1.The short story"Moderato Cantabile"by Duras is a vivid description of the woman writer’s life and mood,in which the feature of love is discussed:its inducement and its destruction.小说探讨了爱情的面貌,指出爱情既具有诱惑力又具有毁灭性。
2.The end of destruction is considered as ontological existence,some ideas of semiotics are employed to divide the relationship into three tiers,and the history of horror is analyzed to prove that fear can only associate with unknown destruction.将毁灭终结看作是死亡的本体存在,运用符号学的观点,将其关系分为三层,并通过对恐怖历史的分析,以证明恐惧只能与不可认识的毁灭相联系。
3.Employing the theory of personality,a ramification of psychology,this thesis from the perspectives of internal cause—the imbalance of physiological factors and the external cause—the influence of living environment,thoroughly and deeply dissects the causes and process of Roderick Usher s destruction from soul to bodys the hero of Edgar Allan Poe s The Fall of the House of Usher.厄舍从灵魂到肉体逐渐走向毁灭的原因和过程,强调了一个人生存的环境对其健康心智的发展所起到的不可忽视的作用。

1.go to rack and ruin走向毁灭,陷于毁灭
2.spoiled or ruined or demolished.被破坏、毁灭或者拆毁。
3.The act of wrecking or the state of being wrecked; destruction.毁灭,失事摧毁的动作或被摧毁的状态;毁灭
4.The act or process of annihilating.歼灭,消灭,毁灭消灭的行为或过程
5.in a ruinous manner or to a ruinous degree.以毁灭的方式或者到了毁灭的程度。
6.be brought [driven, pushed] to the brink of destruction被逼到毁灭的边缘 [濒临毁灭的地步]
7.To cause the ruin or destruction of; overthrow.毁灭颠覆使…毁坏或遭破坏;使毁灭,使垮台
8.possessing annihilative power; a devastating hurricane; the guns opened a withering fire.拥有毁灭性的力量;毁灭性的飓风;枪炮毁灭性的开火了。
9.Subject to decay, spoilage, or destruction.易腐败、损耗或毁灭
10.in his blighted condition,因为他处于毁灭的状态,
11.Inevitable destruction or ruin.不可避免的破坏或毁灭
12.The city perished in an earthquake.这城在一次地震中毁灭
13.save from ruin or destruction.从毁灭或破坏中救出。
14.minimum destruction and removal efficiency最低的毁灭及清除率
15.The avalanche annihilated/wiped out the whole village雪崩毁灭了整个村庄。
16.Fire had devoured our home.火灾毁灭了我的家园。
17.the fated city of Troy.注定要毁灭的特洛伊城
18.the agent of his own ruin他自我毁灭的根源.

1.An Analysis on the crime of defender and law-agent destroying and forging evidence;浅析辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据罪
2.Cherish the wolf:destroy and rescue;《怀念狼》:毁灭与救赎
3.It was easy to be destroyed and hard to come down.然而,金代文献典籍却传世稀少,金末之丧乱是一代文献典籍毁灭的重要原因,但是问题不止于此,还存在其它一些复杂的因素,主要有:一、以家藏文稿方式保存,易于损毁,难以流传;二、传统的封建正统意识抑制了金代艺文流传,使之屡遭磨难;三、元明两代窃取金人著述成风。
1.This paper,taking Niberrigon s Ring for example,deals with heroic quality in Wagna and proposes that this masterpiece displays its tragic elements anything from frenziness and fiercenesss to despair and ruin both in its content and artistic form.文章以他的《尼伯龙根的指环》为例,对其作品中的英雄质素加以分析和论述,认为在思想内容和艺术形式方面都表现出一种狂放、暴戾,直至绝望、毁灭的悲剧色彩。
2.Through ups and downs of Wulong s life, which concludes escape-revenge-ruin-back home,we seem to understand Sutong s consideration on human conflicts both in thoughts and actions, during the transfer from agricultural society to industrial society.从五龙逃亡———复仇———毁灭———还乡的生存心态和生命际遇 ,我们可以看出苏童对于人类在从农业社会向工业社会转化中出现的思想矛盾和行为冲突进行的揣摩和思
3.Aesthetics in a tragedy is emphasized when it is ruined.这不仅使人在道德情感上受到陶冶,更使人在典型人物的苦难和毁灭中认识到真理,它能唤醒人们,鼓舞斗志。
4)To bring to ruin; destroy.摧毁使毁灭;毁掉
5)destrction of flesh肉体毁灭
6)value destroy价值毁灭

毁灭摧毁消灭:~罪恶势力 ㄧ遭到~性打击。