1.Abstrac This paper introduces the origin of Indian drama,explains the most important features of Indian classicism drama,that is: the reunion results of the dramas,strong estheticism and idealism,unique formality;it fanally analyzes the philosophical and religious reasons leading to the formation of the esthetic features.本文介绍了印度戏剧的起源;论述了印度古典主义戏剧的三个重要的美学特征,即古典主义戏剧都采取了大团圆的结局,悲剧艺术被排除在戏剧创作之外;古典主义戏剧表现出了强烈的唯美主义、理想主义的审美趣味;古典主义戏剧具有独特的形式美。
2.It is a unique phenomenon that Chinese ancient operas always end reunion.大团圆结局是中国古代戏剧特有的一种现象。
3.At the same time ,the conflicts of the drama are always settled as the model of reunion at the end.悲情在中国古代戏剧作品主要表现为剧中主人公大多是社会结构和伦理道德体系中的弱者,同时戏剧冲突在戏剧的结尾处往往被处理为“大团圆”的模式。

1.It is the conventional happy ending.这是传统的大团圆结局。
2.On Public Taste and Happy Ending of Chinese Classical Drama;大众品位与中国古典戏剧大团圆结局
3.On Meaning of Happy Ending of Chinese Tragic Play;“团圆”:悲剧审美趋向的符号象征——论中国悲剧大团圆结局意义
4.The writer contrived a happy ending.作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。
5.I don't like stories that/ which have unhappy endings.(我不喜欢结尾不是大团圆的故事。
6.taking comfort in the platitude that all will end well;在老套的大团圆中寻求安慰;
7.Ending of "Happy Reunion" in Liberated Area Literature解放区文学“大团圆”结局现象论析
8.A Special View to the "Perfect Ending" in Chinese Classic Drama Novels;中国古典戏曲小说“大团圆现象”管窥
9.A Study of the Happy Ending in the Post Yan an Literary Works;浅析后期延安文学中的“大团圆”结局
10.We had a big family reunion on Christmas Eve and we had a wonderful night.圣诞前夜我们全家大团圆,过了愉快的一晚。
11.Andrea: Yes! The Sunshine Singers are together again, better than ever!安德利亚:好!阳光歌唱队再次大团圆,比以前更好!
12.Cultural and Mental Mechanism Analyze with the Grand Union Final Outcome in Drama of Yuan Dynasty;浅析元代戏剧大团圆结局的文化心理机制
13."San Yan" love novels’ happy ending and their causes of formation;论“三言”爱情小说的“大团圆”结局及其成因
14.On the Cultural Implications of the Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in the Early Qing Dynasty;论清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局的文化意蕴
15.Interpreting Why Chinese Ancient Operas Always End Reunion from the Angle of Audience;从观众角度解读中国古代戏剧的大团圆结局
16.The Tragic Consciousness in Ancient China and the Happy Ending of Traditional Drama;中国古代悲剧意识与传统戏剧的“大团圆”结局
17.Magic Analysis for Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in The Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty明末清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局魔力解析
18.It is not the ending of all happiness but the myth of destiny that leads to the disappearance of Chinese tragic spirit.消解中国悲剧精神的不是真正的大团圆现象,而是文艺的命定神话。

happy ending大团圆
1.There exists universally a happy ending in opera novels after Song Dynasty.宋以后的戏曲小说中,普遍存在着“大团圆”结局模式。
2.Fictions about genius and beauty during Ming and Qing Dynasties are almost of happy endings with grading the candidates in the imperial examinations and getting marriage by order of the parents,but lack of the tragedy spirits.明清时期的才子佳人小说几乎都是以科举及第、奉旨成婚的大团圆形式结局,缺乏悲剧精神。
3)grand union大团圆
1."Grand union" is a kind of special phenomenon of literature in classic literature of our country, it is always found in Song dynasty’s drama and novel.“大团圆”是我国古典文学特有的一种文学现象,它大量的出现在我国宋以后的戏曲小说中。
4)happy reunion大团圆
1.The happy reunion shows that the Chinese were eager for wise emperors and upright officials,which is the form of plays of Chinese classical aesthetic characterised by such a traditional beauty appreciation,as is sorrowful but not sentimental,complained but not angry.大团圆结局反映的是中国人对于开明天子和清官的企盼 ,同时也是中国古典美学哀而不伤 ,怨而不怒的传统审美心理的戏剧形式 ,中国古典悲剧的这一审美特性有明显的缺陷 ,然也有其传统文化的合理性。
5)happy reunion胜利大团圆
1.Through an analysis on Close Relatives and The First Victory,the author of this paper indicates that the narration about war in contemporary Chinese novels has undergone a process of transformation from a happy reunion to the winner s taking nothing.通过对《亲人》和《首战告捷》的对比分析,可知中国当代小说对革命战争的叙述经历了一个从胜利大团圆到胜者无所得的变化过程;这种转型既体现了作家自我身份意识的不同,又反映了特定的文化语境对小说创作的深刻影响。
6)happy ending大团圆结局
1.The happy ending is the spirit being demanded by the public,so the dramatists are willing to describe that.中国古典戏剧大团圆结局的模式大量地出现在宋以后的戏剧之中。
2.Writers of this period felt prone to a happy ending in their novels.独特的时代背景、创作主体、民族传统心理与接受对象是造成这种大团圆结局的主要原因。
3.This paper tries to explore this question from readers’ psychology for novels about genius and beauty and writers’ creative mentality,and this enabled us to have a clear understanding of the happy ending of the Magic and to deal with it correctly.明末清初的才子佳人小说,几乎全都是以科举及弟、奉旨成婚的大团圆形式结局,显然这种结局有着巨大的魔力,可这种魔力从何而来?这是一个很有趣的话题,同时也是一个值得探寻的问题,笔者试从才子佳人小说读者的阅读心理和作者的创作心态进行探究,希望由此使人们对大团圆结局的魔力有一个清醒的认识,并能够正确对待它。

材料:鳕鱼、鸡翅膀、虾、蛤蜊、鱼板、茼蒿、胡萝 卜、白菜叶、菜心、葱、香菇、豆腐、酱油。作法:①鳕鱼和鸡翅膀切成小块,虾去除内脏和皮。蛤 蜊置盐水中吐沙,鱼板切厚约7~8mm。 ②茼蒿菜切掉粗茎,切一半,胡萝卜切厚约5mm, 刻成花形。白菜叶子切大块些,菜心切小抉,葱斜 切。香菇去蒂,豆腐切薄。 ③陶器砂锅中加高汤和油,煮开后,加白菜、胡萝 卜、香菇煮至软为止。把作法①及其他的蔬菜、豆 腐依序放进去煮。细葱、擦碎的萝卜装在一个碗内 ,还有酱油备用