1.From this aspect,Ahab is a devil similar to his rival Moby Dick.亚哈的英勇、执著和不畏艰险为我们树立了硬汉的形象,同时亚哈又有柔情和富于同情心的人性化一面;但最后由于亚哈的偏执,造成了“皮阔德”号覆灭的悲剧,从这一角度来看,他又是一个魔鬼,近似于他的敌手莫比。
2.This article attemps to make an analysis of the devil image which appears in foreign literary works repeatedly and to expound the significance of its gestation, evolvement in the development of human literature and society according to Jung s two archetypes: self and shadow.从原型理论看外国文学作品中屡屡出现的魔鬼形象,并以心理学家荣格的自性和阴影两种原型说明这一形象在文学作品和人类社会发展中的孕育、演变及阐释意义。
3.This novel depicts the experience of a pure and kind young man who was lured to go to an appointment with the devil.本篇小说描写一个单纯善良的青年人受到引诱 ,到魔鬼那里去赴约。

1.The Devil is vulgarly referred to as `Old Nick'.魔鬼俗称Old Nick.
2.Belief in or worship of demons.魔鬼信仰对魔鬼的信奉或崇拜
3.To turn into or as if into a demon.使成为魔鬼使变成或似乎变成魔鬼
4.the devil incarnated as a serpent具有蛇形体的魔鬼((化成蛇的魔鬼))
5.the devil incarnated in a black dog具有黑狗形体的魔鬼((化成黑狗的魔鬼))
6.Truth make the devil plush.真理面前,魔鬼脸红。
7.The devil be not so black as he be painted .魔鬼不像画的那么可怕。
8.the Specialist炮弹专家/魔鬼专家
9.To lie is the very face of the demon.说谎是魔鬼的真面目;
10.A saint abroad and a devil at home在外是圣人,在家是魔鬼
11.He believes in devils and witches.他相信魔鬼、 巫婆这类事.
12.The devil sometimes speaks the truth魔鬼有时也会说真话
13.Speak boldly, and speak truly, shame the devil.大胆说真话,魔鬼也脸红。
14.God may send a man good meat, but the devil may send an evil cook to destroy it.上帝赐食物,魔鬼派厨子。
15.the Terminator2: Judgement Day魔鬼终结者2/终结者2
16.medieval carvings of demons中世纪的魔鬼雕像.
17.Her family said she was possessed by devils.她家说她被魔鬼缠住了。
18.Speak truth and shame the devil.讲真话魔鬼也羞惭。

3)Spectre against spectre!"魔鬼对魔鬼嘛
5)Harpagophytum procumbens魔鬼爪
1.Chemical Constituents of African Plant Harpagophytum procumbens;非洲植物药魔鬼爪的化学成分
6)devil training魔鬼训练
1.The devil training is fashionable in the world,it is a kind of "setback" converse training which assimilating the newest knowledge of the success and organizational behavior.“魔鬼训练”风靡全球,它是一种外化型的逆向“挫折”训练,吸收了全球成功学、组织行为学的最新知识,通过对人的超强度训练,挖掘和开发出人的潜能,触及人的灵魂,使之达到新的成功高度。

魔鬼诞生魔鬼诞生faust:loveofthedamned(2001)导演:brian yuzna主演:miguel ángel jennerjeffrey combscarlos lasarte类型:幻想 / 恐怖更多外文片名:diablofaustfaust: la revenja és a la sang片长:98 min / spain:101 min国家/地区:西班牙 / 美国对白语言:英语发行公司:best buy movie gmbh (bbm)上映日期:2001年2月2日 西班牙官方网站:site by fantastic factory剧情梗概:约翰患有严重的精神疾病,是一个手持钩刀的冷血杀手,而他或许也是唯一能看清人类真面目的人。某法人机构的经营者m先生是现世的魔鬼,灵魂里潜藏著恶魔的欲望,而他的心理医师杰德则是唯一能看穿他真面目的人。m先生正一步步的踏进“浮士德”的传奇境遇里,到底地狱只是一种幻象,还是一个真实的世界?