and literature, the combination of dreamland with fairyland, the regression of dream and spiritual homeland, etc.通过梦与文学的关系、梦境与仙境的结合、梦与精神家园的回归等几方面的剖析来阐释李白《梦游天姥吟留别》一诗中神秘的梦境,可以看出李白在《梦游天姥吟留别》中,正是以梦的方式在矛盾中寻求精神的解脱,寻求愿望的达成。
2.In the poetic dreamland created by symbolic language and a series of images,the relationship between man and society,man and man,man and "himself" appears to be estranged and antagonistic,which reveals the then increasingly apparent problem of alienation in western society.象征语言和一系列意象共同营造的诗意梦境中,人与社会、人与人、人与“本我”之间呈现出疏远和对立的状态,反映了当时西方社会日益浮现水面的异化问题。
3.So,when unscrambling dreamland in classical poems,we not only mouse out the inner sensibility world,but also revert those unique times.这一点,从古典诗词梦境的具体营构方式和相应的情感抒发模式上可以分明见出。

1.Dreams Derive from Emotion --A General Exposition of Dreams in A Dream of Red Mansions;梦幻如织缘情深——《红楼梦》梦境描写综论
2.Dream Travel. You travel to other places through dreams.梦境旅行:你通过梦境旅行至其他地方。
3.Interpretation of the Dreamland in Li Bai s Poem "Saying Goodbye in the Dream of Visiting Mount Tianmu";李白《梦游天姥吟留别》的梦境解读
4.On Dreamword of Dream of the Red Chamber;浅析《红楼梦》梦境手法及其艺术审美
5.Comparisons between Wuthering Heights and Dreams of the Red Mansion--the Dreams;《呼啸山庄》与《红楼梦》梦境描写比较
6.Imaginary World is Specially Deep and Quiet --Simple explanation of the dream world of "A Dream of Red Massions;幻化的世界别样幽——《红楼梦》梦境疏解
7.The dream grew dim, and faded.梦境模糊了,黯淡了。
8.There's land that I heard of once in a lullaby在摇篮曲中,我进入梦境
9.Somewhere between the dream and the memory.在梦境和记忆中的某处。
10.Kirby Nightmare In Dreamland卡比之星-可怕的梦境
11.Dreams and ghosts are not substantial.梦境和鬼魂都不真实。
12.The practice of predicting the future through interpretation of dreams.占梦一种通过解释梦境去预测未来的做法
13.The role of dream description in the portrayal of the figure s personality in Dreams in Red Mansion;论《红楼梦》中梦境在人物性格刻画方面的作用
14.Reality had to come crashing into the dreamland.真实肯定要来冲破这个梦境了。
15.It was as still and steady as dreaming.一切宁静安谧,恍若置身梦境
16.It was too complex to be put into words.这梦境太复杂了,说不清楚。
17.Faber smiled and thought back to the dream.费伯笑了笑,又回忆起刚才的梦境来。
18.His voice had grown almost dreamy.他的声音几乎有一种梦境的味道。

1.Reality and dream;现实与梦境——鲁迅与沈从文乡土小说表现内容比较研究
2.The description of dreams in Tso Chuan is an outstanding feature of this classic of Chinese literature.《左传》的梦境描写几乎涉及了春秋时期社会的各个方面,是《左传》的重要组成部分。
3.This article attempts to analyze the stylistic features of Lamb s Dream Children and holds that its subtle structure and a dream-like combination of facts and fiction,pathos and humor are two contributing factors to its stylistic appeal.本文着重分析了他的名篇《梦中儿女》,认为跌宕起伏的结构和亦真亦幻,悲喜交织的梦境氛围构成了文章独特的艺术魅力。
1." Based on the Freud s thoery of dreams analysis,this paper attempts to interprete a few Prose Poems in order to explore the writer s mind process as well as the abundance of philosophy implication.运用弗洛伊德的梦的解析的原理,对《野草》中几篇和梦境有关的散文诗进行分析,力图探索作家写作的心路历程以及其中所蕴含的丰赡的哲学意蕴。
2.Trough the descriptions of dreams,these two have got the perfect completion of unique artistic charm.二者通过梦境的描写,完成了其独特艺术魅力的实现。
3.The abstruse dreams not only stimulate the imagination of the readers but also lead them into the more natural life domain.玄妙的梦境 ,不仅激发着读者的想象力 ,而且还让人进入更本真的生命世界 ;鬼魂附体事象 ,则深化着你对人性、对人的幽邃、复杂的内心世界的认识 ;而怪异的征兆 ,一方面作为一种叙述动力、一种结构方式在小说内部发挥着作用 ,一方面也在读者身上产生一种紧张感 ,调动起读者探知内里、弄清究竟的强烈的好奇心。
1.The dreamworld of the hero WANG Ying hong implies the rational and irrational contents,which submits to the social representation.主人公王应洪的梦境具有理性与非理性的内涵 ,服从于社会表相。
5)dream's topic梦境主题
6)the description of dream梦境描写
1.Through the classification of the dreams the article analyses the description of dreams in Jane Eyre.该文对小说中的梦境描写进行了归类并对其作了进一步分析,展示通过梦意象的运用产生了震撼人心的艺术效果,增强了思想感情表达的艺术张力。

《标准文献主题词表》《标准文献主题词表》ROOT Thesaurus  B旧ozhun勺Venxian ZhUtieibico《标准文献主题词表》(Ro口T刀晚sa~)标准化领域中使用的规范化的标准文献检索辞典。又称叙词表。随着计算机在标准情报工作中的应用,标准文献主题标引的工具—主题词表的编制就提上了日程。l叨6年,国际标准化组织(】50)编写了《150主题词表》(了义)介曰~)。在此基础上,1981年法国和英国各自编制了一部多语种主题词表。法国标准化协会(月刊OR)编制的词表名为《国际技术主题词表》,由字顺表、范畴表、主题词轮排索引等部分组成;英国标准学会(璐】)编制的词表名为《根主题词表》,中文版译名为《标准文献主题词表》。它是一部主题分类合一的词表。其主表是一部按层累制分类原则和概念种属词族原则编制的分类表,全部主题词都排人体系分类表并配有惟一等级制词号,附表为字顺表。国际标准化组织(】50)分别将《国际技术主题词表》和《根主题词表》确定为150工作词表,用于国际标准信息的交流。有若干国家分别采用了两个词表。由于《根主题词表》选词立类新颖,较适于手工标引,因此中国选择了《根主题词表》作为中国标准化系统的标引词表,并编译出版了中文版,分为分类表、字顺表、英汉对照表三卷出版,现已在全国标准情报系统推广使用。为了解决两部标准主题词表不统一的问题,目前150拟议编制一部统一的150主题词表。(周洁)