1.Sublime and magnificence: similarities and differences in Chinese and western aesthetic realm;崇高与壮美:中西两种审美范畴的异同
2.The self-realm and the selfless realm put forward by Wang Guowei is the manifestation of Schopenhauerian theory of beauty and magnificence with Chinese characteristics.王国维的“无我之境”、“有我之境”是叔本华的优美、壮美说的“中国特色”的表述,其目的在于区分中国古典诗歌不同类型的美学意境。
3.On the other hand, the magnificence of Li Bai s poems is more positive and reflects a more expansive social content, namely, the distinct national characteristic.李白诗歌的壮美风格与西方艺术的崇高有许多的一致之处:都让人产生强烈的震撼,都具有“力学的崇高”和“数学的崇高”,但李诗的壮美更具积极性和广阔的社会性,即鲜明的民族特色。

1.Sublime and magnificence: similarities and differences in Chinese and western aesthetic realm;崇高与壮美:中西两种审美范畴的异同
2.Wangguo-wei said:" There are two kinds of beauty, one is elegant, the other is glorious.王国维说过:“美之物有两种,一日优美,一日壮美”。
3.On the Aesthetic Style of"Splendour"and"Elegancy"of Chinese Traditional Music中国传统音乐之“壮美”与“优美”审美风格探析
4.Heaven and People All in One,Magnificence and Splendors--Initial Analysis of Li Bai s Scenic Poem;天人合一 雄奇壮美——李白山水诗探析
5.the blazonry of the big city大都市之美 [壮观]
6.ICT Application in China National Aviation Holding Company美哉!壮哉!中航集团
7.Zhuang cultural roots and environmental beauty;壮族文化根系与壮族文化生态美——壮族文化生态美研究之一
8.Absorbent Root System and the Ecological Beauty of the Zhuang Nationality Culture--A Study on the Ecological Beauty of the Zhuang Nationality Culture (No.3)广纳文化根系与壮族的文化生态美——壮族文化生态美研究之三
9.The Zhuang Culture-Ecological Beauty--The fourth serial in the thesis series of the Zhuang Eco-culture Beauty Researches;壮族文化生态的依生之美——壮族文化生态美研究系列论文之四
10.The Beauty of Rivalry in the Zhuang’s Cultural Ecology --Series of Research into Ecological Beauty of the Zhuang s Culture (VI);壮族文化生态的竞生之美——壮族文化生态美研究之六
11.Zhuang Cultural Root of Advocating Wisdom and Cultural Ecological Beauty;崇智文化根系与壮族的文化生态美——壮族文化生态美研究之二
12.stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal.北美洲矮壮粗毛的食肉动物。
13.Truck drivers have a reputation for being macho and tough.卡车司机素有强壮和吃苦耐劳的美名。
14.The excellency of hogs is fatne ,of men virtue.猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。
15.a good-looking lad with a fine physique一个体格健壮的美貌少年
16.The group grew and eventually became the American Red Cross.这个团体最后壮大成为“美国红十字会”。
17.The nervy feats of the mountaineers were lauded.登山者有勇气的壮举受到赞美。
18.powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America.北美洲西部丘陵地区强壮的褐黄色熊。

1.In his poems,the images and mood,which were powerful and magnificent,were both grand and graceful.其诗选择的意象和创造的意境不仅气势充足,境界阔大,而且清新秀丽,境界优美,给人的审美感受是壮美的也是优美的;抒发理想抱负,庄严、圣洁、伟岸,给人的美感是崇高的;抒情叙事“骨气奇高”、“情兼雅怨”,遣词造句“词采华茂”、“体被文质”,不仅具有“骨气奇高”的刚健美和“情兼雅怨”的阴柔美,而且也具有质而有文,文而有质的辞采美,对偶工整、音韵和谐的韵律美。
4)magnificence and loftiness壮美式
1.As the revealing of the aesthetic and survival significance, magnificence and loftiness are one important style of aesthetics from ancient times.上世纪80年代以来,随着历史和社会的发展,当代中国电视剧对崇高美的追求出现了一些新的变化,崇高美的表现主要体现为悲剧性以及壮美式上。
5)Aesthetics of Moving and Tragic悲壮之美
6)the beauty of magnificence壮大之美

壮美1.健美;雄壮美好。 2.美学名词。英语sublime的旧译。常与优美相对。凡事物能使人有崇高﹑严肃﹑雄壮之感者谓"壮美"。