1.The Expression and Relief for Sadness in Chinese Classical Literature;中国古典文学的“悲情”抒发与化解
2.Because of the special historical condition of all people opposing Japanese invaders and unique regional character,the creation of the Northeast writer group has formed the literary style of beauty of sadness,wildness and nature in the tragic,rough and broad life environment,which shows the unique aesthetic style of the Northeast writer group.东北作家群的文学创作,由于全民抗日的特殊历史条件和独有的地域风情,在悲壮、粗犷、广阔的生活土壤上,形成了文学风格的悲情之美、野性之美和自然之美,显示了东北作家群的特有审美格调。

1.Tragic World,Sad Life--the Root of Tess s Tragedy;悲惨的世界 悲情的一生——苔丝的悲剧根源体现
2.A sentimental love story can be very touching.一个悲情的爱情故事是非常感人的。
3.a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness.沉闷的、悲观的悲伤情绪。
4.a melancholy mood, person悲伤的心情、 人.
5.a stricken expression [look]悲叹的表情 [面容]
6.wordless grief, sympathy无言的悲痛、 同情.
7.a woeful cry, look, sight悲惨的哭声、 神情、 情景.
8.A pessimist, especially regarding business conditions.悲观者一个悲观者,尤指对商业情势
9.To express emotion, such as grief or sadness, by shedding tears.流泪流泪来表达感情,如悲痛或悲伤
10.then it is actually quite a sad finding:那将是一件可悲的事情:
11.We must respect his sorrow.我们应同情他的悲伤。
12.the pervasive mood of pessimism普遍存在的悲观情绪.
13.have a heart; have some compassion表示点同情或慈悲之心
14.His sorrow was quite real.他的悲痛出自真情。
15.a woebegone child, expression, face悲哀的孩子、 表情、 面孔.
16.Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.爱、恨和悲都是情感。
17."Internal causes (joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and surprise)"内伤七情(喜怒忧悲恐惊)
18.His spirits alternated between joy and grief他的情绪时喜时悲。

1.From pathos to reunion ——On the concept of chinese ancient tragedy;始于悲情 终于团圆——浅析中国古代戏剧的悲剧观
2.Pathos Personality Cultural Origin of NaLan Xingde纳兰性德悲情人格的文化成因
3.There are mostly four kinds of women figures: pathos females; women who betray; the common rural women who have defects as well as merits ; women who attach to men by money.李佩甫笔下的女性是伴随男性而存在的群体形象,大致可以分为四类:第一类是悲情形象;第二类女子具有叛逆因子;第三类为普通农村女子,能干却颇有瑕疵;第四类是经济上依附于男性生存的女子。
3)sad feeling悲情
1., Their writings are records oftheir own melancholy during the special historical period at the turn of the Song andYuan Dynasties, presented the artistic characteristics distinctly for their melancholicstyle and features, though .江西南宋遗民词人群是一个颇具地域特色的词人群体,江西南宋遗民词是其在宋元易代之际亡国悲情的真实记录,呈现出沉郁的悲情审美特质。
1.Accordingly it leads to the contrete connotation of his sentiment after his going through great changes.晚清词人王鹏运在悲剧性时代和悲剧性人生中有着独特的悲情体验。
2.Hatred,the most obvious Korean characteristics,could be showed into three aspects as sentiment,isolation and rebellion.这种情绪分别表现在悲情、疏离、反叛三个方面。
6)sad melody and sorrow悲音悲情
